Saturday, August 19, 2006


That is the bill from the Legacy for a my husbands nose surgery, CT scan, anesthesia, overnite stay, etc. etc. ect...

But this is before ins. I wonder what ins. will cover. We'll get to test out our new med. ins. we have through my husband's new job.

And last night I forked over another $100 buckeroo's to the Vet. Emergency this time. Although it turned out not to be an emergency. Blackjack's incision looked like it was hugely gashed open. Then my husband wrapped it and it swelled up like a baseball...It was so stinkin huge!! So at midnight I took him in. Got home about 2am.

I told my husband unless his leg is falling off, gushing large amounts of blood, or he is noticable in pain... he's stayin home.

So his gash was OK. It was open but not exposed because a type of tisue was growing blah blah blah. The swelling was caused form my husband wrapped a tourniquet around his leg. (he felt really bad)...he didn't mean to wrap it so tight.

And so now we all sit here at my mom's. Hubby is working for my dad down in Cottage Grove and tomorrow we're going shopping (me, mom and sisters) since my mom is leaving this week for California. More on that later.

Pray for Sweet Little Rebekah and her family right now. Click on this link and read what's going on. Also please read up on Josh and what they are facing. Both families could use your prayers right now!!


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