Sunday, February 26, 2006

Where Was I?

Who knows? All I know it's the end of the weekend!! Waaahhhh!

Anyways went on a girls day on Saturday. Fun. We did our usual eat, coffee house, bookstore, window shop and gab, gab, gab. It always is fun and just a good break from things. We always talk about God and food, healthy and unhealthy. We go to the book store and sit in the--for some reason I cannot spell the work isle? aile? you know the rows of books??--any way we sit on the floor and every few minutes one of us will pipe up with something interesting we just read. We are always in the religious section. Except this time we were in a Christian Book Store so that was cool...with an attached coffee place.

So then today we just hung out at home. My husband took the kids and they all three got hair cuts. My little girl got hers chopped to her just above her shoulders. She looks super cute. And the two men in my life are extremely handsome. Gosh when's my turn? Unfortunately to get mine done will cost double what all 3 of theirs cost. Oh well.

So I'm so super tired. I'm going to go hit the hay and zone out until I hit the grind tomorrow. But also though I have had some great moments spiritually (lastnight) and intellectually (tonight). So that is good. Not in the mood to spill the details because I'm so tired but I'm sure it would be a big bore anyways.

Living for Him,

PS My hubby's birthday is coming up!! Yeah!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Well Done Good and Faithful Servant.

I have been thinking about that phrase a lot lately. Will Jesus say that when I get to Heaven? Some would say, "well yes you're a Christian," and that is true but have I been good and faithful? We're saved by grace and James says faith without works is dead. So what does that mean? If you're not doing good works you're really not a Christian?? Well I know of some that would say yes and some that would say no.

So if you're a Christian but you have no works but you sincerely believe Jesus is the Son of God and have recieved him. So when you get to heaven what will Jesus say? Do you ever wonder that? I have wondered about that lately. What role do works play if the main message preached today is we're saved by grace through faith.

I'm familiar with Romans and James...but what about the parable of the talents in Matthew? There is a Master with 3 of his servants and 2 are good and faithful with the talents he's given them but the other is not and he is cast into the darkness and if I remember right he's called a wicked lazy slave.

For many years I thought well the dude went to hell...he wasn't really a Christian. But in the parable the servant does represent a Christian, I have come to believe, because the parable is of a Master and HIS servants.

So he was a Christian and he wasnn't good and faithful. And he was cast out. Well we know getting into heaven does not depend on our's by grace through faith alone and not by works. So what is Jesus talking about here? Where was he cast and how long? Will unfaithful Christians be cast out somewhere for a time being? Works, or should it simply be known as being good and faithful, definately has a role in our Christian life.

Well I have one idea about all this that I've heard recently the first time in my ten years as a Christian but I just thought I'd toss it out there for any readers to chew on and see what they think. I think it's worth pondering. What if it's not all a bed of roses for some of us after we die? What if we go through a time of "being cast out" for our unfaithfulness?

Maybe some of you have contemplated this all before but for me it's only been recently that it has came to my attention.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Please be patient as I learn how to change my blog by messing with the HTML. Things will change as I go and hopefully someday it'll be just right. In the meantime it's an interesting process.

Maybe you should pray that I don't really mess things up. :o)

Can't stand the Waiting...

So they accepted our counter offer and today was an inspection. We won't know til today or tomorrow how that all went.... UGH!!

I tell you what though if all goes well.... We're gonna party like it's 1999!

Speaking of 1999... New Year's Eve I remember that night. Singing Karaoke "We are Family, I got all my sista's with me" It was fun at my in-laws rocking away. We were all waiting for Y2K to hit us and the lights to go out and the whole world to be chaos.

Random Thought (my head is full of them, my thinking is very sporadic and I can jump from one topic to another just like that.) So yes I think I'm going to go ahead and quit that writing program I'm in... I don't know but It is driving me NUTS. I know I said I'm not a quitter but ... it is driving me loco en la cabeza!!! It's like this annoying monkey on my back...ok I'll quit with that.

So then me and the kids went to starbucks today and got this stinkin YUMMY treat. I think it was call a toffee crunch bar ... it had toffee, carmel, chocolate was heavenly. I couldn't believe my taste buds. It was good. So the kids begged me to buy another because we all shared one so I did...and one for my hubby too.

