Monday, November 14, 2005

About Moi!

I am totally plaigarizing this idea from another blog of a fellow Oregonian. But I thought it was cool. So here I go?

10 years ago I...
was 19 years old
was in my second year of College
a brand new believer
lived in Corvallis Oregon
loved my boyfriend who is now my husband of 8.5 years

5 years ago I...
was 24 years old
was a brand new mom to my first child
lived in hicksville usa, aka Stayton, oregon
Was a stay-at-home-mom

1 year ago I...
was 28 years old.
was a mom of a 4 & 2 year old
still a stay at home mom
selling our first home :(
wanted to be a writer

Yesterday I...
went to a new church for the second time
had family over for dinner
relived my time in Israel
Ate some fattening ice cream
vowed to go a diet

5 snacks I enjoy:
kid clif bars
graham crackers w/milk
fruity pebbles

5 songs I know all the words to:
River by Garth Brooks
The National Anthem
As The Deer
We Cry Holy
Happy Birthday To You

5 things I would do with 100 million dollars:
By a house in the Country with a bit of acerage
Pay for Calvary Corvallis' new church
Buy a Bulldog
Go on a Vacation!!
Send my cousin to Italy and all the places she dreams to go

5 places I would run away to:
The little kibbutz I stayed at on the Sea of Galilee
Many places in Israel
Corvallis Or (what?)
A place with a view, privacy, a hammock, quiet, books, journals, and some soft worship music to play when I want to.

5 things I would never wear:
a bikini (yikes)
black socks with shorts
midriff bearing shirts
white after Labor Day
5 favorite TV shows:
The Biggest Loser
The Apprentice
The Amazing Race

5 Worst habits:
biting my nails
biting the inside of my mouth (ouch)
trying to be funny and witty
talking to myself

5 biggest joys:
Jesus/Time with Him/His presence etc. etc. etc
My Husband
My Children
Peaceful Spirit

Favorite toys:
Computer and CD player

5 fictional characters I would date:
None Except maybe Johnny Bravo because he's so manly and if we got married we could live with his "mama".


btrute said...

Hi..just came across your blog..and I love this list too...I think I"m gonna steal it from you..haha!

Kelli said...

No problemo! :)