Saturday, April 22, 2006

Free time...that's what I have at the moment!

So the kids are in bed...hubby is chatting on phone....oh free time interupted with child crying in bed...ok fixed that...what a crisis my son dropped his bunny on the side of the bed and he couldn't reach it. It was the end of the world but mommy saved the day (like normal).

My husband is diligently trying to study for his upcoming test. He's getting very nervous. The day is creeping up on him. I say trying because it's hard to study in a house (did I say house?) with 2 small children. And I tell him OVER and OVER...GET OUT OF THE HOUSE GO SOMEWHERE AND STUDY GO TO A COFFEESHOP OR SOMETHING AND GET SOME GOOD HOURS IN...but does he listen? No. So tomorrow me, the kids, and dog are getting out of here and spending the day at my moms and he is going to study...he's suppose to anyway.

So what else is new. Well my mom has a lifelong friend who suffered a stroke as a result of a surgery on an aneurism (sp?). She's up at OHSU but doing better. It was and still is quite serious but she is making progress. She is squeezing hands and trying to that is really good. We're praying for healing obviously but also no infections nor pneumonia...please pray with us for her to get well.

Yah so I've had nothing to write about lately. My mind is constipated. Ha ha. I think it's due to our transition. It's been a little chaotic in my own mind the past week or two so maybe that has effected my blogging. I have been journaling though in my personal journal. That is what I normally do especially when I need to work through emotional issues. So that has been more of my outlet lately.

As the move day approaches I get more nervous. I just keep praying for God's will to be done and if it's not His will then change things. It's easier for me to accept things when I'm confidant it's God's will. Sometimes I'm not so confidant and I'm nervous. This is something I'm just letting happen and trusting God will work through my husband and guide us.

To this point I have actually been excited about it and we even practically begged to go...but it's starting to materialize and it's weird. I keep tellin my hubby to expect me to "go through something" when we do get there. It will take a bit for me to adjust. I don't plan on being a pain but I know I will have some sort of reaction. Probably in the form of FREAKING OUT from time to time. Ha ha. My poor husband oh the things he's gone through with me. He's a champ.

Well I'm looking forward to the nice day tomorrow. Going to play play play. Just found out I don't have to take the dog tomorrow so that will actually be kind of nice because out of my moms he likes to wander and I can't relax as much because I have to make sure he doesn't go where he's not suppose to.

Have a great Sunday people.

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