Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It was a nice idea in theory....

My son had a little program at school tonight. It was cute. He found me and sis in the audience and waved. So sweet. He sang and did all the motions. OH and then.

So being the nice mama that I am I thought we'd go to Mickey D's and get an ice cream cone. So we do. Now I'm holding on to two cones and the steering wheel trying to maneuver the corner out of the drive through. Not a good idea. Almost through the corner one of the cones top swirley plops onto the middle console right onto the 4 wheel drive shifter. As I pass a car parked by the drive though ( a witness ) I laugh like I find it funny...I didn't...but had to be in control in one way or the other. Soooo. I find a safe spot to park, grab some of the fallen icecream with my bare hand and plop it back on the cone and give it to sissy. She was satisfied. I then wipe what ice cream i can off with a napkin and take off (have to find a better spot to park) so then get down the road, ice cream on steering wheel, melting ice cream starting to drip down in between the seat and console. I pull over and get almost angry...I get my son his cookie and start cleaning up the mess. I do a pretty good job actually using only dry McDonald's napkins. I then drive home with a sticky steering wheel. Shortly into the rest of the ride home I begin to laugh at what that had to have looked like to the witness...I laugh now thinking about it...my face at the time was like "whoa.. whoa" not actually believing it would plop...then it did and I was perturbed over the wasted ice cream...mortified someone saw...embarrassed as they must have thought I was a dork for even trying it in the first place... Life Lesson...buy the 3 cookies for a buck instead.

In other news...I was snuggling on my couch this morning half in half out of reality with my doggy next to me. He gets up and makes a weird noise. In my daze I know it can't be a good noise. My eyes are drawn to a pile of mustard on the floor...oh but that is not mustard...it's doggy spit up. I quickly make him get into his crate where he proceeds to puke some more and step in it. So I start to clean up the carpet...we do have a small handheld steam cleaner and that works well although that yellow was pretty YELLOW and I could still see a hint of it. I then move to the cage and clean up what I can but his paw will have to wait. We have limited hot water and I still need a shower. So in the crate he stays. We did eventually get paw crate and all clean...My SIL says it's from eating grass...which he has been doing like it's going out of style lately so it makes sense.

The rest of the day went off without a hitch. BREAKING NEWS... This just in...heavy filtered coffee drinking found not on heart. Yeah!!! Keep them studies coming. How could something so good be bad? It can't. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

I really did just hear that on the news. Along with Oregon has the most breweries per capita than any other state. Our mountain water makes it so good...so they say. I also heard that my alma mater, among a couple others in Oregon, (high school) got some award from Sports Illustated having to do with steroid education...I'll have to check that out.

Well all I guess that is it for now. Have a wonderful Wed-nes-day!! Oh you know I will.

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