Thursday, March 30, 2006

My Last Post...Until Further Notice

It's not forever but until the next time I'm at a computer or until I get my laptop and internet capabilities. Could be short. I don't think it'll take super long.

So today we got a lot done. My mom came over and we packed. My dh (dear husband for those of you who don't know) and I went and signed papers today. Yeah! It is done.

So...currently my kids and I are waiting for pizza to be delivered and my husband is taking a load of stuff to our RV that is already in the park and a load to his brothers of stuff we are giving them.

Tomorrow my mom is coming over again (and maybe my mom is going to ask Big Sis if you're reading this hope to see you) and we're going to pack. Then in the evening my nephew and BIL are coming over to help my husband load the final heavy stuff. And we'll have to take stuff to 3 different places.

Tonight I'm going to continue packing and say goodbye to my computer. My internet access ends tomorrow and I'm going to shut er down. I have one last thing to take off my computer and then I don't know. Maybe I'll give it someone. I think maybe my mom knows of someone who needs it?

We have got rid of/packed/taken away so much stuff from our house and it still seems full. Ugh. It's weird.

So blog world I have to say I have enjoyed you. I like blogging and keeping up on other's blogs as well. I have added an "Email Me" link to my blog so people can email me if they so choose. To those of you that I sent an email address change email to the other day...this email on my blog is different but you can use either one.

I'll be in touch I'm sure next week since maybe from my parents computer. I'm about to enter fulltime RV life for awhile. Say a prayer for me. I'm sure it'll be neat in some ways but challenging in others. Overall I'm looking forward to it. This is one thing (of the many) I like about my marriage--having adventures together and plowing through the unknown together. We entering a new phase, starting a new chapter, breaking new ground. Fun stuff.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A pretty fun day

Even though my husband was a bit grumpy. Just from being over tired. Poor guy gets up early for work and sometimes it catches up to him. He's in bed with our daughter tonight and I'll be sleeping in my sons bed with him. Then tomorrow night we're going to switch. Why? Good question. I'll tell ya.

Funny story it is. Probably more funny watching it. But if you can picture things well in your mind and know anything about RV's you might find it amusing. If you click on my Novemeber archives and scroll all the way down you can read about the purchase of our new bed. Our first new bed since we were married nearly nine years ago.

So anyways the mattress that came with the RV I knew from the get go wasn't going to work. We'll just put our new mattress in it I figured. They are both queen size but there are many differences between the two mattresses which include thickness, weight, quality...bendability, flexibility...the ability to get in and out of small spaces. Our mattress looks about 2 feet thick.. probably not but it is very thick. The RV mattress looks about six inches thick. The RV mattress I could carry by myself. Our mattress is hard for me to carry with my husbands assistance.

We head into the RV and proceed to remove the flimsy mattress. Surprisingly it's a bit more difficult and takes a bit of manipulation but in about 5 minutes it's out of there. I notice that for this puny mattress it had to bend a bit. How would ours do? For the first time I questioned that this whole idea was going to even work.

We went upstairs and I now had high doubts this was going to happen. I could barely lift the thing (no handles the other mattress and some handy plastic around it). Coupled with that there was the humiliating feeling I was going to have if anywas was watching us as we haul this thing outside and attempt to stuff it into our little RV.

Still we continue. The thought of sleeping on the thin little RV mattess for four years drives us on. We slide it down the stairs. We get to the living room and I lift it up with my husband. Oh hold on it hurts my fingers...OK lets try it again. We head out the back door and to the edge of the deck. Oh hold on I need to regrip. Ok. Across the grass we go. I notice a jogger across the street. I play confidant, we know what we're doing.

We scoot the front end of it into the door along with my husband. I say a silent prayer. Oh Lord if there's a way please show us. As we push I hear the faint sound of a rip followed by an innocent little "oops" Thankfully it was minor and on the underside/edge of the mattress. We can sew it my man says! "Yes!" I say positively.

With prodding and pushing we have the mattess in the hall way switching places here and again. Somehow someway the mattress keeps moving forward. A bend here, a fold there, a push at just the right moment...the saying's held true--where there's a will there's a way!! Who knew 2 ft thick mattress could fold? We didn't. We're a curtain short now in the bedroom but I'll take that over that tiny springy mattress anyday.

I walked out of the trailer like I knew what I was doing all along.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's getting so close... my last post!!!

