Sunday, January 08, 2006

Workin Things Out

Random Picture of the day. My Kitchen.


That's what I'm constantly doing. Even tonight as I contemplate spiritual things I feel like I'm working things out. As I consider everything that comes at me the thing I realize I need to do is go to God. Seek Him and His will. And the important thing is with ALL my heart. No half hearted attempts. No--ok God in a sec I'll get to it. All my heart, mind, soul, & strength. Him my priority. I think one reason I get so easily confused is because I rely on myself to figure things out instead of seeking hard after Him. God will lead me I just need to walk with Him instead of going my own way.

In other news, I'm sore today. Oh yes. Of course. Ha. But that is a good thing. I also ate fine today. And tomorrow I get to leave here at 6.30 a.m. and go to a safety committee meeting. OH what joy.

I'm so outta here because I have to go and do something to change the world for the better.

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