Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I will wait for you Jesus You're the sun on my horizon...
~Jason Upton

That line to that song has been on my tongue all day...I've sang it over and over again. So much so I overheard my little girl singing it while she was playing.

I don't have much to say tonight. Nope not much at all. So then what should I say? I'm thinking the words to a song....what song.... how about that Jason Upton Song...I"ll have to look them up... be right back...

ok here it is... i had the first line a bit (just a bit) wrong..

I will wait for You, Jesus

You’re the sun in my horizon
All my hope’s in you, Jesus
I can see you now arising
There’s a wall that stands in front of me
That I know I just can’t climb
But like an eagle you will carry me
It’s just a matter of your time
An evil army’s all around me
Another wall that is in my way
But I believe the word you promised me
So I will wait another day

Monday, January 30, 2006

Can I just say I love my little buddy...

My son is getting at the age where I'm starting to learn how he receives love. He's also starting to learn to communicate with me his feelings. Last night he was going to sleep in our bed (again one of those nights I was exhausted) and so he was chatting away and I was trying hard to listen without getting irritated because his chatting is so so sweet but I was so tired as well. Well then later his lil sis came walking in and asked if she could get in so I said sure why not thinking it would be a fun thing all of us snuggling. well my son was not too happy with that.

after some stressful moments because nobody in the bed was happy at this point I walked out to get a breather my husband walked in and i overheard my son crying and saying he was sad about me walking out and wants us all to have fun. so then i walked back in and layed beside him and sobbing he told me that it bugged him when I said sissy could get in bed. ... so the light bulb went on ( i can be slow at times ) and he just wanted mommy son time. which makes sense because so many times when he sleeps with us it's him and his dad because i go to bed so late. But this time it was early and just me and him so he must've been happy.

well we ended up fixing it with me and him going to his bed to sleep which he was happy with that. So then the next day my mom came over and she stayed with his sis while i took him to school and on the way he told me he likes it when it's just me and him. (heart melting now) and he's just talking about how fun it is...and I tell him me and him will have to do something some time just the two of us and he said yah and started naming all these things. What a stinking precious kid!! I love my little buddy.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Another Thank You!!

To those who helped us out on Sunday. We had a little work day on Sunday to get some things done around the house before we put it up for sale next week. My husbands brother was sicker than a dog and he still put in a few hours helping out painting and putting in the microwave. Thank you Thank you Thank you...as well to our brother-in-law who took time away from his family to help us out. We know time is precious and we thank you hugely for the help. Also to his wife :o) for letting us steal some of his time. Thank you very much. We appreciate your servant heart. It was a big help and we couldn't have done it is such a short amount of time without you.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

just found out that a little girl with cancer died today. i don't know the details but she is one of the girls I keep up with and pray for. her link isn't up on my page just cause I hadn't gotten to it yet...anyway just goes to show you don't always have the next moment to get around to something.

anyways it just makes me sad.

oh little babies how my heart breaks for you...all I can hold onto is that despite what I see i cling to the truth that God is good. i have to hold on to that and believe it and trust Him with the darkness of this world...and in that I will fight for you in prayer and fight against the wiles of the devil. but in it all i know God has you in His hands. i find comfort believing 100% that He has you wrapped in his arms.

**update**added a few more links including nikolette's page...the little one who passed away if any of you want to leave prayers or notes of encouragement on her page or anything else that may be on your heart.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Oops I did it again.....

So i've lost 10 pounds so far and I work out four days a week. I live life to the fullest and basically live a perfect life...

LOL!!! just thought I'd update you on my New Year's Resolution... as my son would say, "I'm just teasin"

Anyway my NY'sR is nunya....


Ha ha ha ha ha... I have to go to bed because I'm deliriously tired.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Last night I had two dreams and one the night before. Some people say that God speaks to you through your dreams and some say he doesn't. Well I say what the heck if a dream really stands out I'll pray about it. And just a warning the next few paragraphs are not for some viewers...so if you don't like scary things don't read on.