And so then yah what is the big news of the day.....just the inspection that is keepin our stomach in knots....

well i gotta jet.. i have so much nuthin to do!!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

So we got the formal offer today and it was very good. We sent it back with a small request. So we'll here back tomorrow or so if they say that is OK. So if all goes well we'll be out of here by April 4th.

I don't want to get my hopes up yet just in case it all falls through but at the same time I want to give praise where it is due.

Thank you God for this offer. Thank you, thank you.

If you feel led please pray that everything works out. We want God's will and we're believing Him to work this out for us in the best possible way. We'll keep you posted.

So that's all for tonight. Not too into blogging tonight.

God please bless whoever reads this today. May your light shine in every part of their innermost being, healing hurts, breaking chains, releasing joy, and restoring hope, faith, and peace, filling them with strength and revealing yourself anew to them.


Sunday, February 19, 2006

Eventful Day

**warning some graphic a.k.a gross content. proceed at your own risk**

So I think I posted yesterday that we had three showings. One was at 12.30 and then one at 4.30, then one at 5.00. So during the two later ones we went to my cousins house. She has a boy that is 6 and him and my son play and so it ended up that her boy stayed the night last night.

So then that went fine and we got up and went to church back in our old town we lived in before here which is about 45 minutes away. Good but I was a bit tired. Afterwards went to BIL's house. We had our doggy and I took him out to poop. He did and he stepped in it as well.


So we cleaned it up and I wiped his butt. Yes we have to do that with him more often than not because he doesn't quite pinch it off clean. So as I was wiping I noticed a bit of a reddish tinge. Didn't think too much of it maybe just a weird color today.

Then we head home. Get our little guest's stuff together and take him home. Only about 20 minutes away. We get there and noone is home. Go back home. Long story short they pick him up a bit later on their way home from grocery shopping.

Later after I have a bit of a grumpy attack while doing bills and taxes my dog races to the back door. So I take him potty. Come back in and proceed to wipe his butt. This time the red is very bright. As well I noticed red on his butt too. So I call my husband in there and he's on the phone I show him. He gets off the phone.

We grab a flash light to go inspect the piles...he poops in multiple spots in one outing. So the first pile has some red and I nearly dry heave. The second pile has lots and lots of red.


So then we head in the house. I get online to look for our vets phone number (long story as to why I looked online for it). In the meantime we get a call from our realtor. My husband mouths that we have an offer.


I get on the landline and call the emergency vet clinic in our town.

In conclusion. Our dog as an inflamed colon and we have an appt. tomorrow to go over the offer.

Stay tuned!!

Saturday, February 18, 2006

my my

So we had 3 showings. it was sort of hectic the first one because we didn't know til an hour or so before and I was just in the shower when my husband found out. so when I got out he yelled up saying we had a show at 12.30. I got in a very grumpy mood fast because I was annoyed at not having much time to get prepared.

but we got er done and headed to Costco to eat samples and have lunch. Then we got back and left again about 2 hours later for two other showing later than evening. Of course noone likes our house.... ARGH!! come on now people!!

So anyways my son has his cousin staying the night we all are just hanging out. My husband is watching me type and sucking on icecream and pointing out all my typo's. Hi! Take a picture it lasts longer. Go put all the kids to bed for me. now. or get me some more icecream because that's all i need. quit shaking your head. and rubbing your eyes. just do what i say or else. stop laughing at me. are you deef. now you are ignoring me. i see how it is. well just wait. you'll regret it later.

anyways he's still staring at the screen but i'm going to ignore him... and just talk to you!! all you in the web. yah you!!

in other news. it is stinking cold here. oh and we contacted our pastor that married us and we're going to get together with him and his family soon. we're excited. it's been about 5 years since we've seen him.

good night tee ohh

Friday, February 17, 2006

Just Dropping In

To say a quick hello to all of you in cyberspace. Going to pick up my son soon and then going on a date with my hubby.

We had a showing last night. Haven't heard back but have a HUGE feeling it was horrible if something I suspect happened really did.

None today so far and I actually hope it stays that way. We'll see I guess.

I'm coming off a caffeine high right now and really could take a nap.