Ha ha I'm a poet and don't know it...but my feet show it. They're Longfellers!!!!

Ok that is something my dad would always say ...and believe me it's way more funny when he says it. It's hard not to laugh at my dad when he's being dumb. Even when he says things I shouldn't be laughing at...but it's hard. Sometimes I have turn my head, you know like when a kid does something bad but hilarious and you don't want to encourage them to do it again with your laughing so you have to turn your head... Yes I have to do that sometimes. My dad!! He's one in a million.

So..ok today is Tuesday. Thursday we are taking out trailer to the RV I have a LOT to do between now and then. We should be completely moved out by...Saturday. Oh then we get to clean this place. Fun stuff. Can't wait for that.

Tonight by boy is spending the night at his cousins house. My husband and daughter are asleep and it's just me. Typing on the floor, listening to the soothing rumble of my dogs snore. Not much exciting going on for our spring break. It's relaxing but not excitine.

Yes even though we're moving (something I'm growing used to) this week it is still relaxing because I can get up in the morning and go at my own pace and not have to get my son ready for school. I think that is one of the major things I'll like about homeschooling--not having to get up and go somewhere first things in the morning. I'll still have routine and schedule ... but I'll do it in my pj's if I feel like it. :0) And it won't be a start-at-8-in-the-morning no no...rather 9 or or 10!!! Yeah BABY!!

Anyway so. That is all for now. Will I post tomorrow? Probably. Will I post Thursday? Probably. Will I post Friday? .... Probably not...and then it'll be adios until further notice. But don't forget....


kiss kiss

Sunday, March 26, 2006

posting while i have the chance

Well. I was reading a blog (not linked on mine) and was inspired to write something.

Ten Things My Children Have Taught Me... So here it goes...

1. When naughty it's mostly because we want you're full attention.
2 Don't get so frustrated.
3. Mornings are "sunny time" not "grumpy time"
4. Life is oh so short.
5. Every moment can be a teaching moment.
6. We all feel love attention to our needs and love us accordingly.
7. Life is not boring when done right.
9. We all need snuggles on a regular basis.
10. Some things (like raising kids) are worth doing right the first might not be easy but it is possible... for HE (God) has given us everything we need for life and godliness...

I could go on... but the main point is that everyday I learn something new about raising my kids. Lately it's that they will get it I just can't give up...keep pounding it in their head, keep reciting the Bible verse, keep telling them why, keep praying with them, keep explaining it to them, keep on keeping on...they will get it. I have found that truly God has and will continue to give me what I need to raise my kids right, and in the TRUTH of His word, in HIS way... each and every day.

So ... I'm posting and it's late. I spent some of today cleaning up my computer, copying files and pictures, deleting stuff...just cleaning it up and getting it ready to give to someone else. I might get my laptop tomorrow...and so I really don't know when I'll be offline for a bit so I'm posting while I can.

I'm sitting on the floor right now as we gave my desk to my sister to use until further notice. We'll be moving this week. May the adventure begin.

Oh my aching back... :)

Until next time.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Making a quick post to update our situation. We get our RV tomorrow. In a week we'll be moving out and headed to an RV park. I'm getting my laptop (all God willing) tomorrow and will be transferring over all my stuff and not sure when I'll be back online. Well I'll be online until this computer is shut down which could be anytime between tomorrow and next weekend but not sure the exact time. Then I don't know when I'll be back online.

The adventure starts soon and I'm nervous, anxious, excited and a bit apprehensive. Who knows what will happen next.

Today was cool because our buyers signed all their papers today. Yeah!! Exciting.

Have a good weekend everyone. I really hope you do. But whatever happens when God is our Rock we can stand firm, cling to him, and trust that the earth below us will never crumble. He has us in His hands.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blessed are those who mourn...

I always took that verse as normal sadness. You know like if someone you love dies or is very sick etc. Which I don't doubt it could mean that but I heard another take on it this past weekend.

To sum up what I heard basically mourning over the lost (spiritually those without Jesus and will spend eternity in hell) as well as the sin in the body of Christ (mine included). So lately I've been praying for God to give me His heart and eyes to see and feel the things He does in regards to these things. I want my heart to be tender and sensitive to these things in order to love more deeply the people God does. To love like he does. As well I don't want to be apathetic or numb and turn away from these things or ignore them. I want to care about what God does and to act accordingly as He leads.