So the one the night before I won't go into too much detail but it had to do with a friend of mine that committed suicide 6 years ago this month. The sequence of the dream is foggy and right now I just see it in pictures and the fine details and some of the major has been lost. It also was like it was the night of her suicide and the background to it.

I don't know much about her suicide except the method and the town. We hadn't talked for a few years before it happened but she always had a very depressed and dark side. So in the dream there were demons all black and one that did have an appearance but I won't mention that here either...and I yelled at it and said someday you'll be thrown in the pit of Hell, in the lake of fire...( I was thinking of the final time when Satan will finally be locked up forever) and I just kept yelling at it. Because in the dream I couldn't stop the suicide and I knew it was going to happen and I was very angry at the demon.

I awoke from the dream not scared but just contemplating it. Why did I have that dream?? Still don't really know but I just thought of my friend and what went on that night....what really went on??

OK so...the next two dreams are not that dark. One was me and my sis were trying to renovate a house. My husband was there too but he was more in the background. So the house was gutted and starting to cave in and it finally collapsed almost on us. We were bummed-- we just had this foundation and knew we were going to have to build new house. But it was at the bottom of a hill surrounded by huge Victorian houses and ours was going to be small. I knew it wouldn't fit in.

When I woke I just prayed Lord when I'm broken (as in spiritually) rebuild my house on the Rock and build it big. I can only do small and you can do big. Build my house Lord!!! (Figuratively speaking) Might sound weird but I just think sometimes God brings us to the breaking point and either we stay there maimed and hurting and whining and walk away from God or we allow him to put it back together again...bigger and better than before. We were trying to fix it ourselves and God allowed it to break...and it really stunk, but then He steps in and makes it better than we ever could. In the dream my vision of the new home was small and pathetic so I prayed when I woke because I don't want to think small I want to belive my God for big awesome things.

Ok and Lastly ( a little gross) but I pulled out of my ear the biggest hugest piece of ear wax there ever was. It was like a wedge of cheese. Of course I examined it and my ear was a bit tender on the inside because it must've been in there for awhile and it was hard and firm. But I just marveled at it and at the fact that how could I have heard before with all that wax in my ear.

Well when I woke up I just prayed...if I have "wax" in my ear that is causing me not to hear you as well as I could pull it out!!!! Show me what it is. And I thought wow that wax was huge so it made me think...hmm is there something in my life that has been there for a long long time that I don't even realize that is causing me not to hear God as well as I could.?? Whatever it is God expose it. "he who has ears let him hear what the spirit says to the churches..."

Off to bed...to dream once again.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Not much new here...

Today is a typical week in my life. Just juggling kids, hubby, house, job (that's not everyday but always on my mind because I'm always going about one step forward and 10 steps back), and my writing....

Speaking of my writing...everytime I get an assignment back I feel like one of those pathetic contestants on American Idol who have zero talent and the judges just laugh, cringe, or do both. I wouldn't blame my mentor, who is very gracious, if she reads my assignments and wonders what in the heck am I doing here. I miss the mark on every assignement and every article "needs a lot of work." On a note she wrote for my lead in "...I would quit reading here if I wasn't your mentor :o)..." because it didn't grab her.

Well that might sound harsh but it is her duty to tell me the truth and with that kind of critique I can improve I just get so annoyed. Someday I want to write something that she says..."WOW!" We'll see.

I cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot wait to sell our house. It is sucking us completely dry. And I don't really care if I tell people that. Who cares. Yah we live paycheck to credit card to paycheck. Ha... It'll be much better when we sell. We soley bought this for an investment and we're hoping it'll pay us back here in about a month or two.

And then off to Californ-i-a in about 5 months. That'll be so weird. I'm so used to being able to just go to my moms or call anyone I want whenever I want when I'm bored. Not then. I feel it'll be a good learning experience for me.