I have my new "Reach The Day" bracelet on today. If you don't know what that is take a look at and see what I mean. Although little Rebekah's parents took theirs off (check out to find out why) I'm just now putting mine on (just got it) and it will be my reminder to pray and maybe spark conversation with people about childhood cancer.

It looks nice with my white "heart" bracelet which I also where as a reminder 1) to pray for people and 2) to remember God has given me a new heart.

Well children I must depart. May you all have fab weekends.

over and out

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

In Other News...

Not so important news but other news nonetheless. We had two more shows today but have not heard anything from them yet. They were later in the afternoon so maybe we'll here back tomorrow. Even if they don't like the place I like the feedback so I know if I need to do anything for future shows.

Today I ran all over the countryside and it was so spledid. Joy oh joy. Went out to lunch again with my beloved daughter.

So I just finished watching American Idol and I can't get Simon's accent out of my head. I keep talking like him and I just can't stop. I was just talking to my niece on the phone and she said I'm the weirdest one in the family. Thank you darling I do take that as a compliment. I do I do.

And so this show thing...I tell you what this place better sell fast. I'm not sure how long I want to keep this up. Keeping the place spotless is a joke. I think the Lord is teaching me something. I don't know if I like it. He's not going to let me off easy and let it drag out. I suppose I'll put up with it.

Dreadful, Absolutely dreadful...Ghastly performance. You're the worst singer I've ever heard... you should be singing on a cruise ship somewhere. It's a no.

Anyway... so I have nothing else to say. Boring absolutely boring.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Good News!!!

Little Rebekah is Cancer Free!!!!

Thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful, wonderful news.

"...a good word makes the heart glad." Prov. 12:25

"...hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." Prov. 12:13

"...and a good report makes the bones healthy." Prov. 15:30

"...Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones." Prov. 16:24

It's a no go.

Well they didn't like the open master bedroom. For those of you that don't know our bedroom overlooks the downstairs. Not some people's cup o' tea.

Oh well.

So I hope you all had a good Valentine's Day. Mine was fine. Not too eventful. I got up and ready and out of the house by eleven. Me and my kids went to lunch and it was fun. A lady there complimented me on having good kids. I was like "thank you" as I beamed with delight...ha ha ha. No but I told the kids later what she said and praised them for being so well behaved.

So then dropped my son off at school and headed to my home town and visited my sis and gave her a small choc. cake for her birthday. Then while we were there I got dog urine on my pants. In the meantime my hubby showed up so I asked him if he could go to our son's V-day party at school since I didn't have time to go home and change my pants. So then he did.

I stayed a tad bit and quizzed my sis on some biology and while I was there too my nephew dropped of some candy for me and her that our daddy got us for V-day!!! Nummy.. so then I went home and now were just veggin.

Not doing much. I might give my dog a bath and clean his ears since I know he loves it soooo much. We'll see that takes a lot of motivation to do.

And now I have to go play tickle monster....until nexttime.


Monday, February 13, 2006

Our first show is tomorrow

Yeah!! I wonder how it will go. We are cleaning tonight.

more later

Sunday, February 12, 2006

More deep thoughts...

**edited** Bleeped for fear of offending anyone.---kisses

Saturday, February 11, 2006

True Love

This post is dedicated to my wonderful husband. He's my true love. We're sitting here talking and celebrating Valentine's Day a couple of days early since he has school on Tuesday. He's got me a mystery present that he hasn't given me yet. He went and got it today and I said I hadn't got him his yet but he said that's ok because Valentine's Day is more of a girl holiday. Ha ha.

So this May we'll have been married nine years. Can you believe that? We have been together though since 1994 and our first date was in 1992. When I first met him I knew, seriously, that he was the man for me. But at the time it wasn't the right time. We went our separate ways for 2 years while he was first starting college and I was in high school but then when I graduated he called me and "stole" me from another guy, as he likes to call it, and the rest was history.

So now it's nine years, two beautiful children later, and here we are. I can honestly say I love him more today then I did then and then I loved him sooo much then. I can remember the day we got married and how happy I was. I cried tears of joy and was so at peace. No cold feet whatsoever. He's my man.

