Friday, March 17, 2006

Dog Sittin..& So much more

We are dogsitting little Miss Maggie this weekend. It's my cousins dog and she is a sweetie. So it out to be an interesting weekend. We're also doing a lot of packing/moving this weekend. We won't get our RV til next Saturday now which is irritating but oh well.

We just went and got ice cream cones and cookies from McDonalds. As of today I had lost 2 more pounds but weigh in is tomorrow so...I think I'll just count today as my weigh in and go from there. If I don't eat anymore today than I should be ok. I don't think I"ll lose anymore but I don't think I'll gain either.

So this move will be our 3rd move in about 1 year. And it's funny because each time we have went through stuff and got rid of stuff or gave it away and each time we still have more stuff to get rid of. Where does it all come from? Today we took a load to storage (all from the garage) and we took some to Goodwill and a load to the dump. Man.

But we won't have a lot in storage which is good. We'll have our bed frame and box springs, a kitchen table and the a couple rocking chairs and then the rest boxes...oh yes and one twin bed. Our couch and chair will go back to my parents, we are letting them use our TV as well. My oldest sister might be using our desk, my cousin will be taking our bookshelf, an end table, and a fake tree, one of my sis-in-laws will be taking one twin bed. Our nieces and nephews will be getting some toys. And then we'll be taking some stuff. So...that about covers it I think.

When we had lunch with our former Pastor last week they told us that they had RV'd it for 13 months and they said you'd be surprised with just how little you need. When they finally moved back into a house they had a huge garage sale with a lot of the stuff that was in storage because they just didn't need it anymore. I think that sounds good to me. I'm not into a bunch of baggage anyways. Although some people think we have a lot of stuff we really don't.

I remember at one point everything we had was either borrowed or given to us. Every big thing that is like furniture. But now our bed is ours and so is our desk. Some day when we get home again we'll hopefully get some new furniture that will be our own. So far we have always used hand me down couches and chairs from my parents (thank you very much) and so when we get back I think they'll be out of furniture for us. ;)

This weekend we're not doing much except for moving and packing. Sunday we're going to church too and saying hi to some old friends. Can't wait for that.

So that's all folks. Have a great weekend and I'll catch you on the flipside.

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