Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back from the Beach!

So we're back. In addition I've got my pic groove back on so I'll post a couple cute pics of the kids.

We had a good time. Me and my SIL were probably a site to see watching after our rambunctious (sp?) kiddos but really I wasn't stressed out. There was one time acutally but really our little kiddo's had a good time and were just being kids. We took them to the outlet malls so what can we expect when you take 4 kids shopping. All in all they did fine. They had a blast on the beach and were soo cute to watch playing in the waves.

Yesterday the weather turned out really nice on the beautiful Oregon coast and we had a good time playing in the waves. My kids rode home in their underwear ha ha. These pics were not on the blue sky day. These were the day we arrived. My memory card was full so I couldn't take any on that day except on my phone.

Today I'm working on Mt. Clothesmore and Mt. Dishmore...sort of slacking right now since I'm doing some stuff on the Computer.

Monday, August 28, 2006

and another quick lil post

We are heading to the beautiful Oregon coast today. Heading off with my SIL and her fam for some RnR (with kids not sure if that's quite possible but we'll do our best)

It was an unexpected treat that I just found out about last night. They had in planned probably for a bit but graciously asked if I wanted to join them last night so I'm thankful for that.

Also yesterday we had an unexpected treat as well. Through some of Jake's fighting friends we got to go to the local aquatic center for free. They had rented the whole thing for about 3 hours and they invited us. That was a blessing because earlier that day we drove past and I was really wanting to go sometime soon.

We also had a great time at church yesterday and a some good family time.

Well duty calls I must go.

Have a good week!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just a quick lil post...

I'm here at my mommy's spending a day with her because she leaves tomorrow. My sis(s) and I are planning a trip to see her in Sept. Well we need to go before the snowy season and with school starting and all so it'll be early. I'd like to go in the snowy season but we'll see...they will be living in the mountains.

And so not much new on the home front except last night I went to a Pampered Chef par-tay and met the lady who heads up the homeschool "network" type thingy through our that was cool. I gave her my info. and they do things like field trips etc etc, support, fun, fellowship all the above. I'm excited to be apart of that and glean some insights from those more experienced in this area. And also make some friends in my church since we're relatively new there.

Yah so I got myself a cutting board and a mix and scraper last night and one other thing that I don't know the name of and OF COURSE I'm going to host a par-tay now of my own.

Sweet Lil Me!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Except for Monday's...

Which were never good anyways...

Seems like I've used that post title before? Hmm, maybe. this weekend was a nice little weekend. Friday My husband, I, and my kiddo's went to Papa's pizza and had a nice little family night out.

Saturday the husband worked (for my dad) and I went to my mom's house and hung out all day long. Then I proceded to stay the night there with my kids and we made brownies and hung out more.

Sunday my sis-in-law sweetly watched my kids so my mom, I, and my sisters could hang out and go shopping together one last time before she heads to Californ-i-a. Long story short my kids stayed the night at her house and I stayed the night at my moms again and enjoyed a nice quiet break where I ordered curriculum (went with Sonlight for now but def. plan to use Tapestry in the future) ate more brownies (this time with vanilla ice cream and chocolate and carmel sauce) and stayed up late and watch Seinfeld and ER reruns. Then I slept in (rolled out of bed at 9.30) and sipped coffee, didn't shower, and packed up and left to go get my kids.

I got home today and felt like I had taken a deep breath this weekend. Not sure what it was exactly but somehow my batteries got a wee bit charged. Felt nice.

Tomorrow I'm really hoping to organize a few areas of my house,get ready to organize my homeschool stuff. oh and do and fold laundry.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


That is the bill from the Legacy for a my husbands nose surgery, CT scan, anesthesia, overnite stay, etc. etc. ect...

But this is before ins. I wonder what ins. will cover. We'll get to test out our new med. ins. we have through my husband's new job.

And last night I forked over another $100 buckeroo's to the Vet. Emergency this time. Although it turned out not to be an emergency. Blackjack's incision looked like it was hugely gashed open. Then my husband wrapped it and it swelled up like a baseball...It was so stinkin huge!! So at midnight I took him in. Got home about 2am.

I told my husband unless his leg is falling off, gushing large amounts of blood, or he is noticable in pain... he's stayin home.

So his gash was OK. It was open but not exposed because a type of tisue was growing blah blah blah. The swelling was caused form my husband wrapped a tourniquet around his leg. (he felt really bad)...he didn't mean to wrap it so tight.

And so now we all sit here at my mom's. Hubby is working for my dad down in Cottage Grove and tomorrow we're going shopping (me, mom and sisters) since my mom is leaving this week for California. More on that later.