So anyways Valentine's is coming up and I just want to say to all of you. Grab your honey and give them a big smooch. As well as all the other loves in your life... just you know family and friends. That is what is so important in our lives...relationships. Not material things but the people in our lives. Cherish the relationships in your life.

The enemy (Satan himself) is the author of division. Whenever you're feeling angry at someone remember that is the enemy. Our battle is NOT against flesh and blood but against the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age..etc... so reach out in love to those around you and ignore what the Enemy is doing. He doesn't want us to have relationships but to be isolated and alone. Love one another!!

Can I just say I love my family and my friends soooo much!!! I'm so thankful for the people in my life. And if your my family or my friend that I LOVE you I might be a flake somtimes or stupid but I still love you! Please be patient with me as God works with me but YOU are important to me. And just because I'm moving doesn't mean anything. Distance may mean we won't see eachother as much but that's all. We can still be connected through internet and phone and when I come home we'll see eachother and catch up. I'm just following God's path and seeing where it leads.

God's path is that of adventure and excitement and that's where I'm going.

To all of you I love you and Happy Valentine's Day!!


Friday, February 10, 2006

The sign is up!

It should be on MLS real soon. I'm excited. I'm hoping it sells fast but at the same time wondering where might we live until we move...which now is looking more like July. I suppose an apartment but what a pain to move all our stuff for a couple months just to move it again. Oh well.

Today my kiddos played a lot outside at their grandma's. Our boy is feeling much better praise my they played and played. It was so gorgeous but so windy. I too played with my parents dog a bit who absolutely loves to fetch ANYTHING...and that is an understatement. There are probably no words to describe how much she loves to play. If you put up her toys she'll go find anything she can to bring to you to have you throw it for her. One time in the office she actually brought me a rubber band.

She is super athletic. She can run sooo fast, leap so high. She's one of those frisbee dogs. She's is really fun to play with but can be annoying because that is all she likes to do. If you just look at her and say "hi Sadie" she'll go look for a ball.

So we did that and then we came home and I hit walmart fallapart for some Valentine stuff for my kids. I also got them each a couple of clothing items and my son a cheap star wars watch (6 bucks) but he really liked it.

I got my hubby a card (but don't tell him) I'm hoping to get him something else this weekend but not sure what or when. It's on a Tuesday this year and he works this weekend so ? who knows if we'll really get to celebrate it but that's ok. I told him I wanted chocolate. I'm good with that. :)

So now I'm just hanging out. Just finished bills and now I think I'm going to play some games online.

Over and Out.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


So I thought I'd post about why I have all these links on my blog for kidz with cancer and how their existance became known to me.

First of all I link these sites and blogs for 3 purposes.

1) Awareness-- I was completely ignorant to the world of children and cancer and everything that them and their families go through. I had no idea how sudden their world can change, how drastic the effects of the drugs can be on their little bodies, how damaging the side effects can be, and sadly, in some cases, how quick this disease can claim a little life. Being aware of these many things leads to...

2) Appreciation--I appreciate my own children a million times more, every blessing in my life more and all that I have. My life perspective radically changes and soon the small things become enough. I am thankful for everything I have a lot more than I was before. As well the trials I face now I face without much of the self pity I had before. The poor me syndrome has dissipated.

3) Assisstance--It's my hope that people who pass by this blog will check out their sites and help out. Prayerfully, Financially, Tangibly, Practically, However...if you're compelled to help then follow through. As well maybe that will lead to donations to Childrens Hopitals, Bone Marrow Donors etc.

I believe God led me to this world of children fighting cancer on purpose. He's opening my eyes and leading me somewhere I've never been. I'd like to explain how I came across these blogs. It goes way back but I find it quite interesting and makes you wonder just how interconnected events in life are.

Back in 99 I worked for my dad. At the time another guy did and he was a Christian. Him and my husband became friends. Then he eventually quit and moved on. But my husband felt a tug to stay in touch so out of the blue he contacted him and they got together and hung out. This guy gave my husband a book to read. My husband did and loved it. Fast forward 4 years or so...I liked the author of that book my husband read and was really wanting to read some books by the author. Then a book came out by the authors wife and just this past summer I got it for my birthday and I read it.

