Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What in the world???

So I'm just wondering what has gotten into me since I entered RV world? I'm gettinerdun!! I have been doing this and that running here and there and AND at the same time staying in a decent mood and staying positive. I'm dotting the i's and crossing the t's!!

Well there is this one thing I haven't done yet...just one!! It's hangin over my head like a big black cloud. Ugh...yet again I shove it back in the dark dusty closet spot in my brain. I'll do it tomorrow. Sure.

What's everyone doing this Resurrection Sunday? I don't know what we're doing yet. We'll go to church and then I don't know.

So my man just got home. He has just a half a month left of school left. May 2nd I think is when he takes his test. After 4 long years of two nights a week after work, homework and finals he'll finally be a journeyman electrician. I'm very proud of him. He works very hard to support his family. Because of him I can stay home and be my kids' mom!! He has put a lot of his own hopes and dreams to the side to be a man and provide for us. And I'll just add that before this apprenticeship program he went 3 years to Community college right after highschool and then three years to OSU. Out of those 6 years he wrestled five of them for both the colleges. After he graduated he needed a decent paying job so back to school he went.

Funny about college. Four year state colleges aren't all that in ways that I used to think they were. Just because you graduate from one doesn't mean you'll bring home the big bucks. But they DO mean 4 or 5 (or more) years of some pretty fun memories and experiences that neither of us would trade for the world. Neither of us really use our degrees directly now but I cherish my 5 years at OSU. I met Jesus, many special friends, and grew as a person in knowledge of life and myself, and so many things.

Anyways...I can still remember my first day of college. My dad and my now husband then boyfriend moved me into my dorm that I roomed with a good friend from highschool. (I miss her..haven't seen her in long time) My daddy was so sad when he left. And then I had my man walk me around campus so I could figure out where everything was...I like remembering those days.

I should blog about that some more someday. As for now...I'm outta here.
Peace out!


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