Thursday, February 09, 2006


So I thought I'd post about why I have all these links on my blog for kidz with cancer and how their existance became known to me.

First of all I link these sites and blogs for 3 purposes.

1) Awareness-- I was completely ignorant to the world of children and cancer and everything that them and their families go through. I had no idea how sudden their world can change, how drastic the effects of the drugs can be on their little bodies, how damaging the side effects can be, and sadly, in some cases, how quick this disease can claim a little life. Being aware of these many things leads to...

2) Appreciation--I appreciate my own children a million times more, every blessing in my life more and all that I have. My life perspective radically changes and soon the small things become enough. I am thankful for everything I have a lot more than I was before. As well the trials I face now I face without much of the self pity I had before. The poor me syndrome has dissipated.

3) Assisstance--It's my hope that people who pass by this blog will check out their sites and help out. Prayerfully, Financially, Tangibly, Practically, However...if you're compelled to help then follow through. As well maybe that will lead to donations to Childrens Hopitals, Bone Marrow Donors etc.

I believe God led me to this world of children fighting cancer on purpose. He's opening my eyes and leading me somewhere I've never been. I'd like to explain how I came across these blogs. It goes way back but I find it quite interesting and makes you wonder just how interconnected events in life are.

Back in 99 I worked for my dad. At the time another guy did and he was a Christian. Him and my husband became friends. Then he eventually quit and moved on. But my husband felt a tug to stay in touch so out of the blue he contacted him and they got together and hung out. This guy gave my husband a book to read. My husband did and loved it. Fast forward 4 years or so...I liked the author of that book my husband read and was really wanting to read some books by the author. Then a book came out by the authors wife and just this past summer I got it for my birthday and I read it.

So then I looked up the website for these authors, their books, and their ministries and found it and it had a message board. I joined it and met a girl who was from Oregon as well. We agreed to meet and have coffee. Her name was Rebekah.

There was also a guy on this message board who had a blog and I read it once and thought ... I should have a blog. I had tried a website but didn't like it and thought this was more my style. His blog was through blogger so I went there and signed up.

One day while on I was watching the scroll of recently updated blogs and "randomly" clicking on ones that seemed interesting. One came up that said Rebekah's page so I clicked on it wondering maybe it's my new friend Rebekah.

Of course it wasn't but surprisingly it was a little girl from Oregon and her story about battling childhood cancer. So I read a bit. But here it takes a detour. I was looking at the links on Rebekah's page and clicked on jojo's blog. On her blog, amongst other struggles she herself was facing, she referred to a family that just lost their little girl to cancer, Maggie ( So I went to Maggie's Blog.

Maggie had just passed away. In the timeframe of a month or so I read through her website and was just floored by what I read. I couldn't believe all that had happened and in such a short amount of time. I couldn't believe the transformation that took place in her appearance. I just didn't know how all this worked and I couldn't believe it. I was very moved.

So then that led me back to Rebekah's page and her other site and I began to read more about her story. Again I went through the same gamut of emotions. I was struck by just how reading these two stories changed my outlook on life so much. Too, it has changed my life in many ways and will continue to do so I believe. That brings us to now. Rebekah's page in turn led me to all the other kids.

So I just tell this story because it's interesting how God led me there. I take it back to 99 (before most of these kids were born) but it could go even further. So how does it all play out in God's plan. Who knows but it shows me how vast His plan is. It gives me a glimpse to how things are interwoven maybe even interdependant. How he brings good about in horrible situations.

It brings to life that verse that says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding... it shows that we just can't understand God's plan it all it's depth and vastness but as we just trust him his purposes will prevail and good will ultimately come.

That's all folks.

1 comment:

KandJMom said...

I have been changing my mindset about my kids when the annoy me or are being high maintenance. I tell myself that there are moms out there who have lost their babies and would give anything to have them back throwing a tantrum or making a mess.