Sunday, January 01, 2006

1st day fo the New Year

So last night we had our two nephews over and one stayed the night. They all played video games while I was online checkin out websites of kids with Cancer. I also chatted with my SIL and gave her my blog and she checked out Rebekah's page. Her heart was touched which touched my heart. She let people in her circle know about Rebekah and hopefully it will continue.

It really was God that led me to Rebekah's site. I randomly came across it on For those of you familiar with that site it scrolls recently updated blogs and I was watching it one night clicking on random ones that didn't sound profane. So Rebekah's page came up and I clicked on it with another Rebekah in mind that I had just met a few weeks earlier. So I clicked it and the rest is history. There's a few more details to that as well but it would take too much time to write. Maybe I will sometime.

My heart was moved by all of the kids' sites I visited. I was so encouraged to see some were cancer free and in maintenance. What an encouragement. I really thank God for opening this door in my life and letting me see what's on the other side and in this world that I've never been exposed to. I've dealt with adults with Cancer as I've had 2 uncles and one Grandma die from Cancer. But I've never known a child with Cancer. I really want to help them all in some way in addition to prayer.

In other news eating healthy has gone good today as well as "living" as opposed to existing. I really haven't got out of the house but have had visitors which has been nice. My older nephew came over and picked up my younger one (bro's) and then my friend Tanya who's visiting from Nashville and who leaves tomorrow came over. We talked and her boy and my kids played. My husband is calling people left and right just to say hi as well as he got a call from a old friend he hasn't talked to in awhile.

So now we're settling in for the night. I've munched on sugar free candies because I'm really getting the "i need sugar" irritations. I've indulged myself way too much this last month and so body thinks it needs it. Ha.

Happy New Years Day

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