Can I just say my dog is the stinkin (literally) cutest dog in the world. We all are growing so attached to him...

OH MY GOSH I nearly forgot to announce....sit down...

My little girl POOPED in the potty tonight....Thank you Lord...seriously I praised God!!! We sang "Victory in Jesus" when I put her to bed. She said, "I'm a big girl now."

Good night all.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Back to Life Back to Reality...

Well I got back yesterday...a bit car sick from the drive home. That went away but then exhaustion hit. I was tired the rest of the night and went to bed early. My son asked if I'd come snuggle with him ( I was already in bed) and I was like oh honey how about tomorrow night...he cried big Alligator tears and then asked if he could sleep in our bed and I said oh honey it's too small for the three of us and I really want to sleep in my bed tonight because of the last two nights of a pretty uncomfortable bed.

He went to his room and cried.

I thought about it a bit and I was like duh Kelli he misses his mommy. How could I miss that?? I think it was the selfishness in my tiredness...so my husband went in his room and told him to go get in bed with mommy and that daddy would sleep in his bed. So he did. Even after he got in he cried for a bit and told me he was so sad. So we talked a bit snuggled close and soon all was better. I thank God that He opened my eyes.

Normally it's an every night thing that he wants us to snuggle with him or he wants sleep in our bed and sometimes we do and sometimes we don't. So I think I was numb to the reality that this wasn't the normal routine but more that I had been gone two nights and he missed me. Besides God's nudge it was that his cry was sadder and deeper than normal and not his little whine that he normally does.

So anyways the Retreat. It was good. Some seeds were planted in my heart. As well I had a worship experience unlike any before. I'm used to the modern day worship services with band and contemporary music and with that I usually have emotional experiences. By that I don't mean bawling or wiggin out but just more like my emotions are stirred and I feel the worship. And I sincerely feel I'm worshipping but I know at the same time too it could be reaction to the music (i.e sad songs can make you feel sad etc)

So at this retreat it was just a piano and more hymn style music. Very simple and old school. But I was very open to it because I know God could work in me through it. So as I worshipped although I wasn't feeling much I just prayed and I was like, "Lord help me to focus on you and the true meaning of worship and praise you no matter if the feelings are there are not or if I know the song or not." So there were 4 sessions altogether and with each session my worship was more and more--well worship but still with no emotions. By the last morning I was sincerely worshipping without the emotional experience but truly just there in praise adoration and worship of God. That is the best I can explaine it. It was really cool.

Everyone else was very into as well and I believe many seeds were planted. I feel that the work that went on in that retreat was solid. That seeds were planted in good soil.

Friday, January 20, 2006

I'm off...

I'll be leaving in about an hour and a half to a retreat. So I won't be on the computer for 2 days!! Wowser...a good thing though.

see ya~~

Thursday, January 19, 2006

ER was a rerun...


Thursday is ER night...

I really like ER. It's fun because my whole house is in bed and I sit down in peace and quiet with a snack and watch my show. Last week I had chips, salsa, and low fat sour cream. Tonight I have some Weight Watcher Ice cream bars but I don't know if I'll have one since I've already had one.

Tonight we met with our realtor and it went well. Her suggested sale price was right on with what we were thinking. She's a nice lady who's knows both our parents and has for some time. She says she remembers my dad from way back.

So we're thinking we're going to start showing it the first week of Feb. That will be like so much fun. Like totally like.

Tomorrow I have a friend and her two kidlets coming over for lunch. That'll be fun. And then at four I leave for my retreat.

But as for now... .. ... .. I really need to pack and do wash. Have a good weekend everyone.
Blessings Sum on your dogshow this weekend.
Sherri praying for you and your friend.
Adams family have a restful weekend before your last chemo time!! If I remember right it's next week. God bless you Rebekah

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I'm not a quitter gosh darn it!!

