Sunday, February 19, 2006

Eventful Day

**warning some graphic a.k.a gross content. proceed at your own risk**

So I think I posted yesterday that we had three showings. One was at 12.30 and then one at 4.30, then one at 5.00. So during the two later ones we went to my cousins house. She has a boy that is 6 and him and my son play and so it ended up that her boy stayed the night last night.

So then that went fine and we got up and went to church back in our old town we lived in before here which is about 45 minutes away. Good but I was a bit tired. Afterwards went to BIL's house. We had our doggy and I took him out to poop. He did and he stepped in it as well.


So we cleaned it up and I wiped his butt. Yes we have to do that with him more often than not because he doesn't quite pinch it off clean. So as I was wiping I noticed a bit of a reddish tinge. Didn't think too much of it maybe just a weird color today.

Then we head home. Get our little guest's stuff together and take him home. Only about 20 minutes away. We get there and noone is home. Go back home. Long story short they pick him up a bit later on their way home from grocery shopping.

Later after I have a bit of a grumpy attack while doing bills and taxes my dog races to the back door. So I take him potty. Come back in and proceed to wipe his butt. This time the red is very bright. As well I noticed red on his butt too. So I call my husband in there and he's on the phone I show him. He gets off the phone.

We grab a flash light to go inspect the piles...he poops in multiple spots in one outing. So the first pile has some red and I nearly dry heave. The second pile has lots and lots of red.


So then we head in the house. I get online to look for our vets phone number (long story as to why I looked online for it). In the meantime we get a call from our realtor. My husband mouths that we have an offer.


I get on the landline and call the emergency vet clinic in our town.

In conclusion. Our dog as an inflamed colon and we have an appt. tomorrow to go over the offer.

Stay tuned!!

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