Tuesday, January 10, 2006

So much for early bedtime...

Ok so I did go to bed at a decent hour but at that same moment a storm front passed by over head. The wind was gusting up to 37mph and the rain was coming down very heavy. Normally I love storms and their sounds at night but now that we live here I don't like them.

We have many tall trees and I'm always scared of them falling on our house. I don't know if the wind was strong enough to blow them down. Well obviously not since it didn't happen but I feared it because the ground is so wet and the winds were pretty strong. The weather man said that about 40 mph gusts is where fir trees can start to be blown over.

So with each gust fear washed over me. I prayed and quoted a scripture but I had to get up and watch the news. So I did. The doppler radar showed what had just passed by and it was yellow orange and red. So it was pretty intense. We've had worse but it was impressive.

So I then went to bed at 11.30 and finally drifted off and all was well. But I'm still so tired.

I've got to go and get my bud to school. Somebody pray for me today to get all my chores done and grocery shopping done and bills paid as well. Ugh. :) I tend to procrastinate and let things pile up and then the task becomes a lot larger than it needs to be. When will I ever learn?

I really do appreciate your prayers though. And pray as the Spirit leads.


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