Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Kiss This...

I need to go to bed. I didn't sleep well at all last night and went to bed late. But that's OK because I had a good worship time with God late last night.

Again absolutely nothing going on here. Finding out there is no Christian School close to where we'll be living in California and so I was really bummed. So now it looks like I'll be homeschooling. Which would actually work out great because I could come home anytime I wanted but.....

The committment and the responsibility ... the thought is frightening. But I'll do it before I go public.

Anyways...My husband is about the hardest working man I know. He's a go getter from the moment his feet hit the ground in the morning. He is a wonderful person and everyday I'm thankful for the man he is. This week amongst his other work (today there wasn't work for him at his job so he worked on stuff at home) he's put up 3 outside lights, put in a new toilet, made numerous trips to home improvement places, went to school 2 nights and did homework, went to the dentist twice, mowed the lawn and picked up lots of poop, he's organized getting our roof cleaned and gutters which involves trading work with our cousin so he'll be working a weekend doing some electrical for him, he organized our work day on Saturday which got our door painted and stained, new microwave put in, and ceiling painted. Tomorrow's he's working, finishing the front door, and hauling a TV, Table, futon frame, broken treadmill, and various other things out to my parents, by Sunday with another workday planned our house we'll have our last light up, our trim painted, caulking done, a new window covering in the bathroom, closet doors put on, house cleaned, ditch cleaned out, rest of lawn mowed and bathroom painted...which I'm only responsible for the bathroom paint, trim paint, window covering and cleaning. I think that covers it. Then it'll go on the market Monday, God willing.

And you know what if you ask him for help he'll bend over backwards for you so he can. If you need cigarettes at eleven at night he'll go to cirkle k and get em for ya...if you need your sewer worked on he'll put on his plastic gloves and jump in...if you need your cows doctored he'll herd em in the pen...if you need your dead animal scraped up from underneath your house he'll pinch his nose and go under...if you need your fence put up he'll start diggin holes for the posts...if you need a floor put in he'll try even if he doesn't know quite how (he'll learn)...if you need your a/c unit put in he'll gladly do the job...if you need a tree planted, hay bucked, a ditch dug, a lawn planted...whatever like I said when a need arises his insides can't rest til he figures out a way to help...and this is just for others I won't even mention all that he does for his family.

He's a servant...and the least shall be called greatest in the kingdom of Heaven...

good night

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