Sunday, March 26, 2006

posting while i have the chance

Well. I was reading a blog (not linked on mine) and was inspired to write something.

Ten Things My Children Have Taught Me... So here it goes...

1. When naughty it's mostly because we want you're full attention.
2 Don't get so frustrated.
3. Mornings are "sunny time" not "grumpy time"
4. Life is oh so short.
5. Every moment can be a teaching moment.
6. We all feel love attention to our needs and love us accordingly.
7. Life is not boring when done right.
9. We all need snuggles on a regular basis.
10. Some things (like raising kids) are worth doing right the first might not be easy but it is possible... for HE (God) has given us everything we need for life and godliness...

I could go on... but the main point is that everyday I learn something new about raising my kids. Lately it's that they will get it I just can't give up...keep pounding it in their head, keep reciting the Bible verse, keep telling them why, keep praying with them, keep explaining it to them, keep on keeping on...they will get it. I have found that truly God has and will continue to give me what I need to raise my kids right, and in the TRUTH of His word, in HIS way... each and every day.

So ... I'm posting and it's late. I spent some of today cleaning up my computer, copying files and pictures, deleting stuff...just cleaning it up and getting it ready to give to someone else. I might get my laptop tomorrow...and so I really don't know when I'll be offline for a bit so I'm posting while I can.

I'm sitting on the floor right now as we gave my desk to my sister to use until further notice. We'll be moving this week. May the adventure begin.

Oh my aching back... :)

Until next time.

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