Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Blessed are those who mourn...

I always took that verse as normal sadness. You know like if someone you love dies or is very sick etc. Which I don't doubt it could mean that but I heard another take on it this past weekend.

To sum up what I heard basically mourning over the lost (spiritually those without Jesus and will spend eternity in hell) as well as the sin in the body of Christ (mine included). So lately I've been praying for God to give me His heart and eyes to see and feel the things He does in regards to these things. I want my heart to be tender and sensitive to these things in order to love more deeply the people God does. To love like he does. As well I don't want to be apathetic or numb and turn away from these things or ignore them. I want to care about what God does and to act accordingly as He leads.

I think when I first became a Christian I cared more for the lost. Likewise, I think I was more sensitive to sin (mine and others) and would go to greater lengths to change those things God revealed to me were sinful and not pleasing to Him. I would also pray for others who's lives I saw weren't leading them to a life of blessing and obedience to God's word. In that I know God has a plan for everyone and that we all must go through what we must go through in order to be broken before Him and be humbled. So I would pray His will be done and their eyes be opened.

I can't honestly say that I didn't judge others though at the time I didn't see I was judging. I was decieved in that area. I think in some ways I didn't judge but I know that in other ways I did. As well I was blind to much of my own sin but I also know God was working on me. Revealing what I could handle at the time. It seemed that the more I made changed and the more I repented the more He would reveal. I'd find myself wondering what could be next...and there always was more...even worse.

Nowadays I'm careful not to judge someone in the sense that I would say, "you're a bad Christian, or you must not be a Christian," because oh do I know better. I've sinned in ways since I've been a Christian that I thought I'd never do. There was a time when I thought I was "above" certain sins...what a dangerous belief to hold. We're all just a couple choices or thoughts away from sins we thought we'd never do. Now I stay alert for I know the devil is all around me waiting to devour me. I know what I'm capable of and try my hardest not to lead myself into temptation...

Yet I believe I can see someone do something and to myself say...yikes that is sin. Because the Bible defines sin so in some cases it's easy to spot. But my thoughts are not "you bad"-- it's more, "hmm I wonder why they're choosing so sin in this way, do they even know they are sinning, how are they decieved, what lie are they believing, what hurts have drove them to behave in such a way, what need are they trying to fulfill?" That really helps me to pray for them. If I choose I could confront...but I normally don't. Although I might depending on the situation. I don't see it as judging I see it rather as helping. But that has to be done prayerfully. Mostly I just pray for the person. I've seen more change in people through prayer alone in ways that, even though I was praying, I didn't believe they would change.

I pray people do that for me as well. Just pray for me. If something's not right in my life ask God to reveal it to me, to change it in me, show me where I have given Satan a foothold or a stronghold in my life. I might already know this area exists in my life and just having trouble letting it go. Or I may be completely blind to it. But I guarantee your prayers will help.

I've found as God has revealed and healed sinful areas of my life I have mourned. It's hurt. But I am comforted. His mercies are new every morning. Tomorrow is a new day. I Lord want to mourn. It's not pleasant but I want to have Your Heart for those around me. I don't want complacency...I don't want a watered down, feel good, faith. I want to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit and intercess for your saints and those lost. I don't want to be luke warm, on the fence, bland, wishy washy, dull, tossed by the waves, ignorant, blind, having a form of godliness but denying its power, loved by the world, weak, lazy, inward focused, or... just existing.

Anyway it's late and I'm ready to hit the hay.

Good night.

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