Saturday, August 05, 2006


So the latest news in our household isn't good.

We found out that our dog, our little buddy, has a mast cell tumor which is cancer. I took him in last week for a bump that I've noticed for about a month now on the back of his leg. My first thoughts were not cancer. It didn't even cross my mind.

So I waited but it was getting bigger and would bleed really bad. So I got him in and they snipped some off and got it tested.

Tuesday we have him scheduled to get it removed and then from there we'll know more what we're dealing with. From what I've read it could go either way. So we're just waiting.

Today though it bled more than it ever has. I'm thinking maybe just cause they took a biopsy of it. Because before that it bled once awhile back (probably over a month ago) and then once a week or two ago. But today it wouldn't stop. We finally wrapped it because he couldn't walk around without getting blood everywhere.

It's really sad and I feel so bad for him. It doesn't seem to bother him, no pain or irritation, he doesn't even try and lick at it. But I just feel bad knowing that he has this nasty, cancerous, growth on him.

Best case scenario--they remove it all, it hasn't spread and we're in the clear. That's what we're waiting for and hoping for.

I'll update when I know.


1 comment:

Faith said...

I'm sorry to hear about this and I'll keep you, your family and your pets health in my prayers.