So then I looked up the website for these authors, their books, and their ministries and found it and it had a message board. I joined it and met a girl who was from Oregon as well. We agreed to meet and have coffee. Her name was Rebekah.

There was also a guy on this message board who had a blog and I read it once and thought ... I should have a blog. I had tried a website but didn't like it and thought this was more my style. His blog was through blogger so I went there and signed up.

One day while on I was watching the scroll of recently updated blogs and "randomly" clicking on ones that seemed interesting. One came up that said Rebekah's page so I clicked on it wondering maybe it's my new friend Rebekah.

Of course it wasn't but surprisingly it was a little girl from Oregon and her story about battling childhood cancer. So I read a bit. But here it takes a detour. I was looking at the links on Rebekah's page and clicked on jojo's blog. On her blog, amongst other struggles she herself was facing, she referred to a family that just lost their little girl to cancer, Maggie ( So I went to Maggie's Blog.

Maggie had just passed away. In the timeframe of a month or so I read through her website and was just floored by what I read. I couldn't believe all that had happened and in such a short amount of time. I couldn't believe the transformation that took place in her appearance. I just didn't know how all this worked and I couldn't believe it. I was very moved.

So then that led me back to Rebekah's page and her other site and I began to read more about her story. Again I went through the same gamut of emotions. I was struck by just how reading these two stories changed my outlook on life so much. Too, it has changed my life in many ways and will continue to do so I believe. That brings us to now. Rebekah's page in turn led me to all the other kids.

So I just tell this story because it's interesting how God led me there. I take it back to 99 (before most of these kids were born) but it could go even further. So how does it all play out in God's plan. Who knows but it shows me how vast His plan is. It gives me a glimpse to how things are interwoven maybe even interdependant. How he brings good about in horrible situations.

It brings to life that verse that says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... it shows that we just can't understand God's plan it all it's depth and vastness but as we just trust him his purposes will prevail and good will ultimately come.

That's all folks.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New Link

Check out my newest Link...

This would be a blog of another school chum of mine. We go way back... I'm talking New Kids On The Block way back!!!

oh oh oooh ooh oh
oh oh oooh oh
oh oh oooh ooh oh
the right stuff

It would be "Al's blog or page or whatever I put on there" at the bottom...

Blog on!!!

I Larve The Biggest Loser...

(Larve is a word for Love that me and a highschool friend used to say...We'd always say I larve yar...weird I know)

So anyways I love this show. I bawl (sort of) everytime I watch it. I'm so happy for these people. It's so amazing to see their accomplishments. I get so excited for them. To have victory over that struggle that has brought so much pain and to experience the freedom.

Anyways...I could rack my brain for something to talk about but I just don't have anything to say. Nuthin.

Question? What would the past tense of "wing it" be? You know, like "oh I'll just wing it"... is it, "I just wung it?"...or is it, "I just winged it" ... life and it's complexities can be so complex.

~Livin while I can~
Oh and by the way I had a good day today. 2 posts ago I think where I talked about what God showed me in the Discipleship Journal has been so freeing along with another thing He showed me in a quiet I had a good day today. Thank you Lord.

well hmm

Hump Day

That's what some call Wednesday's isn't it? I call it double stamp day at my favorite coffee place...where I got a strawberry jet tea today. It was ok. Prefer mocha drinks.

So the realtor came today!! Yippy.

In other news...our bud is still sick. Had a fever last night. Fever is down today but his cough sounds yucky still and his nose is runny. I'm not sure if he'll go to school tomorrow or not. He hasn't went the last 2 days.

So like I have zero to blog about right now so I think I will blog later.


Monday, February 06, 2006

Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy

So last night I was going to post more pics but as I went to open them up they weren't there. I had to deal with the problem right then because these were my precious pics. Not just animals but my kids and everything. Frantic I searched my disks to see if they were on there and phew they were. I had forgotten that I had transferred them to a disc. Thank you Lord.

