Tuesday, November 29, 2005

oh and one last thing...

Is anyone sad that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey are splitting? I'm serious. I'm not a huge follower of the two, but I don't care usually who it is, it saddens me when married couples divorce.

I guess I bring this up because the papers are all over it and it was almost as if they just couldn't wait so they could write about it and splash it all over the papers and shove it down our throat. I know it's so typical in the "Hollywood, Fame, Stardome" world but still I find it sad..truly sad...not pathetic sad...but heart hurting sad.

I happen to love the whole concept, idea, union of marriage. I take it very seriously. I never joke about the D word nor about splitting up. I admit I can be a bratty wife sometimes but... BUT... I love my husband and am committed for life! And committed to making myself a better wife for him each day.

I'm not trying to be high and mighty but I say all that because that is why I get so sad even when celebreties split because marriage is such a beautiful thing to me and I'm very sad that they lost that beautiful thing--if some ever had it?

I just wanna yell "FIGHT!!!" fight for your marriage. Everything in this world is against it. You have to be the one to fight for it. The road is NOT always easy, feelings are NOT enough...you have to choose to love your spouse even if you don't feel like it, you have to commit to it.... you have to remind yourself of all the reasons you married this person sometimes when it gets hard. Touch and caress when your angry (it will melt your hard heart for sure). The rough times will come and go and when you stand on the other side of a trying time victorious...your love for you spouse will be more than you've ever known. I know that because I experienced it.

In my marriage I've found that as each year goes by I see my husband anew. I love him more and I come to know how wonderful he is even more. He is an OUTSTANDING man!!! And yes we've had rough times. I have not been the easiesy woman to live with. But we're both committed we took our vows seriously and we truck on hand in hand. We're in it together.

I pray that for every marriage.

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