I think when I first became a Christian I cared more for the lost. Likewise, I think I was more sensitive to sin (mine and others) and would go to greater lengths to change those things God revealed to me were sinful and not pleasing to Him. I would also pray for others who's lives I saw weren't leading them to a life of blessing and obedience to God's word. In that I know God has a plan for everyone and that we all must go through what we must go through in order to be broken before Him and be humbled. So I would pray His will be done and their eyes be opened.

I can't honestly say that I didn't judge others though at the time I didn't see I was judging. I was decieved in that area. I think in some ways I didn't judge but I know that in other ways I did. As well I was blind to much of my own sin but I also know God was working on me. Revealing what I could handle at the time. It seemed that the more I made changed and the more I repented the more He would reveal. I'd find myself wondering what could be next...and there always was more...even worse.

Nowadays I'm careful not to judge someone in the sense that I would say, "you're a bad Christian, or you must not be a Christian," because oh do I know better. I've sinned in ways since I've been a Christian that I thought I'd never do. There was a time when I thought I was "above" certain sins...what a dangerous belief to hold. We're all just a couple choices or thoughts away from sins we thought we'd never do. Now I stay alert for I know the devil is all around me waiting to devour me. I know what I'm capable of and try my hardest not to lead myself into temptation...

Yet I believe I can see someone do something and to myself say...yikes that is sin. Because the Bible defines sin so in some cases it's easy to spot. But my thoughts are not "you bad"-- it's more, "hmm I wonder why they're choosing so sin in this way, do they even know they are sinning, how are they decieved, what lie are they believing, what hurts have drove them to behave in such a way, what need are they trying to fulfill?" That really helps me to pray for them. If I choose I could confront...but I normally don't. Although I might depending on the situation. I don't see it as judging I see it rather as helping. But that has to be done prayerfully. Mostly I just pray for the person. I've seen more change in people through prayer alone in ways that, even though I was praying, I didn't believe they would change.

I pray people do that for me as well. Just pray for me. If something's not right in my life ask God to reveal it to me, to change it in me, show me where I have given Satan a foothold or a stronghold in my life. I might already know this area exists in my life and just having trouble letting it go. Or I may be completely blind to it. But I guarantee your prayers will help.

I've found as God has revealed and healed sinful areas of my life I have mourned. It's hurt. But I am comforted. His mercies are new every morning. Tomorrow is a new day. I Lord want to mourn. It's not pleasant but I want to have Your Heart for those around me. I don't want complacency...I don't want a watered down, feel good, faith. I want to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit and intercess for your saints and those lost. I don't want to be luke warm, on the fence, bland, wishy washy, dull, tossed by the waves, ignorant, blind, having a form of godliness but denying its power, loved by the world, weak, lazy, inward focused, or... just existing.

Anyway it's late and I'm ready to hit the hay.

Good night.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nieces and Nephews

I celebrated my nephews' 13th birthday last night. We'll call him "J". That was cool. My nephew is my oldest sisters' youngest child. He's a good kid. Can be obnoxious (kiss kiss) but mostly pretty charismatic and funny. He's not a shy boy and he's kind of goofy. We all have good memories of him and his black cowboy hat when he was small {CMT and the potty chair} and just how stinkin cute he was and still is. Now his voice is changing and he's on his way to becoming a man...weird. And he's almost taller than me but NOT yet. Ha ha. Oh and one other thing. He maybe 13 but he's still not too shy to tell you he loves you...Now that is what I call Cool!! My other nephew (we'll call "M" which is my oldest sisters' middle child is already a man...he'll be 21 this year and then my stinkin neice (my sis's oldest) we'll call "D") will be ??? ok let me think...yikes I think she may be 24 this year...oh boy that can't be right...or 23...somebody help me out here. I'm only 29 people.

So it's really weird because I grew up with all three of these kids especially the oldest 2. I used to lie on my back and balance them on my knees or feet and flip them over, I used to take baths with my niece when we were little. I used to have them walk on my back. I used to be a big brat to them and make them let me push their cuticles down...and they would say "ow" and I would say they had to let me because other wise they would grow really high and cover their fingernails. Ha ha.

