Sunday, February 26, 2006

Where Was I?

Who knows? All I know it's the end of the weekend!! Waaahhhh!

Anyways went on a girls day on Saturday. Fun. We did our usual eat, coffee house, bookstore, window shop and gab, gab, gab. It always is fun and just a good break from things. We always talk about God and food, healthy and unhealthy. We go to the book store and sit in the--for some reason I cannot spell the work isle? aile? you know the rows of books??--any way we sit on the floor and every few minutes one of us will pipe up with something interesting we just read. We are always in the religious section. Except this time we were in a Christian Book Store so that was cool...with an attached coffee place.

So then today we just hung out at home. My husband took the kids and they all three got hair cuts. My little girl got hers chopped to her just above her shoulders. She looks super cute. And the two men in my life are extremely handsome. Gosh when's my turn? Unfortunately to get mine done will cost double what all 3 of theirs cost. Oh well.

So I'm so super tired. I'm going to go hit the hay and zone out until I hit the grind tomorrow. But also though I have had some great moments spiritually (lastnight) and intellectually (tonight). So that is good. Not in the mood to spill the details because I'm so tired but I'm sure it would be a big bore anyways.

Living for Him,

PS My hubby's birthday is coming up!! Yeah!!

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