So God is so good. Today he specifically answered two of my prayers for two kids with cancer. As I read updates on them I was just humbled. Total that's three that He's answered (one had to do with a different kid that didn't have cancer) specifically (I mean lately as I've battled with doubt) and that frankly I've prayed with very little faith. Lately I've just prayed although I confess Lord I don't have the faith...and then pray anyway. I praise him so much and I feel His love. His answers do more than just help the person being prayed for...they encourage me to keep praying and build my faith. Every prayer might not get answered but I'm still going to pray. Lately I've been praying big because my God is a BIG God. I was guilty of praying small..."well if it's your will Lord please do this and that..." Now I'm praying, "In the name of Jesus I ask this and that! I claim this and that!...not demanding God rather just praying in his Almighty Hugeness. He's God. He can do anything. I was praying small for lack of I'm praying big because He's a big God.

So anyways and then today He led me to an article in Discipleship Jouranl, an issue I've had for at least a month. Last page...and he just kind of dealt with me about some issues about guilt that I have for my sin. He's brought me to a place where I realize who I am apart from him, how horrid I am apart from wicked I have been, the true ugliness and dirtiness of my sin. I see it and then I was like ugh.... I really felt low and stained. But at the same time I knew I was forgiven but how do I live now Lord with my eyes opened to this. My sin's so huge and so heinous what now. But he just showed me that is the place I need to be and that is the place where David was. Then we see our need for His blood, then we see the chasm His sacrifice his gapping, then I know that it's not me but him. It's nothing about me It's all Him. I'm the bottom of the barrel. And still would be without him.

But "the greatness of our sin is no obstacle to mercy." David says, "...pardon my guilt, for it is great" It goes on to say, "Because the greater his iniquity was, the more need he had of pardon." and "God allows such a plea because He is moved to mercy toward us by nothing in us, but rather by the miserablenss of our case. He does not pity sinners because they are worthy, but because they need His pity."

(like a cold drink in the midst of desert this is to my soul)

He says three things (this article is in the Nov/Dec issue of DJ and it's adapted from J. Edwards' sermon"Pardon for the Greatest Sinners)

1 We must see our misery and be aware of our need of mercy...(I'm so there)
2. We must be aware that we are not worthy that God should have mercy on us. (There too)
3. We must come to God for mercy in and through Jesus Christ alone. Amen!!

So this article was written for me today. I feel refreshed, renewed, and drinking anew from the Cup of Jesus I feel that His blood covered me today anew because I understood it in a fresh way. I think God can do that with the basics truths of the Gospel. We can learn them and know them and live them but we can also learn them fresh once again as God continues to grow us and thus receive them again perhaps on a deeper level than before.

(Breathe in.....exhale....Breathe In...... Exhale....Breathe In.....keep going.....exhale....content smile)

In other news my little boy has a fever...or did when he went to bed. I need to check on him soon. He's in our bed tonight and my hubcap (I crack myself up you thought I was going to type hubby hardy har har) is already in bed. He's got a cough which is typical with him. Last winter he had two mild bouts with pneumonia. Whenever he's sick it's cough first and usually a fever will accompany it. Poor kid. He's a trooper though.

In other news realtor comes Wednesday now. But we should be done for sure by then. Just the mantle to put up and clean. Oh and paint the bathroom and touch up paint. Which I'll accomplish tomorrow God willing.

Oh and since we have a new front door we have 4 count em 4 new keys. So hopefully we can keep them all for the new owners.

Well gotta bolt ~Betty

PS Don't know how to make link from clicking in the pic...but reminding all to visit and pray for her and all the other kiddo's with cancer.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Dogs in My Life...

Say Hi to Miss Peyton. This is my niece dog. This is one of the sweetest dogs I know. She's adorable, playful, and full of personality. She is cousin to Blackjack by way of species as she is an American Bulldog.
She's a little miss priss. She likes to eat long blades of grass and hates the rain.

I miss you Peyton I'll have to come visit you soon.

We used to live close to her and I could see her often. Now I don't get to see her much. Poor Miss Peyton had to have surgery on her leg not too long ago and it was so sad because it slowed her down a bit. It really made me mad because I felt so so sorry for her.

