Thursday, April 06, 2006

Long Days...

Since we've moved it seems we're going and going and going and there is always something to do. We're going from the moment we wake up until we go to bed and then when we go to bed there is more we can do...but we just save if for the next day. It's not big stuff either it's just the small little things.

Also my son's school is now 30 miles away. So we're driving a lot. It's not too bad but since it's half day I leave go home...stay for a bit and then head back. Gotta love it. I say that with a smile on my face.

Moving is always a bit stressful and I think you can tell we're all a bit stressed. My kids have been going to bed too late and waking up early. Therefore my son is very cranky and cries easily at night. My daughter has been sleeping a lot on our drives so she is catching up with her sleep a bit. Since they share a room going to sleep takes them longer with all their giggling back and forth and then in the morning my daughter wakes up crying really loud and usually wakes my son up. I'm sure we'll get back in the swing of things eventually.

My sleep and wake cycle is normal as always up late and up with the kids. My husband has been going to bed a little bit later than normal.

I just finished doctoring my dog. Put drops in his ears and cleaned his wrinkles...he no like it at all...He's resting now. Snoring away. Now that we live in the RV he no longer sleeps in his crate but at the foot of our bed. I like it that way. It's pretty cute. Now the crate just stays in our car for rides. He's our little buddy.

One thing that is fun about the RV park is we always have new neighbors. I haven't met any yet but my husband has. One family with four daughters were on their way to Disneyland. Then today he met a guy who knows a friend of ours and he travels a lot with his job and stays in an RV. Small world. It's really interesting.

So tomorrow is another busy day...I'm hoping to get laundry put away tomorrow...ha ha.

Have a good night to all.

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