So tonight after 4 months of deliberation and zero productivity I decided not to quit my writing program through the Christian Writers Guild. I started it a little over a year and a half ago. Around September I was thoroughly convinced I stunk at writing and was too busy to do it anyways. Each lesson drove me nuts and I figured what's the use? If I had in my opinion an ounce of talent, some potential, I'd keep going. But I really felt that I was more of a "for myself" type of writer and that was fine. So it's ok to quit right? Well I tried to convince myself it was but tonight I just couldn't go through with it.

So I picked up where I left on and nearly finished my assignment. I'm hoping to turn it in by Friday before I leave for my retreat. I emailed my mentor and told her I'm still alive. So I'm on that road again.

I really do like to write but I realize at this point in my life I don't want to write professionally nor do I have the skills for that yet nor the time and motivation to improve my skills. In the future that could still be a possibility. As for now I'm going to stick to my committment and get this course done. I have til September but I'm waaayy behind.

In other news...yes I'm going to a women's retreat this weekend. Should be quite interesting if it's anything like the last time I went. I am looking forward to the setting and getting away for some quiet time with God...I so need it. My relationship with God right now is so weird. I need some clarity, some black and white, and me getting back to the basics, clearing the clutter, and probably some recommittment. I do love my Lord but sometimes my life reflects how much I love myself, my time, my pursuits, my own will... etc etc.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rumor Patrol

Well it's rumored that I'm moving to a trailer on Old Mehama Rd. That isn't true. We are meeting with a realtor Thursday night to sell our house. California or no California we are (God willing) selling our house.

The trailer rumor must've came from the fact that we thought about some property on Old Mehama Rd that does have a trailer on it but we are not at this time purchasing that property and if we did we would not live in the trailer.

I hope that clears things up. Spread the news.

That's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As for you all have a great night.

~Me me me me me

You make me feel, You make me feel...

Like a natural woman. That song is in my mind. Why might you ask. Might you not but I'll tell you anyways. Well hmm it all started one day while I was watching Dancing with the Stars and that song was the background music to a lovely dance performed by a sweet darling beautiful couple. So that is where I was reminded the song existed. So then today I was thinking about myself as a woman. :) But I thought to myself, I feel more like a kid than a woman. I thought, I need to grow up!! But then I thought well I turn thirty this year. Maybe that's when I'll grow up.

Yes I could grow up now but I should really wait until I'm officially "old". I'll start preparing myself now though but I'll retain my kidness until then. Besides I still have zits aren't those suppose to go away when your old??

Ok gotta jet I'm really lagging behind this morning. What is new.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Well well weeelllllll

Not too much going on today. I got some work done as my role as big, mean, tough, Safety Director. My mom watched the chillins today as I worked. That was a nice break. Isn't it funny when you're a stay at home mom how working (without the kids) can be a break. It was. And my kids got to play LIFE Spongebob Edition. My sweet mom. :o)

So then we went and got some stuff for our house. Last night we got some new lights and a new front door and then tonight we got a mantel for the gas fireplace. Got to spiff it up before we sell it. Well we do need some new lights as some are very dated and the front door has cracks in it that you can see through if you put your eyes up to it. It ought to be interesting how it all looks when it's done.

And so yes that's all folks...

Oh and feel free to comment. That would be fun to get comments. So far only my sister and Rebekah's fam have commented (Thank you thank you!) Please be nice as I am hypersensitive and don't take criticism well. :o)

Here's to everyone in the southern blogosphere.... YEEE HAWWW!

Sunday, January 15, 2006


So anyways...ok sorry I couldn't help myself. I did not take this picture myself nor was it my idea. It was my husband. It was all him and he took this pic as joke to send to his mom over e-mail.
--Song ringing through my head at this moment---
"I see your true colors shining through. I see your true colors and that's why I love you. So don't be afraid to let them show...You're true colors."

Never the less the picture was taken and so I couldn't NOT put in on my blog. At least we weren't too graphic. I can't look at this picture without laughing.

Our poor dog. Can't even poo in private. Oh we LOVE you Blackjack!!!!