So let's see I have....6 niece dogs (Peyton, Bailey, Noel, Jasmine, Star, Wilma), 1 nephew dog (Spring), 1 sister dog(Sadie), 1 cousin dog(Maggie), and ..... three sister-in-law dogs(Rain, Kissy, Sheba). I think that about covers it. Let's see if I have any pics of them...oh my goodness and I almost forgot...2 niece cats (Peach and Sammy) one Nephew Cat (Patch), One adopted Bunny Nephew or Niece (can't remember...Snowball???) and one niece Guinea Pig Chloe who's very cute and likes her veggies)

ok so pics....
In loving Memory
Harley and my precious Baby**tears**

Well I have to go now I'm running into some problems...

Big Thanks

To all those who I mentioned in the earlier post for helping us out this weekend. Again it is hugely appreciated and it helped us out bigtime.

We love you all and can't wait to return the favor someday.

Isn't that what family and friends are for after all?

Have a great Superbowl Day.

Are you ready for some football??

Yippy Skippy!



Football will help you get your zzzzzzzz's

~Not a fan of football.
~~Not a fan of football.
~~~Not a fan of football.
~~~~Not a fan of football.
~~~~~Not a fan of football.
~~~~~~Not a fan of football.
~~~~~~~Not a fan of football.

But that being said I'm going to my parents house for superbowl sunday and watching it.
I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.
I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Busy Day I know some of you will think I'm a big wah baby but last night, just to be safe, we stayed at my parents. Because of the wind and the trees etc... so if you want to poke fun go ahead...but someday I will be safe instead of sorry.

So in other news...we worked on our house today. My mom, sis, BIL and SIL and their cute little kiddo's came over and my Cousin's hubby--which would be my cousin as well but just clarifying that it was her husband. She was going come over too but my daughter is not feeling well and she didn't want her kiddo's to get sick...

So we got quite a bit done. We got our new front door on (which I LOVE) and we got a wall painted. My mom went to town up stairs cleaning. We got our closet doors back up and some spackling and caulking done. As well we got some things taken to the dump and the mission.

So we worked until about 5-6 ish and then we and BIL with fam, headed to my in-laws house to watch ULTIMATE fighting. We are big fans of Randy Couture because as some of you strangers may not know...he coached my husband in college in wrestling so we've followed (mostly my husband has) his whole career in UFC. So yah that's our tiny little claim to fame...

So that was fun because all the little cousins were there, 6 kiddo's running around ranging in age from 7 to 5 months and then of course our doggy and my in laws little Cavalier...and it was fun...Unfortuanately Randy lost and sadly he's retiring but he did have an awesome career and it was fun while it lasted.

So then on our way there we were detoured because of a huge wreck...this was around 6 ish...I knew it had to be bad. Then on our way home we came across a single vehicle crash and then the wreck that happened at 6 (it's now 10 ish) is still being detoured. Come to find out on the news 3 people died in that wreck. No news yet on identities... but everytime I hear of a wreck close by I always wonder if I know the person. When we came upon it the first time I mentally took tabs of where my family was...then called me sis to make sure she and her son were there and they were. So all was well there. And she had just heard from a friend about the crash by phone who had drove by it. So my my word gets around quick.

It will be really weird moving to a place that I know noone. I'm so used to knowing my surroundings and knowing peopled around here. Although times change the town I grew up in is still the town I grew up in and it's well as the surrounding area. I know the good spots the bad spots the streets the everything. I have family, friends, babysitters, church (sort of) and whatever...soon we'll be going to a land of unknown...(which reminds me I'll have to blog someday about why I call Corvallis the land of the little people)....yes my mind flutters from one thing another very easily.

reminds me of cheers...sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and their always glad you came...I'm going the exact opposite of that. At least it is a small town sort of and so maybe it'll be ok.

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name....oh and one last thought. That Jason Upton CD (Faith) rocks the nations!!!

Well I suppose I should go now...not much to say....

Friday, February 03, 2006

Batten Down The Hatches...

So yes a big storm is moving through the area tonight. So I'm posting now because we more than likely will be hunkering down for the evening.
I love that word... funny.

Nothing new here...gotta work my fanny off right now. Currently my man is outside pressure washing and I'm going to go scrub toilets...I LOVE IT.

And hopefully get some painting done tonight as well.

Stay safe tonight all where ever you are.

And to all a good night.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Alrighty Then...

