Sunday, August 13, 2006

What a night!

Well we travelled up to St. Helens tonight to watch my man fight. Can you say stinking nervous?? Oh I didn't like being that nervous. I don't know if I can do it again...

So we went and my man did good ( I couldn't tell ya a play-by-play all I know is who wins and who loses ) but in the second round he got his nose caved in ...

and so he lost :(

Oh you should've seen it. Picture someone taking a big scoop out of the bridge of your nose. It was all concaved in...oh it was the nastiest thing I've ever seen in person. Ugh.

But can I just say that I am very proud of him. He did really well against a guy probably 20 pounds heavier then him. He's brave and courageous and giving it his all and I love and respect him for that.

So right now my husband is at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland and tomorrow he is having surgery. By the way his nose isn't broken it more like a majory deviated septum. And also it probably would not have caved in but his septum was already messed up from an injury back in 1991 or so... so it was very week and one pop and it was through.

So the bright side is that when it's all fixed it'll be better than what it was.

In other news my dog is intently staring at the vaccum because it moved on it's own and now he's freaked out by it... kind of funny.

Yah so I left the fight in St. Helens drove clear across Portland to Boring, picked up my kids, and then clear down to where we live which is about an hour and a half away.

Then I was greated to diarrhea and a raunchy smell. At 12.30 I was finally done cleaning it up and bathing my sweet dog.

Tomorrow I take my kids and do to my mom's which is an hour away and then drive another hour or so to Portland and then back to my mom's and then hopefully back home.

But overall all is well here but I'm glad to be home right now and go crawl in bed with my babies.

Adios Peeps,

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