Pray for Sweet Little Rebekah and her family right now. Click on this link and read what's going on. Also please read up on Josh and what they are facing. Both families could use your prayers right now!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What next?

So...The pathology people may have messed up and Blackjack could not even have a mast cell tumor but a different kind I believe it's call histocytoma (sp?) which is most likely benign and goes away on its own...

So they may be reimbursing us some money. The Vet said they have mentioned that but I told my husband and he said they will. Ha ha. We'll see how it all plays out. Crazy stuff. I looked up this new type of tumor and it describes nearly exactly what Blacky had.

When I was at the vet I wasn't quite comprehending things because I was distracted by my HUGE coldsore wondering what people thought of it. When I got home it all clicked.

Can you imagine?? What if this was a human and they tell you that you have cancer and you undergo emergency surgery (not to mention the emotionals stress involved) only to be told... oops... we had a mix up in the lab and you don't have cancer you have a benign tumor that normally goes away on it's own. Geez louise people.

Well I'll give them a break though for now because in all fairness the actual verdict has not been delivered.

In other news...I'm getting excited about homeschool. I am considering 2 curriculums right now--Sonlight or
Tapestry of Grace. I'll hopefully be ordering one of them within the next week and setting up and getting organized for the upcoming school year which I think we're going to start in the middle of Sept. We're thinking (God willing and weather permitting) about going camping the weekend after Labor Day and then starting that next week.

I could use prayer for this new homeschool adventure...that would be appreciated.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New Links

I added a few new links. I'll let you check them out yourself.

Three kids, Benny (he passed away in June) Victoria (a cute little cowgirl) & mav (a brave little fighter), a homeschool site (Spunky), and 2 guys with differing views on the end times ( Joel and Steve Gregg of the Narrow Path) but both sites are quite interesting to read and full of good thought provoking stuff.

No word on BlackJack but I'm going to call today.

**update** I did call on BlackJack and still no word on his tumor findings. I also wanted to clarify that I put up the links of the children with cancer because they have touched my life, to raise awareness about childhood cancer, for their support in hopes that some of you would pray, give or send encouragement their way. And I'm sure as you read their stories your life won't be the same afterwards. Also Spunky's blog is a very good thought provoking read even if you aren't a homeschooler.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Finally we rest.

After driving all over the country side today and making a gazillion stops we are home. We got home about and hour or two ago.

My sweet husband is snoring away on the chair next to me with a nose cast. And a blood rag on his chest. They did do surgery but didn't need to put plates in or anything. Just rearranged the cartilage to normal positions and set it.

My "problem child" (my dog) is also snoring away a few feet away from me. Will find out his fate tomorrow.

My babies are snoring away in their rooms precious as ever after having a fun filled day at Grandmas house.

And me... well I'm sitting in my rocking chair blogging my little heart out, checking out other blogs and my friends' myspace pages.

Until next time may God bless you!!

What a night!

Well we travelled up to St. Helens tonight to watch my man fight. Can you say stinking nervous?? Oh I didn't like being that nervous. I don't know if I can do it again...

So we went and my man did good ( I couldn't tell ya a play-by-play all I know is who wins and who loses ) but in the second round he got his nose caved in ...

and so he lost :(

Oh you should've seen it. Picture someone taking a big scoop out of the bridge of your nose. It was all concaved in...oh it was the nastiest thing I've ever seen in person. Ugh.

But can I just say that I am very proud of him. He did really well against a guy probably 20 pounds heavier then him. He's brave and courageous and giving it his all and I love and respect him for that.

So right now my husband is at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland and tomorrow he is having surgery. By the way his nose isn't broken it more like a majory deviated septum. And also it probably would not have caved in but his septum was already messed up from an injury back in 1991 or so... so it was very week and one pop and it was through.

So the bright side is that when it's all fixed it'll be better than what it was.

In other news my dog is intently staring at the vaccum because it moved on it's own and now he's freaked out by it... kind of funny.

Yah so I left the fight in St. Helens drove clear across Portland to Boring, picked up my kids, and then clear down to where we live which is about an hour and a half away.

Then I was greated to diarrhea and a raunchy smell. At 12.30 I was finally done cleaning it up and bathing my sweet dog.

Tomorrow I take my kids and do to my mom's which is an hour away and then drive another hour or so to Portland and then back to my mom's and then hopefully back home.

But overall all is well here but I'm glad to be home right now and go crawl in bed with my babies.

Adios Peeps,

Saturday, August 12, 2006


No news on Blackjack. I think we'll know Monday. He seems to be doing fine. His incision site is still OK. He walks on like nothing ever happened which is not a good thing all the time because I'm afraid he's doing to do some damage.

