Monday, August 21, 2006

Except for Monday's...

Which were never good anyways...

Seems like I've used that post title before? Hmm, maybe. this weekend was a nice little weekend. Friday My husband, I, and my kiddo's went to Papa's pizza and had a nice little family night out.

Saturday the husband worked (for my dad) and I went to my mom's house and hung out all day long. Then I proceded to stay the night there with my kids and we made brownies and hung out more.

Sunday my sis-in-law sweetly watched my kids so my mom, I, and my sisters could hang out and go shopping together one last time before she heads to Californ-i-a. Long story short my kids stayed the night at her house and I stayed the night at my moms again and enjoyed a nice quiet break where I ordered curriculum (went with Sonlight for now but def. plan to use Tapestry in the future) ate more brownies (this time with vanilla ice cream and chocolate and carmel sauce) and stayed up late and watch Seinfeld and ER reruns. Then I slept in (rolled out of bed at 9.30) and sipped coffee, didn't shower, and packed up and left to go get my kids.

I got home today and felt like I had taken a deep breath this weekend. Not sure what it was exactly but somehow my batteries got a wee bit charged. Felt nice.

Tomorrow I'm really hoping to organize a few areas of my house,get ready to organize my homeschool stuff. oh and do and fold laundry.

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