Saturday, February 04, 2006

A Busy Day I know some of you will think I'm a big wah baby but last night, just to be safe, we stayed at my parents. Because of the wind and the trees etc... so if you want to poke fun go ahead...but someday I will be safe instead of sorry.

So in other news...we worked on our house today. My mom, sis, BIL and SIL and their cute little kiddo's came over and my Cousin's hubby--which would be my cousin as well but just clarifying that it was her husband. She was going come over too but my daughter is not feeling well and she didn't want her kiddo's to get sick...

So we got quite a bit done. We got our new front door on (which I LOVE) and we got a wall painted. My mom went to town up stairs cleaning. We got our closet doors back up and some spackling and caulking done. As well we got some things taken to the dump and the mission.

So we worked until about 5-6 ish and then we and BIL with fam, headed to my in-laws house to watch ULTIMATE fighting. We are big fans of Randy Couture because as some of you strangers may not know...he coached my husband in college in wrestling so we've followed (mostly my husband has) his whole career in UFC. So yah that's our tiny little claim to fame...

So that was fun because all the little cousins were there, 6 kiddo's running around ranging in age from 7 to 5 months and then of course our doggy and my in laws little Cavalier...and it was fun...Unfortuanately Randy lost and sadly he's retiring but he did have an awesome career and it was fun while it lasted.

So then on our way there we were detoured because of a huge wreck...this was around 6 ish...I knew it had to be bad. Then on our way home we came across a single vehicle crash and then the wreck that happened at 6 (it's now 10 ish) is still being detoured. Come to find out on the news 3 people died in that wreck. No news yet on identities... but everytime I hear of a wreck close by I always wonder if I know the person. When we came upon it the first time I mentally took tabs of where my family was...then called me sis to make sure she and her son were there and they were. So all was well there. And she had just heard from a friend about the crash by phone who had drove by it. So my my word gets around quick.

It will be really weird moving to a place that I know noone. I'm so used to knowing my surroundings and knowing peopled around here. Although times change the town I grew up in is still the town I grew up in and it's well as the surrounding area. I know the good spots the bad spots the streets the everything. I have family, friends, babysitters, church (sort of) and whatever...soon we'll be going to a land of unknown...(which reminds me I'll have to blog someday about why I call Corvallis the land of the little people)....yes my mind flutters from one thing another very easily.

reminds me of cheers...sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name and their always glad you came...I'm going the exact opposite of that. At least it is a small town sort of and so maybe it'll be ok.

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name....oh and one last thought. That Jason Upton CD (Faith) rocks the nations!!!

Well I suppose I should go now...not much to say....

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