Sunday, January 15, 2006

That's what I like ABOUT Sunday...

I like that song...

Anyways. So what have I done since yesterday at 7.45 a.m. Well we did go to see and help out the Adam's Family (Rebekah's House). It was a sweet time. It was such our honor (great grammar huh?) to help out and meet them all. I was blessed to play with all the girls for a long time while at the same time letting Frances (Rebekah's mom) do her own thing for awhile. Rebekah and Sarah are darling. They both have smiles that will melt your heart. Rebekah seemed to be doing very well yesterday. She just played and played. When she saw Jake she motioned for him to come into the playroom and play with us. That was really cute.

We stayed there til about 3.30 and then we went and picked up Caed at Grandma's. We got there about 6.00 and stayed there til I think 8 and then got home and vegged.

Then today we hit the ground running, Jake outside and me in cleaning like mad people because a REALTOR came over to look at the house. Yes a REALTOR. Weird I know I can't believe it myself. I am excited to move out of this money eater and then go who knows where...maybe California in a few months.

So now I'm doing this and Jakes's outside picking up bag after bag of leaves.

And I have to jet because my kids are on me to do this and that, that and this.


1 comment:

Rebekah Christine said...

Again - we can not tell you THANK YOU enough. It was so wonderful meeting you guys and although it may not seem like much - the "break" that you gave both of us was so SO needed. We just hope we didn't scare you away - to California????

-Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)