Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dang it.

Well last night I wrote a really cool post and then my laptop completely freaked out. I had to take the battery out to even shut it off. It was really annoying. Soo I can't reproduce it. It wouldn't be the same. It was just about the valley I have been in and what God is teaching me through it. Even though I didn't get to post it I learned from something from it. It was like it was all coming to me as I wrote it.

So in other news. Today was another beautiful day. Soo good. We drove all over the place like usual. Dropped off my son at school and went to my SIL's house. The girls played and we chatted. One of her little doggies is so pregnant and it was really cute to see. She should be delivering any day now.

Since we've been "camping" my kids always want to have fires...soo since daddy is busy tomorrow night I thought that we'd have a bonfire but not here. Over at grandpa's house. After school tomorrow we're going to go over there and build a fire pit. We're going to cook some dogs and have smores. I think it'll be quite fun.

**side note** just saw moolatte commercial ( i think that's what they're called ) for Dairy Queen...oh it looked so good...

So my husband is going to a fight tomorrow night. Not boxing but that Ultimate fighting type stuff. It's small scale but one of his buddies is fighting in it. Go Cory!

Can anyone say boring? I'm talking about my blog lately...geez louise... I thought living in a 5th Wheel with 2 kids and a bulldog would lead to some entertaining blogs but so far NADA...Life is normal as usual. I have enjoyed it quite a bit actually. I was thinking last night how nice it was not thinking about "oh what color will I paint this room?" and "how will I decorate this room?" and all that kind of stuff. There is no decorating going on in this place. It's been nice not having a lawn to mow, weeds to pull, or all the things owning a house bring. I'd rather have my own home if I had to choose but it's a nice break.

well i'm done torturing everyone with a *yawn* boring blog. Maybe in the coming days I'll get really contemplative, introspective, spiritual and spurt out some interesting reads.

stay tuned

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