So now all but one are all grown up. Now M thinks he is pretty darn cool but he is. His road has been tough in spots and he's handled it like a man. He's fun to hang around with because He's so cool and I feel like his coolness rubs off on me when he's around. :) But really though I do enjoy his company. He's quiet but when he talks it's either funny, bratty, insightful, or sarcastic. Oh and did I mention how darn cool he is. (kiss kiss) D is getting married this summer. She's the little sis I never had...which was unfortunate for her because all the torture I learned from my mean big sisters was passed on to her. Her and I have had good times and bad but now we can laugh a lot and I think we have a connection that is pretty strong. I wonder what my sis thinks about her kids getting so grown up...especially her baby. I can't imagine. I savor these times because right now I don't want my children to grow up. Not quite ready for that yet.

So then I have 3 other nieces and 1 nephew who are all a bit younger. The oldest out of this bunch will be 8 soon. She's always been quite the spunky little girl. Strong willed but oh so smart and clever. Always giving her mom a run for her money. Always keeping her on her toes. I love to hear the stories. I never would've thought of the things she does at her age. She's a little cowgirl now, getting into horses and wearing boots. Super cute. Then her little sis is 3. She's the little girl who's grin makes you grin everytime you see it. She has always had the biggest smile. She was super chubby as a baby and so squeezable. Her and my daughter are just months apart and that has been very special. Then I have a nephew who is 2 going on 5...he's tiny but a super go getter. He is learning two languages. I can't speak for the foriegn one but his English is very good. He loves my son and is a precious kid...then he has a new little sis who is just 6 months now. Her birthday is the same as my daughters. They are 3 years apart. She looks a lot like her big bro. She's petite and has a darling little grin.

Did I forget anyone? D,M,J,B,M,G,L ... pretty cool!! I might add more later but for now my show is on. Love you guys!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Where to go??

So right now we are trying to find a place to stay in a 5th wheel here...and in California. Places keep not working out. My hub is on the phone right now with an RV park that actually looks really cool .... for friends and fam email me and I'll send you the link if you're interested.

As far as the home front...we looked at one down south which is OK and then tomorrow I'm looking at one here locally to see what it is like. It has got really good reviews so we'll see. I was a bit excited about going down south but we'll see. I'll keep you posted.

So today we went to my favorite church. I love going down there. I love seeing friends and family and just everything about it I love. We hung out a bit afterwards, went to BIL house and visited and then came home.

In other news, we're getting a new pickup. My hub is buying his brother's pu here soon. We have it now...he graciously let him have it before he purchased it. Super cool. A bit jealous that it is his. I like pu's and so I'll drive it as often as I can. Hee hee.

We are still dog sittin. For some reason I thought they were coming home today but I guess I was wrong. She's a good little doggie so she is no bother I just feel sad for her because I know she misses her family.

Yesterday my husband packed up his whole garage and took things to storage. It's pretty much done just some stuff needs to go to the dump and to my dad's house. Good Job hon!! We took some toys and hand me downs to our niece and nephew down south. It feels good to be free from clutter.

So people I'm outta here....

Friday, March 17, 2006

Dog Sittin..& So much more

We are dogsitting little Miss Maggie this weekend. It's my cousins dog and she is a sweetie. So it out to be an interesting weekend. We're also doing a lot of packing/moving this weekend. We won't get our RV til next Saturday now which is irritating but oh well.

We just went and got ice cream cones and cookies from McDonalds. As of today I had lost 2 more pounds but weigh in is tomorrow so...I think I'll just count today as my weigh in and go from there. If I don't eat anymore today than I should be ok. I don't think I"ll lose anymore but I don't think I'll gain either.

So this move will be our 3rd move in about 1 year. And it's funny because each time we have went through stuff and got rid of stuff or gave it away and each time we still have more stuff to get rid of. Where does it all come from? Today we took a load to storage (all from the garage) and we took some to Goodwill and a load to the dump. Man.

But we won't have a lot in storage which is good. We'll have our bed frame and box springs, a kitchen table and the a couple rocking chairs and then the rest boxes...oh yes and one twin bed. Our couch and chair will go back to my parents, we are letting them use our TV as well. My oldest sister might be using our desk, my cousin will be taking our bookshelf, an end table, and a fake tree, one of my sis-in-laws will be taking one twin bed. Our nieces and nephews will be getting some toys. And then we'll be taking some stuff. So...that about covers it I think.

When we had lunch with our former Pastor last week they told us that they had RV'd it for 13 months and they said you'd be surprised with just how little you need. When they finally moved back into a house they had a huge garage sale with a lot of the stuff that was in storage because they just didn't need it anymore. I think that sounds good to me. I'm not into a bunch of baggage anyways. Although some people think we have a lot of stuff we really don't.