In other news...oh sorry there is no other news.

Have a great easing moving ...i mean easy going... night.

That's what I like ABOUT Sunday...

I like that song...

Anyways. So what have I done since yesterday at 7.45 a.m. Well we did go to see and help out the Adam's Family (Rebekah's House). It was a sweet time. It was such our honor (great grammar huh?) to help out and meet them all. I was blessed to play with all the girls for a long time while at the same time letting Frances (Rebekah's mom) do her own thing for awhile. Rebekah and Sarah are darling. They both have smiles that will melt your heart. Rebekah seemed to be doing very well yesterday. She just played and played. When she saw Jake she motioned for him to come into the playroom and play with us. That was really cute.

We stayed there til about 3.30 and then we went and picked up Caed at Grandma's. We got there about 6.00 and stayed there til I think 8 and then got home and vegged.

Then today we hit the ground running, Jake outside and me in cleaning like mad people because a REALTOR came over to look at the house. Yes a REALTOR. Weird I know I can't believe it myself. I am excited to move out of this money eater and then go who knows where...maybe California in a few months.

So now I'm doing this and Jakes's outside picking up bag after bag of leaves.

And I have to jet because my kids are on me to do this and that, that and this.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Good Morning...

It's 7.45 on a Saturday...what am I doing out of bed then??? Well me and Jake and Kenna are going to Rebekah's house today to not just meet the Adams family but Jake is going to help out with some electical and if we can help out in any other way while we're there then that too. I'm also excited to visit and let the girls play. Caed won't be going because he spent the night at Grandma's house last night. Which he was very excited to do. Although he doesn't know we're going to see Rebekah today.

So last night I got to bed at a decent hour so I'm not exhausted today. Last night Jake and I had a power hour (or two) cleaning. Which was so so so needed. We mopped our new floors and they looked really pretty.

Did I ever post about the toilet flooding?? I'll have to double check. Anyways for those of you who might not know we have new floors because our toilet flooded in the beginning of December while we were out for the night and ruined the hardwood floors and the bathroom floor. So we have really pretty new hardwood floors. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

So then last night too we just had Kenna and and she was in a really good mood. And she actually played by herself too some of the time which was a shocker. When Caed is not here she always wants me to play with her. But not last night she was in pretend world with her stuffed animals and little toys and blankies It was cute.

So we're off here in a few.

Father God thank you for another day. Bless those who read this today. Draw them close to you and reveal yourself to them in a brand new fresh way. May the truth of who your Son Jesus is permeate their life, envelope and wrap them in his power and love and shine your light in and through their lives. I love you Lord but more so I thank you that you love me and have rescued me from the dominion of darkness. I pray as well that you would rescue me from myself :) as I can be my worst enemy sometimes.
In Jesus Name,

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Resolution Watch 2006

Oh my...OK well Hmm...resolution... shall I define the word? Maybe I should since I'm not quite sure I have grasped the meaning of it. Great idea. Maybe once I grasp the meaning of it I'll actually stick to it. Yes, yes that must be it.

Resolution is definded as follows...ok here it is...1.Firm determination. 2a. The act of resolving. b. Something resolved, esp. a decision or expression of opinion adopted by a deliberative body. E. A solving, as of a problem.

Resilience...Ability to recover rapidly, as from misfortune...Hmm well it was very misfortunate that I ate those cookies and Hershey kisses today...so I'll just bounce back (aka recover rapidly) tomorrow.

In other news, my dog has a piddle problem lately. I've discovered that he likes to urinate when he's mad say from a bath or messing with an owie I'm trying to fix. Fun. I tell him he's lucky he's so cute or he'd be in the dog house. As to why he peed on my in-laws phone tonight that I don't really know? I wasn't around. Maybe something ticked him off or maybe he just marked or maybe he sick and tired of the salespeople calling...Not sure. He must take after me in that area because when I'm mad the phone seems to get damaged...except rather than peeing on it I toss it across the room. Did I ever tell you about the noisy annoying childs toy that ended up in the swamp behind our house? Well that's another story for another day. :o)

My dog smells uriny. Is that a word? I gave him a bath today but who knows?? I suppose that stuff is stronger than the shampoo. Right now he's laying right next to me at my desk which is like one of his fave spots to lay. Very cute. Scoring points right now even though he has frequent gas. That's my boy!

