Friday, May 12, 2006

stay with me...

la la la la ... a country song that is in my head

So i'm sitting here just chillin out on a typical Friday night. What goes on in the Whisfam household on a typical Friday night.... Nothing...except ...

well my husband is going to a store to get the black tank treatment stuff.. so that is kind of exciting.

my son is watching a brand new episode of spongebob squarepants... my kids' fave (i'm partial to it myself)

ya my husband and kids went swimming in the pool this evening as well...

tomorrow is girls day out and we're heading to portland for dinner...
my in-laws are moving this weekend as well out of their big ole house and GUESS WHAT... they are moving into a.... 5TH WHEEL... must be a new fad that's catchin on...

Oh yes and mother's day is this weekend....a day where us mothers are spoiled for being mom's...and if we're not you better get some sheets and make your bed on the couch!! Or better yet...the DOG HOUSE!!!!!!
I'm totally kidding. I'm more into my mom on mother's day than myself.

So tonight we're just hanging out at home. This place is happenin on the weekends...every spot is filled and i tell you what there are some high rollers on the weekend with these plush motor homes towing hummers and spit shined vehicles. we have a cute little trailer next to's small but very cute. looks newer and it's being towed by a very nice cadalac (not into spelling tonight)oh what are those cadillac's that are like suburbans? well anyways it has super shiny wills (as I was spell checking I found that I actually spelled wheels w-i-l-l-s and didn't even catch now I know I'm losing it) and looks very waxed... whatever

so ppl no word on when we are moving. one thing i know is that I have tood tonight and I have to keep deleting stuff because i'm get bratty and then think twice about it...

speaking of tood... **big deleted section**

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