Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What next?

So...The pathology people may have messed up and Blackjack could not even have a mast cell tumor but a different kind I believe it's call histocytoma (sp?) which is most likely benign and goes away on its own...

So they may be reimbursing us some money. The Vet said they have mentioned that but I told my husband and he said they will. Ha ha. We'll see how it all plays out. Crazy stuff. I looked up this new type of tumor and it describes nearly exactly what Blacky had.

When I was at the vet I wasn't quite comprehending things because I was distracted by my HUGE coldsore wondering what people thought of it. When I got home it all clicked.

Can you imagine?? What if this was a human and they tell you that you have cancer and you undergo emergency surgery (not to mention the emotionals stress involved) only to be told... oops... we had a mix up in the lab and you don't have cancer you have a benign tumor that normally goes away on it's own. Geez louise people.

Well I'll give them a break though for now because in all fairness the actual verdict has not been delivered.

In other news...I'm getting excited about homeschool. I am considering 2 curriculums right now--Sonlight or
Tapestry of Grace. I'll hopefully be ordering one of them within the next week and setting up and getting organized for the upcoming school year which I think we're going to start in the middle of Sept. We're thinking (God willing and weather permitting) about going camping the weekend after Labor Day and then starting that next week.

I could use prayer for this new homeschool adventure...that would be appreciated.

1 comment:

Henry Cate said...

"I could use prayer for this new homeschool adventure...that would be appreciated."

When we were starting out it was helpful to recognize that we didn't have to compete with public schools. Our end goals weren't just trying to teach our children how to read and write. We wanted to help shape the character of our daughters.

As you get started remember to take frequent deep breaths and don't worry about the academics so much.

Good luck.