Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A pretty fun day

Even though my husband was a bit grumpy. Just from being over tired. Poor guy gets up early for work and sometimes it catches up to him. He's in bed with our daughter tonight and I'll be sleeping in my sons bed with him. Then tomorrow night we're going to switch. Why? Good question. I'll tell ya.

Funny story it is. Probably more funny watching it. But if you can picture things well in your mind and know anything about RV's you might find it amusing. If you click on my Novemeber archives and scroll all the way down you can read about the purchase of our new bed. Our first new bed since we were married nearly nine years ago.

So anyways the mattress that came with the RV I knew from the get go wasn't going to work. We'll just put our new mattress in it I figured. They are both queen size but there are many differences between the two mattresses which include thickness, weight, quality...bendability, flexibility...the ability to get in and out of small spaces. Our mattress looks about 2 feet thick.. probably not but it is very thick. The RV mattress looks about six inches thick. The RV mattress I could carry by myself. Our mattress is hard for me to carry with my husbands assistance.

We head into the RV and proceed to remove the flimsy mattress. Surprisingly it's a bit more difficult and takes a bit of manipulation but in about 5 minutes it's out of there. I notice that for this puny mattress it had to bend a bit. How would ours do? For the first time I questioned that this whole idea was going to even work.

We went upstairs and I now had high doubts this was going to happen. I could barely lift the thing (no handles the other mattress and some handy plastic around it). Coupled with that there was the humiliating feeling I was going to have if anywas was watching us as we haul this thing outside and attempt to stuff it into our little RV.

Still we continue. The thought of sleeping on the thin little RV mattess for four years drives us on. We slide it down the stairs. We get to the living room and I lift it up with my husband. Oh hold on it hurts my fingers...OK lets try it again. We head out the back door and to the edge of the deck. Oh hold on I need to regrip. Ok. Across the grass we go. I notice a jogger across the street. I play confidant, we know what we're doing.

We scoot the front end of it into the door along with my husband. I say a silent prayer. Oh Lord if there's a way please show us. As we push I hear the faint sound of a rip followed by an innocent little "oops" Thankfully it was minor and on the underside/edge of the mattress. We can sew it my man says! "Yes!" I say positively.

With prodding and pushing we have the mattess in the hall way switching places here and again. Somehow someway the mattress keeps moving forward. A bend here, a fold there, a push at just the right moment...the saying's held true--where there's a will there's a way!! Who knew 2 ft thick mattress could fold? We didn't. We're a curtain short now in the bedroom but I'll take that over that tiny springy mattress anyday.

I walked out of the trailer like I knew what I was doing all along.

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