The uriny smell isn't really that bad just some on his leg. Had to say that because I didn't want you all to think I'm nasty disgusting girl letting my stinky dog parade around the house spreading the smell. Anyone else wouldn't notice just me and my hypersensitive nose. And he will probably get another half bath tomorrow to rid him of the uriny smell. :o)

Well hmm that's all folks ... I've got to wrap this up because my fave show ER is on tonight. It better not be a rerun.

God bless you all!!!

2 new links

I got 2 new links up. I'll put more up when I have more time. Take some time to check them out. We can never pray too much. Pray without ceasing. :)

So yesterday I was a little excited. Today I have calmed down. Which is ok.

I have zero time to post right now so hopefully tonight I will be able to but I just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the new links.

Have a good day,

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Most Punches, Last Bunco

Ha. That's the prizes I won last night at Bunco. I was a sub and I went in there and cleaned house. LOL

Oh my goodness and on my way there I ran into high water...Praise God I wasn't going too fast...but I didn't see it and I hit it and water splashed up and I was blinded completely just this big wave of white was all I could see for about for what seemed like forever but was probably about 3 seconds. It was scary and I was a little shaky after that, but OK. I'm really surprised I didn't hydroplane.

This will be short and sweet today. As I have a bunch to do and not much to write about.

May everyone have a day that is good. In other words, have a good day. Ok I'm so hilarious. Not...oh my gosh that is so last decade. That is so last century. Ok really I'm going now...really...no really...I'm serious. I'm going to make like a bread truck and haul buns...I'm going to make like a tree and leave...I'm going, going...


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So much for early bedtime...

Ok so I did go to bed at a decent hour but at that same moment a storm front passed by over head. The wind was gusting up to 37mph and the rain was coming down very heavy. Normally I love storms and their sounds at night but now that we live here I don't like them.

We have many tall trees and I'm always scared of them falling on our house. I don't know if the wind was strong enough to blow them down. Well obviously not since it didn't happen but I feared it because the ground is so wet and the winds were pretty strong. The weather man said that about 40 mph gusts is where fir trees can start to be blown over.

So with each gust fear washed over me. I prayed and quoted a scripture but I had to get up and watch the news. So I did. The doppler radar showed what had just passed by and it was yellow orange and red. So it was pretty intense. We've had worse but it was impressive.

So I then went to bed at 11.30 and finally drifted off and all was well. But I'm still so tired.

I've got to go and get my bud to school. Somebody pray for me today to get all my chores done and grocery shopping done and bills paid as well. Ugh. :) I tend to procrastinate and let things pile up and then the task becomes a lot larger than it needs to be. When will I ever learn?

I really do appreciate your prayers though. And pray as the Spirit leads.


Monday, January 09, 2006

What a day...

Last night I went to bed at 10.30 and did not fall asleep until sometime after 1.30. Then I got up at 5a.m. for a stinking safety meeting that was 45 minutes away and lasted 10 whoppin minutes.

So today I'm exhausted, grumpy, and easily annoyed. :0) I'll get over it. I'm committing to early bedtime tonight.

So then on Rebekah's blog I found out that another little toddler, Oliver, his parent's have recieved news that the Cancer (leukemia) has returned. So so sad. Whoever reads this please click on Rebekah's blog to the right here and then from her website click on Oliver's. I'll get a link on my site soon. Take the time to check out all the kids on their website as well as little Rebekah. Ask God how he can use you in these lives. Pray, pray, pray for them and their mommy and daddies.

