Tuesday, November 29, 2005


It's getting colder. We got snow yesterday...although it was just a tiny bit that lasted for about 10 minutes....still WE GOT SNOW!!! It's something, more than nothing, it was white and I saw it!!!

Right now it's just rainy and windy and cold. I had to be in and out of it today and although it was a bit amusing it was cold, cold, cold. As an Oregonian though (a true Oregonian) I do love the rain. I enjoy the storms and sitting on the couch with something hot to drink and listening to the wind and rain pound the house.

I do like our seasons. After the long and wet rainy season, the cold gray winter, I can't wait for blue sky. The wait makes it all that more exciting. My mood lifts and I'm ready to be outdoors. Spring is beautiful here in Oregon. When I attended OSU spring was such a highly anticipated time.

AFter months of gray, trekking to class in the rain day after day, enduring countless days of soggy socks (one year I did have the shoes people wear for the rain...but only one year)...the blue sky peeks through the clouds and it's like a switch goes on and everyone's out either playing frisbee, studying on the grass in the MU, or rollerblading or whatever it didn't matter...you just had to be outside doing something.

But the fall was so beautiful there too. There are so many diciduous (sp?) trees there and shades of orange, red, yellow paint the whole town. It wasn't until college that I appreciated the seasons and realized what they have to offer and realized the gift of living in Oregon.

Of course not all Oregonians would agree...I have a cousin who hates the rain. Why she is still living in the Willamette Valley I don't know. Over east it's not as bad but I bet someday she'll be living that way or in Alaska...she loves the snow. She was the first to call me the other day when our first snow visited us.

So anyway as I type the bottom of my jeans are wet from being out and about in the weather today, my feet are cold, and I have a beanie stocking cap on my head because our house is always so cold. And I'm loving every minute of it.

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