Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sweeping Away The Clutter

Oh my! Tonight I got some things done and I feel sooo much better. I seem to thrive when I have a deadline and it seems attainable to complete my task but knowing that I may cut it close is a good thing. .... Also known as procrastination for me personally.

So tonight I came home to a house that seriously looked like a tornado touched down. Praise God that my husband had no school tonight. He got the kids in gear to clean up their toys, I went to town on the dishes and laundry. The house was picked up in less then 30 minutes.

I promptly set to work at making homemade cranberry sauce for my son's thanksgiving party tomorrow. Thank you Lord. It was fun and now I know how to make it. I greatly prefer it over the canned stuff. Didn't even like the canned stuff to begin with.

That was over and done with in a jiffy and I went to town preparing my meeting for work tomorrow. That was over in minutes and whoosh I sped to the couch to watch my fave show The Biggest Loser.

It was fun...Then I watched another fave show The Amazing Race. Then I paid all my bills and balanced my checkbook and cleaned off my desk and got things organized for tomorrow's day.

I can see clearly now the rain is gone. I can something all the obstacles in my way... la la la

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