I remember at one point everything we had was either borrowed or given to us. Every big thing that is like furniture. But now our bed is ours and so is our desk. Some day when we get home again we'll hopefully get some new furniture that will be our own. So far we have always used hand me down couches and chairs from my parents (thank you very much) and so when we get back I think they'll be out of furniture for us. ;)

This weekend we're not doing much except for moving and packing. Sunday we're going to church too and saying hi to some old friends. Can't wait for that.

So that's all folks. Have a great weekend and I'll catch you on the flipside.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Allergies?? Oh and 100th Post (long)

So I thought I was getting sick...but all my symptoms tonight point to allergies. Sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. I HATE allergies. They are IRRITATING. (just sneezed)

My kids are about the same. Tummy issues are gone but they both are stuffed up. I wonder if they have mild allergies since other symptoms haven't progressed?

Today our realtor called us and we sign papers the 30th. She's going to stick one of those "sale pending" stickers on our sign. I was waiting for that. I get some sort of satisfaction from that and have been wondering when that sticker would be going on. Now I know. Soon.

We're having issues with where we'll be staying in our RV. Not only here but in California now as well. We're thinking an RV park now so that we won't have to go to a dump station and noone we know has RV hook ups at their home. My FIL informed us that we probably wouldn't be very happy always having to dump it. And besided if we did that we'd have to borrow my dad's truck every time as well. Fun.

So we are looking at an RV park locally on Saturday and then one down south that looks promising. As for California...the RV park we were looking into has some weird policies regarding the electric...which would mean for us no usage of the A/C...not happening. We actually have to be picky about the A/C nowdays since our dog can easily die in hot weather. So my husband and I are looking to take a trip here soon to Californ-i-a maybe in a couple weeks to go look around. We'll see.

In other news...and this is the best husband got a Starbucks card from a friend down south for his birthday...and well he knows how much his little wifey pooh loves anything Starbucks and mochas in well...yesterday I had a Grande, non fat, marble mocha macchiato and today I had a Grande, triple shot, non fat marble mocha macchiato. As well my darling daughter (I'm teaching her young) had a tall kids hot cocoa. How spoiled I've been. Those marble macchiato's are my new fave!!! Can anyone say "nummmms"

Ok nearly forgot this was my 100th POST--so 100 things about me ( I wonder how long this will take...starting at 11.07 pm...
1. I like Mochas
2. I love Mint Mochas
3. My new fave mocha is the Marble Mocha Macchiato from Starbucks
4. My fave coffee cart is Cuppa Joe in Stayton Oregon
5. I am a child of God
6. Have been for 10 years
7. Recieved Christ in college (sneeze)
8. I have no church home right now.
9. I wish it was Calvary Corvallis but it's not
10. I like to blog
11. I like to just be on the computer in general
12. Sometimes a little too much
13. I am the youngest of three girls (poor dad)
14. My sisters are ten years and 11 years older than I
15. I am reading Matthew and Revelations in the Bible currently
16. I don't know how I'll finish this
17. My parents are still married after 42 it really 42??
18. My in-laws are still married after 32 or maybe it's 31 years.
19. My 9 year anniversary is in 2 months
20. I have never had a speeding ticket
21. I have never done drugs
22. I have traveled over seas twice
23. I went on a mission trip to Japan in 98
24. I went to Israel last year
25. I have lived in New York
25. I have lived in Florida
26. I like sushi
27. I am at a loss
29. My have food is Mexican
30. I will be 30 this year and think it's cool
31. I like the fact that I getting older
32. I love the transformation that takes place spirituallyas I become older
33. I love the healing that takes place
34. I love the wisdom and knowledge that is gained.
35. I love learning more and more about God
36. I love feeling his love more and more
37. I love being a mom
38. I am beyone thankful to be a stay at home mom
39. I am excited to homeshcool my kiddo's
40. I love my husband more now than when I married him
41. On our wedding cake we had Pepe le Pew and his kitty girlfriend as our cake topper
42. We had Braveheart soundtrack playing in the background during parts of our wedding.
43. We went to Yosemite for our honey moon
44. I love my bulldog
45. I have always wanted a bulldog.
46. I listen to Dr. Laura all the time
47. I have read one of her books..which was very good
48. My father in law gave it to me.
49. I am thankful he did
50. I love being married.
51. I think you are cool if you have made it this far down the list and are still awake.
52. I don't think I can make it to 100
53. I told my husband I'd go to bed early tonight.
54. I have never been a smoker
55. I did try it only to be stupid.
56. I was homecoming queen my senior year.
57. I was soo cool then....
58. I worshipped popularity then.
59. I worshipped a lot of worldly things then.
60. I was no saint.
61. I am almost done
62. My sister gave me a wedgie when I was little and I cried.
63. My sisters used to hold me down and tickle me.
64. I was know as a cry baby when I was little.
65. And a brat.
66. A spoiled brat that it.
67. And a daddy's girl
68. There was a time in my life when my whole family at different time told me they loved me but didn't like me.
69. I was blind then to how self centered I was.
70. I thought it was there problem.
71. I knew my husband was the man for me from day one. Which was back in 92...
72. Although we didn't start really dating until 94
73. We got married in 97
74. I was only 20
75. I am 3/4 of the way through.
76. I am trying to hurry so I can go to bed.
77. I wish Jesus would just come back already
78. I like mochas
79 Oh yah I already said that.
80. I am quite boring.
81. I like to scrapbook...(the once a year I do it)
82. I don't know what else to say.
83. I have a niece that is only 7 years younger than me.
84. We are having lunch on Friday.
85. We have lunch about once a month.
86. I have 4 nieces
87. I have 3 nephews
88. I have cold hands
89. I have many regrets
90. I have many joys
91. I'm glad to be a Believer
92. I am thankful for his GRACE
93. I am so close to being done.
94. I am losing weight.
95. I am my kids mom
96 I am my husbands' wife
97 I am getting a laptop soon
98 I like to journal.
99. I know more than you think I do.
100 I AM DONE!!!

