Thursday, January 12, 2006

Resolution Watch 2006

Oh my...OK well Hmm...resolution... shall I define the word? Maybe I should since I'm not quite sure I have grasped the meaning of it. Great idea. Maybe once I grasp the meaning of it I'll actually stick to it. Yes, yes that must be it.

Resolution is definded as follows...ok here it is...1.Firm determination. 2a. The act of resolving. b. Something resolved, esp. a decision or expression of opinion adopted by a deliberative body. E. A solving, as of a problem.

Resilience...Ability to recover rapidly, as from misfortune...Hmm well it was very misfortunate that I ate those cookies and Hershey kisses I'll just bounce back (aka recover rapidly) tomorrow.

In other news, my dog has a piddle problem lately. I've discovered that he likes to urinate when he's mad say from a bath or messing with an owie I'm trying to fix. Fun. I tell him he's lucky he's so cute or he'd be in the dog house. As to why he peed on my in-laws phone tonight that I don't really know? I wasn't around. Maybe something ticked him off or maybe he just marked or maybe he sick and tired of the salespeople calling...Not sure. He must take after me in that area because when I'm mad the phone seems to get damaged...except rather than peeing on it I toss it across the room. Did I ever tell you about the noisy annoying childs toy that ended up in the swamp behind our house? Well that's another story for another day. :o)

My dog smells uriny. Is that a word? I gave him a bath today but who knows?? I suppose that stuff is stronger than the shampoo. Right now he's laying right next to me at my desk which is like one of his fave spots to lay. Very cute. Scoring points right now even though he has frequent gas. That's my boy!

The uriny smell isn't really that bad just some on his leg. Had to say that because I didn't want you all to think I'm nasty disgusting girl letting my stinky dog parade around the house spreading the smell. Anyone else wouldn't notice just me and my hypersensitive nose. And he will probably get another half bath tomorrow to rid him of the uriny smell. :o)

Well hmm that's all folks ... I've got to wrap this up because my fave show ER is on tonight. It better not be a rerun.

God bless you all!!!

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