One little girl, Kennedy, her family is having insurance issues....which extremely bugs me!!!! I could just blow up on insurance sometimes. They drive me nuts. One treatment/procedure (not sure which since I'm not super familiar with the lingo and can't remember at this point in time) is going to cost 10,000 per week!!!

These precious families go through ups and downs that I could never imagine and hopefully won't ever have to. They are strong even though sometimes I'm sure they feel week. I'm encouraged that many of them rely on God to get them through and his strong arms to hold them when it's all they have just to get by moment to moment.

Many of these families are right here in Oregon. When I get a chance I'm going to link them from my blog so if you want you can stay up to date and pray for them and help them in any other way that you feel led. I think each site has ways you can help and on many you can donate money right there and it goes straight to their needs.

As I close I just want to say God bless you and take time to talk to God today.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Workin Things Out

Random Picture of the day. My Kitchen.


That's what I'm constantly doing. Even tonight as I contemplate spiritual things I feel like I'm working things out. As I consider everything that comes at me the thing I realize I need to do is go to God. Seek Him and His will. And the important thing is with ALL my heart. No half hearted attempts. No--ok God in a sec I'll get to it. All my heart, mind, soul, & strength. Him my priority. I think one reason I get so easily confused is because I rely on myself to figure things out instead of seeking hard after Him. God will lead me I just need to walk with Him instead of going my own way.

In other news, I'm sore today. Oh yes. Of course. Ha. But that is a good thing. I also ate fine today. And tomorrow I get to leave here at 6.30 a.m. and go to a safety committee meeting. OH what joy.

I'm so outta here because I have to go and do something to change the world for the better.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

I did it!!

I exercised!! Is a small workout. Probably 20 minutes. But I have stairs in my house so I did a bunch of stairs (to Superchick music) crunches on my ball and three sets of girly pushups. My arms feel like noodles, I'm sweaty, and my legs are Jell-O...but I feel great. The start of a very good thing.

I'm turning 30 this year...I think I want to have a goal of being really in shape by then so that I can start this new phase in my life out in a good direction. that would be really cool!

So I praise God that I did it and as far as calories and health go today. I did well. I was shooting for 1500 I probably was around there or a little over. But I'm done eating for today. I'm not eating after 7 anymore and I feel good. Although I'm really pooped.

So with that I'm going to go get a big drink of wawa.



Not much new here at the W. household. The scale was reflecting positive results yesterday. That's good. Today I start exercising. Haven't got a video yet just going to do some stuff around the home. I have an exercise (sp???) ball I can use too. It's been good. Last night we splurged and we got some low fat ice cream sandwhiches. Num!

So like an idiot I stayed up too late last night and am a little grumpy today. I really need to cease that behavior because it can affect my family in a negative way. CEASE!

And what else. I'm sorry not really much going on here today. We're relaxing and while hubby is out helping a friend with some electrical work.

Adios all,

Friday, January 06, 2006


Last night I passed out on the couch because I was so tired. I missed ER I was so tired. Ha. I was trying really hard to stay up to watch it and I fell asleep so I got up and went to bed. The night before I went to bed too late and got up too early so I think it caught up with me. I never fall asleep on the couch so I knew I needed rest.

So in line with my resolution I have begun reading a book called, BASIC Steps to Godly Fitness. BASIC stand for Body and Soul In Christ. And it's written by Laurette Willis. Just started reading it the day before yesterday. I got it for Christmas from my cousin. I think it'll be good.

I'll have to post more later since I really need to get my day started. Reminder for the day. Seek God wholeheartedly. Those who seek will find.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Extra! Extra! Read All About It!!

This just in. A small ultra lite crashes into the second story window blinds of a home in Small Town, Oregon.

The crash in under investigation. Miraculously no one was killed or injured in the crash. The operator of the air craft, a 5 year old boy, was in good condition but noticeably upset that he couldn't reach his air craft and would be out of commission pending further
investigation. When asked what he was going to do now that he no longer had his plane to fly the boy replied, "I'll just have my mommy make me a new one."

