Monday, January 16, 2006

Well well weeelllllll

Not too much going on today. I got some work done as my role as big, mean, tough, Safety Director. My mom watched the chillins today as I worked. That was a nice break. Isn't it funny when you're a stay at home mom how working (without the kids) can be a break. It was. And my kids got to play LIFE Spongebob Edition. My sweet mom. :o)

So then we went and got some stuff for our house. Last night we got some new lights and a new front door and then tonight we got a mantel for the gas fireplace. Got to spiff it up before we sell it. Well we do need some new lights as some are very dated and the front door has cracks in it that you can see through if you put your eyes up to it. It ought to be interesting how it all looks when it's done.

And so yes that's all folks...

Oh and feel free to comment. That would be fun to get comments. So far only my sister and Rebekah's fam have commented (Thank you thank you!) Please be nice as I am hypersensitive and don't take criticism well. :o)

Here's to everyone in the southern blogosphere.... YEEE HAWWW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are so funny. i am glad that i am back online so i can read your blog and the presleys.

keep up the good work sis

love ya