Good night all!! It is 11.42

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Sick Sick Go Away...

Me and my children are all coming down with something. Our noses are stuffy, my kids' tummies are buggin them, and I just have that feeling that you get the day or two before it hits. I hope it is mild because now is not a good time.

My poor husband is so nervous about this house thing. He's just afraid that something won't go right and the sale will fall through. Which at this point would be NOT GOOD. March is becoming a very long month.

My next post will be my 100th post. According to some other blogs I've read I'm supposed to do a "100 things about me" post. Should be interesting.

Stay tuned.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

On the Road Again...

We have our RV!! Well we purchased it anyway, we'll get it probably this weekend. It is a Montana Mountaineer Edition 36ft...and hmm I don't know if I remember it all. But it does have a "second bedroom" for the kids with bunks, small couch and spot for a small TV, closet, and shelves and a door that can close if they are a little noisy.

We are very excited yet we know it is a bit risky given that the sell could fall through...highly unlikely but possible. But having to be out by the 31st it was really needed so we could move into it and have a place to live once we're outta here.

"We're really doing it aren't we Harry!!" Five points for anyone who can give me the movie that quote goes to this quote.

So then today we had lunch with the pastor who married us. That was so awesome so see him and his family again and catch up. We have such a special place in our hearts for them. They have a boy who is the same age as our son and they played and played at Mickey'D's. Which was nice so we could visit.

Oh and then last night we went down south and had dinner with friends and family. It was a jammed packed weekend but it was really good. And to top it all off I lost 3.5 pounds this week. I'm finally starting that resolution thing I talked about a couple of months ago. It has been going well and most of all it has been fun and I've been excited about it.

So that is about all for today. Start a new week tomorrow filled with life and packing and organizing and going through stuff and throwing away stuff and stuff and stuff and stuff.

Good night and God bless,

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Like deleted last nights post...oops.

Anyways and I don't remember what I wrote...well every detail that is. I do remember some.

Today it SNOWED. It was sooo cool. It was weird. Where I live it snowed/rained but nothing stuck. Then I would drive up to my sons school that is on a hill and everything was white and sticking. The kids thought it was pretty cool. I'm glad they got to see it. I'm glad I got to see it.

I'm excited I'm moving to a place that will have lots of snow. At least I'll get to experience what that is like. Maybe I'll get my fill when I'm there.

Also today I got more into the packing process. I'm at the going through stage but I've covered some ground. I went through my books...which really needed to go through.

Did I write about the RV yesterday? I wonder. I'll have to check. Because if not some people won't believe their eyes when they read we will be living in an RV from here on out. The people who are buying our house want it by the 31st now (answered prayer) and so we are out of here.