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Extreme Makeover

I have a friend's who's New Year's Resolution is to get some dental work done.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

You really should visit the Summer's Dog link to the right there. She just re-did her website and it is really cool and has some awesome God-glorifying songs on it

And so it's another nite. Oh my sugar cravings are hanging on with all their might. I had my hubby as a peace offering go get me sugar free fudge cicles tonight. He snapped me with a towel and it hurt so I said he has to go get me a treat and then I'd forgive him. So he did and I did.

So i had that. Still haven't worked out yet. I'm going to get a workout video soon when we get paid. And then I'll be a work out feign (sp??). I'll should do a picture blog of my transforming bod. Before and after pics. Ha. That's it I'm doing it!!! Stay tuned.

Did I do some livin today? You bet. I played with my daughter today and snuggled with my son. I did get some work done and saw my mom. It was just a little. Hopefully more tomorrow.

Ok so Before

And that's all you're going to get. My face looks chubby. In that pic so you can sort of get the idea.

And here's a precious pic of my stinker Blackjack, and my princess babygirl. I call him stinker because that is just what he is in a literal sense.!!! Ciao all!

a day ahead

So I'm posting and it's Tues. Well it's thirteen minutes into Tuesday. At least I hope so because it wasn't until about 1pm today that I was told it was Monday. I was very bewildered. It still strikes me weird that it's Tuesday. It should really be Wednesday. At least that is what my internal clock says.

My husband went on this small job today leaving later than normal and came home really early. And the whole time I'm thinking that's weird he's not going to get all his hours in and he's not even worried about it. And I was even going to do some work as well. Well then later it all got straightened out. And he actually had the day off and just did a small job for the "fun" of it. We got paid in smoked salmon which was really yummy by the way.

So then I got my head straight. It's funny when I think of it because all the while I just thought to myself "it's so weird that my son was going back to school on Wednesday." I was like "why not Tuesday. That's so weird why would they do that." So whatever. No I'm not blonde.

People will say I am but my hair has darkened considerably over the years. Now I'm closer to brown then blond. Ha!

Anyways thought I'd post before going to bed. Can't wait to start a new week tomorrow and get back in to routine.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

1st day fo the New Year

So last night we had our two nephews over and one stayed the night. They all played video games while I was online checkin out websites of kids with Cancer. I also chatted with my SIL and gave her my blog and she checked out Rebekah's page. Her heart was touched which touched my heart. She let people in her circle know about Rebekah and hopefully it will continue.

It really was God that led me to Rebekah's site. I randomly came across it on blogger.com. For those of you familiar with that site it scrolls recently updated blogs and I was watching it one night clicking on random ones that didn't sound profane. So Rebekah's page came up and I clicked on it with another Rebekah in mind that I had just met a few weeks earlier. So I clicked it and the rest is history. There's a few more details to that as well but it would take too much time to write. Maybe I will sometime.

My heart was moved by all of the kids' sites I visited. I was so encouraged to see some were cancer free and in maintenance. What an encouragement. I really thank God for opening this door in my life and letting me see what's on the other side and in this world that I've never been exposed to. I've dealt with adults with Cancer as I've had 2 uncles and one Grandma die from Cancer. But I've never known a child with Cancer. I really want to help them all in some way in addition to prayer.

In other news eating healthy has gone good today as well as "living" as opposed to existing. I really haven't got out of the house but have had visitors which has been nice. My older nephew came over and picked up my younger one (bro's) and then my friend Tanya who's visiting from Nashville and who leaves tomorrow came over. We talked and her boy and my kids played. My husband is calling people left and right just to say hi as well as he got a call from a old friend he hasn't talked to in awhile.

So now we're settling in for the night. I've munched on sugar free candies because I'm really getting the "i need sugar" irritations. I've indulged myself way too much this last month and so body thinks it needs it. Ha.

Happy New Years Day