Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nieces and Nephews

I celebrated my nephews' 13th birthday last night. We'll call him "J". That was cool. My nephew is my oldest sisters' youngest child. He's a good kid. Can be obnoxious (kiss kiss) but mostly pretty charismatic and funny. He's not a shy boy and he's kind of goofy. We all have good memories of him and his black cowboy hat when he was small {CMT and the potty chair} and just how stinkin cute he was and still is. Now his voice is changing and he's on his way to becoming a man...weird. And he's almost taller than me but NOT yet. Ha ha. Oh and one other thing. He maybe 13 but he's still not too shy to tell you he loves you...Now that is what I call Cool!! My other nephew (we'll call "M" which is my oldest sisters' middle child is already a man...he'll be 21 this year and then my stinkin neice (my sis's oldest) we'll call "D") will be ??? ok let me think...yikes I think she may be 24 this year...oh boy that can't be right...or 23...somebody help me out here. I'm only 29 people.

So it's really weird because I grew up with all three of these kids especially the oldest 2. I used to lie on my back and balance them on my knees or feet and flip them over, I used to take baths with my niece when we were little. I used to have them walk on my back. I used to be a big brat to them and make them let me push their cuticles down...and they would say "ow" and I would say they had to let me because other wise they would grow really high and cover their fingernails. Ha ha.

So now all but one are all grown up. Now M thinks he is pretty darn cool but he is. His road has been tough in spots and he's handled it like a man. He's fun to hang around with because He's so cool and I feel like his coolness rubs off on me when he's around. :) But really though I do enjoy his company. He's quiet but when he talks it's either funny, bratty, insightful, or sarcastic. Oh and did I mention how darn cool he is. (kiss kiss) D is getting married this summer. She's the little sis I never had...which was unfortunate for her because all the torture I learned from my mean big sisters was passed on to her. Her and I have had good times and bad but now we can laugh a lot and I think we have a connection that is pretty strong. I wonder what my sis thinks about her kids getting so grown up...especially her baby. I can't imagine. I savor these times because right now I don't want my children to grow up. Not quite ready for that yet.

So then I have 3 other nieces and 1 nephew who are all a bit younger. The oldest out of this bunch will be 8 soon. She's always been quite the spunky little girl. Strong willed but oh so smart and clever. Always giving her mom a run for her money. Always keeping her on her toes. I love to hear the stories. I never would've thought of the things she does at her age. She's a little cowgirl now, getting into horses and wearing boots. Super cute. Then her little sis is 3. She's the little girl who's grin makes you grin everytime you see it. She has always had the biggest smile. She was super chubby as a baby and so squeezable. Her and my daughter are just months apart and that has been very special. Then I have a nephew who is 2 going on 5...he's tiny but a super go getter. He is learning two languages. I can't speak for the foriegn one but his English is very good. He loves my son and is a precious kid...then he has a new little sis who is just 6 months now. Her birthday is the same as my daughters. They are 3 years apart. She looks a lot like her big bro. She's petite and has a darling little grin.

Did I forget anyone? D,M,J,B,M,G,L ... pretty cool!! I might add more later but for now my show is on. Love you guys!

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