So I went off just a tad about my husband last night...wives are allowed to do that every now and then aren't they?

Anyways not too much to say...I'm posting earlier than usual so both my children are hovering around me. My son is currently drawing treasure maps. Although he calls it "exit map". You know "exit" marks the spot. Hee hee. I love childhood words. He also uses the word "inkles"... you know, one plus one inkles two. And then there is "uchudder" .....

I'll leave you hanging on that one gotta go watch Survivor...(like I really left anyone hanging but Hey I like to pretend people are hanging on my every post waiting for more LOL)

Ok I'm back but just have about 15 mintues... so uchudder... as in "we were playing with uchudder"(eachother). Ha ha it cracks me up....

Now my daughter has always added a "p" to things like "tights" are "tipes"... and I'm drawing a blank on other examples right now...but it's just too cute. Another thing she does is draw out the last word to every sentence... "mommy I want to go to gymnastiiiiiiiiiiiiiics" or "chri miss liiiiights"

Here's a classic by my husband... "i guarentee it"--if he's says that then then you know the exact opposite is true. His made up words are "orinated", pronounced "or ee i nated" (real wore--oriented) and nervousing (like for nerve wracking, makes you nervous).

My classics are..."be careful you could **fill in the blank** ..."yikes"..."totally"..."interesting"... and online only, "ugh"...

This is classic me and my husband... losing our keys... You can always be sure of 3 things death, taxes, and us losing our keys, at least once a week if not more. Normally we find them, but at least every 6 months we lose them for good. Either we have backups or we don't. We had to pay twenty bucks once to get our mail keys replaced. This last spring we had to pay over 100 bucks to have our car keys replaced {not to mention the money for the tow to get it to the dealership because that is the only way we could get new ones}

FYI we've since found those keys...and lost them again. And out of the three replacement keys we got made...we have 1. Currently we have no house keys because they are lost.

gotta jet ER is on...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Kiss This...

I need to go to bed. I didn't sleep well at all last night and went to bed late. But that's OK because I had a good worship time with God late last night.

Again absolutely nothing going on here. Finding out there is no Christian School close to where we'll be living in California and so I was really bummed. So now it looks like I'll be homeschooling. Which would actually work out great because I could come home anytime I wanted but.....

The committment and the responsibility ... the thought is frightening. But I'll do it before I go public.

Anyways...My husband is about the hardest working man I know. He's a go getter from the moment his feet hit the ground in the morning. He is a wonderful person and everyday I'm thankful for the man he is. This week amongst his other work (today there wasn't work for him at his job so he worked on stuff at home) he's put up 3 outside lights, put in a new toilet, made numerous trips to home improvement places, went to school 2 nights and did homework, went to the dentist twice, mowed the lawn and picked up lots of poop, he's organized getting our roof cleaned and gutters which involves trading work with our cousin so he'll be working a weekend doing some electrical for him, he organized our work day on Saturday which got our door painted and stained, new microwave put in, and ceiling painted. Tomorrow's he's working, finishing the front door, and hauling a TV, Table, futon frame, broken treadmill, and various other things out to my parents, by Sunday with another workday planned our house we'll have our last light up, our trim painted, caulking done, a new window covering in the bathroom, closet doors put on, house cleaned, ditch cleaned out, rest of lawn mowed and bathroom painted...which I'm only responsible for the bathroom paint, trim paint, window covering and cleaning. I think that covers it. Then it'll go on the market Monday, God willing.

And you know what if you ask him for help he'll bend over backwards for you so he can. If you need cigarettes at eleven at night he'll go to cirkle k and get em for ya...if you need your sewer worked on he'll put on his plastic gloves and jump in...if you need your cows doctored he'll herd em in the pen...if you need your dead animal scraped up from underneath your house he'll pinch his nose and go under...if you need your fence put up he'll start diggin holes for the posts...if you need a floor put in he'll try even if he doesn't know quite how (he'll learn)...if you need your a/c unit put in he'll gladly do the job...if you need a tree planted, hay bucked, a ditch dug, a lawn planted...whatever like I said when a need arises his insides can't rest til he figures out a way to help...and this is just for others I won't even mention all that he does for his family.

He's a servant...and the least shall be called greatest in the kingdom of Heaven...

good night