Gotta jet.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


So it's been a few days since my last post so I'll update. The third was my husband's birthday. He is a whoppin 32. We didn't do anything on that day since we were driving home. Then Saturday we celebrated my husband, my BIL, and my MIL's birthday since the boys are twins and my MIL's birthday is the 6th we celebrated it all at one time. We also watched Ultimate Fighting.

Sunday we went to look at RV's but all the places where I live were closed. For those of you that don't know, we are thinking of purchasing a large, slightly used 5th wheel or travel trailer to live in until further notice.

Sounds crazy I know but that we are. Crazy. Actually we are thinking where we are moving it will be the most practical thing to do. That way at the end of the job (anywhere from 1 1/2 years to 5 years ) we will have something to show for it rather than throwing $1200 in rent away every month. And buying a house there is not an option...I mean gosh if we had a spare $800000 but we already spent that on our home in Tuscany.

One funny story I had emailed a person about their 4bd 2ba house for rent that was renting between 12 and 1300 which was cheap for a 4 bd...I was asking them if they were willing to bend the rules on their pet rule. Well she went on to explain that the reason their rent was less expensive and not the normal 1700 was because they don't allow pets and if we wanted to pay more a month and CARPET THE ENTIRE DOWNSTAIRS they would consider it. Because they didn't want their imported Canadian pine floors to be scratched by the dogs nails. Oh puleez...I thought to myself I hope you aren't renting to people with kids...yikes.

So anyways yes we are considering an RV. So...I will be living in an RV the next some odd years and homeschooling with a dog that snores really loud. My blog might get more interesting in the months ahead.

So now we have a month to get out of here and not just pack but I have to go through everything and see what will be given away, thrown away, taken with us, and put in storage. And I have this terrible habit of procrastination.

So then...Monday was a normal day and today was normal. But today I was feeling a little on edge but I'm hoping that has subsided. That just seems to hit me every now and again. Today I have went through a bit of stuff: books, tapes, cd's. I have some piles that are starting. Pray for me :)

Looking ahead we have a family meeting on Friday, we are going to look at RV's on Saturday, and so far if it's still happening we are having lunch with the pastor who married us on Sunday. We have not seen him in 5 years so that will be super cool.

So that is all for now I suppose. You all have a wonderful night!!

Words of Wisdom... Mama's don't let yer babies grow up to be cowboys...

Friday, March 03, 2006

We are back

After a nearly six hour drive we are home. The weather wasn't the best but we had a nice time. It was good to get out of the house and experience a change of pace. We stayed in cute little cottage within walking distance to the beach. The first day it was rainy so we stayed inside. But the next day we got out and played a bit on the beach. It was the first time for the kids at an age where the could remember and enjoy it. Once when they were littler we went and it was super windy. The sand was pelting our faces and the kids were screaming. We drove 2 hours stayed 10 minutes and went home. So anyways they collected rocks and sticks, (and brought them home) learned about sneaker waves and my son got to see the head of a seal bobbing in the water. Mom thought that was cool too. It was a bit nippy but we had fun.

Like I said it was a 5-6 hour drive and on the way down our direction thingy in our car was reading S and I was telling my son how on our way back it'll read N. So after about 4 hours of driving ( and they did really well too until about the 4 hour mark ) he started crying and said he wanted to go North and go back home. And then on the way home about the five hour mark he said something like... mommy I said daddy should've went by himself and we could've stayed home and not had to drive to the beach I'm getting tired and I really want to play my game.

Silly kids. Soon they just went dilirious and started making up songs with strange words and laughing. It was quite entertaining.

So now the kids are in bed, and hubby too, and my dog (who stayed with my parents) is happy and content snoring away right next to me.

It's good to be home (which we'll be moving out of in exactly one month if all goes well) where we go from there is anybody's guess. :) and that's ok.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

so so tired

it is just way too late....

i don't know why i torture myself like this. anyways so yes i might be going out of town for 3 days to the coast. well it's pretty much for sure. we leave tomorrow. my parents are watching my dog. thanks mom and dad.

please pray for our safety. driving (it's 5 hours away) and no earthquakes so we don't get swallowed by a tsunami. and protection from freaks who like to hurt people. and pray my dog does ok at my parents. and pray we just have some relaxing time at the coast.
