Saturday, January 28, 2006

just found out that a little girl with cancer died today. i don't know the details but she is one of the girls I keep up with and pray for. her link isn't up on my page just cause I hadn't gotten to it yet...anyway just goes to show you don't always have the next moment to get around to something.

anyways it just makes me sad.

oh little babies how my heart breaks for you...all I can hold onto is that despite what I see i cling to the truth that God is good. i have to hold on to that and believe it and trust Him with the darkness of this world...and in that I will fight for you in prayer and fight against the wiles of the devil. but in it all i know God has you in His hands. i find comfort believing 100% that He has you wrapped in his arms.

**update**added a few more links including nikolette's page...the little one who passed away if any of you want to leave prayers or notes of encouragement on her page or anything else that may be on your heart.

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