There is however a "tag" of skin by his mouth that he's had since I got him that I never knew what is was. It is small and I just thought again that it was a wart or a skin tag. Didn't even cross my mind recently that it could be related to this tumor. Until the other day there was blood in his food dish. It has bled before but only when he's scooted his face all over the carpet after I clean his wrinkles and put ointment in them. So I figured this bleeding was from rug burn. But this time there was no apparent cause to the bleeding. This growth has not grown since I've had him but I'm going to mention it to the vet and see what he says.

In other news, my husband is fighting tonight in St. Helens at the fair grounds. This will be his second fight. I'm nervous and so is he actually. He's left already to weigh in at noon in Gresham at Team Quest. I was originally going to go with him and our family would take the kids. But this morning we remembered we have a dog and what are we going to do with him? And so I am going to go up later and then I can leave him here so it won't be as long.

Last night we went to my in-laws and had pizza and blizzards and watched J's first fight since they didn't make it because they were out of town. It was a good time. Hanging out with family and letting the kids play is always fun. That's what life is about.... relationships and family and friends...fellowship...and Jesus!! Hee hee. I do love Jesus...

Have a fab weekend. Enjoy the moment because noone is promised tomorrow.
~K Wo

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

He's Home

Blacky is doing fine. He's sleeping a lot but he's his normal self. He greeted this morning with his usual excitement but I made sure he stayed still as to not agrivate is incision site.

We won't know til probably next week any info about the tumor. Until then we'll wait patiently. I don't have a bad feeling about it.

J. fights this weekend. Pray for him to keep safe in the cage. We don't need any serious injuries here.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Say a Prayer for BlackJack

He goes in Tues. morning about 8.30 ish. Pray for a safe surgery, no complications. For the tumor to be completely removed and for a good and speedy recovery.

nuthin else new here

adios peeps!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


So the latest news in our household isn't good.

We found out that our dog, our little buddy, has a mast cell tumor which is cancer. I took him in last week for a bump that I've noticed for about a month now on the back of his leg. My first thoughts were not cancer. It didn't even cross my mind.

So I waited but it was getting bigger and would bleed really bad. So I got him in and they snipped some off and got it tested.

Tuesday we have him scheduled to get it removed and then from there we'll know more what we're dealing with. From what I've read it could go either way. So we're just waiting.

Today though it bled more than it ever has. I'm thinking maybe just cause they took a biopsy of it. Because before that it bled once awhile back (probably over a month ago) and then once a week or two ago. But today it wouldn't stop. We finally wrapped it because he couldn't walk around without getting blood everywhere.

It's really sad and I feel so bad for him. It doesn't seem to bother him, no pain or irritation, he doesn't even try and lick at it. But I just feel bad knowing that he has this nasty, cancerous, growth on him.

Best case scenario--they remove it all, it hasn't spread and we're in the clear. That's what we're waiting for and hoping for.

I'll update when I know.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

so yah

and today is thursday august 3rd 2006 my nephew's 3rd birthday -- happy birthday little dood. And so i just want to say hi to TAMA... you know who you are. my faithful reader. She's is mad at me at this moment for calling her that name. she no like it. i think it is funny. makes me laugh just saying it. yo tama.

anyway oh yes there is this other chick in my life and we'll call her.... what should we call her. We could call her "struts"... because of the way she struts when she she is ALL THAT and then some....but she is!!

So Tama and Struts I love you two, you two are just stinkin precious. What would life be like if you two weren't in my life to make it mis...uh...meaningful...yes meaningful and worthwhile, wonderful. Well if it weren't for you two I wouldn't know the meaning of "brownies" or "sisterly love"...

So dearest Tama and Struts I dedicate today's post to the two of you. As I write this I think of...being held down and tickled, being called "cry baby" and "brat" and "I love you but I don't like you" and all the wonderful memories I have of my two ELDEST sisters.

At least I have that.... that no matter what I will always be younger!!

But really folks I do love my sisters. I tease them but it's all in fun. Believe me I get my fair share of teasin...and they partner up against me. So that's ok what doesn't kill us just makes us stronger right?? Or so they say.

maybe their will be a part two to this i can reveal all their secrets.. stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Winner by Tap Out!!

My man won in the second round by choking his guy out. It was pretty nerve racking to watch but it was fun.

We had some real characters sitting next to us that kept us laughing and made my husband autograph their papers writing, "to my biggest fan!" It was quite comical.

So yes he won! We were pretty excited about it.

In other news, ... hmm what other news is there?? Oh well we had our sons birthday party which was a hoot. It was good to hang out and let the kids play and have fun.

And so that is all folks. Exciting, our life is -- as Yoda might put it.

~K Lo