Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Not much new here...

Today is a typical week in my life. Just juggling kids, hubby, house, job (that's not everyday but always on my mind because I'm always going about one step forward and 10 steps back), and my writing....

Speaking of my writing...everytime I get an assignment back I feel like one of those pathetic contestants on American Idol who have zero talent and the judges just laugh, cringe, or do both. I wouldn't blame my mentor, who is very gracious, if she reads my assignments and wonders what in the heck am I doing here. I miss the mark on every assignement and every article "needs a lot of work." On a note she wrote for my lead in "...I would quit reading here if I wasn't your mentor :o)..." because it didn't grab her.

Well that might sound harsh but it is her duty to tell me the truth and with that kind of critique I can improve I just get so annoyed. Someday I want to write something that she says..."WOW!" We'll see.

I cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot cannot wait to sell our house. It is sucking us completely dry. And I don't really care if I tell people that. Who cares. Yah we live paycheck to credit card to paycheck. Ha... It'll be much better when we sell. We soley bought this for an investment and we're hoping it'll pay us back here in about a month or two.

And then off to Californ-i-a in about 5 months. That'll be so weird. I'm so used to being able to just go to my moms or call anyone I want whenever I want when I'm bored. Not then. I feel it'll be a good learning experience for me.

Can I just say my dog is the stinkin (literally) cutest dog in the world. We all are growing so attached to him...

OH MY GOSH I nearly forgot to announce....sit down...

My little girl POOPED in the potty tonight....Thank you Lord...seriously I praised God!!! We sang "Victory in Jesus" when I put her to bed. She said, "I'm a big girl now."

Good night all.


Anonymous said...

Praise Be for Kenna and her being a big girl now.

Just hang in there with the writing. Listen to your mentor and you will succeed. I have faith in you.

Love Sis

Rebekah Christine said...

YAY for potty pooping. I cannot wait to have TWO girls pooping in the potty. You are so lucky!

And to anyone reading this - if you don't think that pooping in the potty is one of the coolest things on earth to be proud of - change your perspective!

-Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)