Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Last night I had two dreams and one the night before. Some people say that God speaks to you through your dreams and some say he doesn't. Well I say what the heck if a dream really stands out I'll pray about it. And just a warning the next few paragraphs are not for some if you don't like scary things don't read on.

So the one the night before I won't go into too much detail but it had to do with a friend of mine that committed suicide 6 years ago this month. The sequence of the dream is foggy and right now I just see it in pictures and the fine details and some of the major has been lost. It also was like it was the night of her suicide and the background to it.

I don't know much about her suicide except the method and the town. We hadn't talked for a few years before it happened but she always had a very depressed and dark side. So in the dream there were demons all black and one that did have an appearance but I won't mention that here either...and I yelled at it and said someday you'll be thrown in the pit of Hell, in the lake of fire...( I was thinking of the final time when Satan will finally be locked up forever) and I just kept yelling at it. Because in the dream I couldn't stop the suicide and I knew it was going to happen and I was very angry at the demon.

I awoke from the dream not scared but just contemplating it. Why did I have that dream?? Still don't really know but I just thought of my friend and what went on that night....what really went on??

OK so...the next two dreams are not that dark. One was me and my sis were trying to renovate a house. My husband was there too but he was more in the background. So the house was gutted and starting to cave in and it finally collapsed almost on us. We were bummed-- we just had this foundation and knew we were going to have to build new house. But it was at the bottom of a hill surrounded by huge Victorian houses and ours was going to be small. I knew it wouldn't fit in.

When I woke I just prayed Lord when I'm broken (as in spiritually) rebuild my house on the Rock and build it big. I can only do small and you can do big. Build my house Lord!!! (Figuratively speaking) Might sound weird but I just think sometimes God brings us to the breaking point and either we stay there maimed and hurting and whining and walk away from God or we allow him to put it back together again...bigger and better than before. We were trying to fix it ourselves and God allowed it to break...and it really stunk, but then He steps in and makes it better than we ever could. In the dream my vision of the new home was small and pathetic so I prayed when I woke because I don't want to think small I want to belive my God for big awesome things.

Ok and Lastly ( a little gross) but I pulled out of my ear the biggest hugest piece of ear wax there ever was. It was like a wedge of cheese. Of course I examined it and my ear was a bit tender on the inside because it must've been in there for awhile and it was hard and firm. But I just marveled at it and at the fact that how could I have heard before with all that wax in my ear.

Well when I woke up I just prayed...if I have "wax" in my ear that is causing me not to hear you as well as I could pull it out!!!! Show me what it is. And I thought wow that wax was huge so it made me think...hmm is there something in my life that has been there for a long long time that I don't even realize that is causing me not to hear God as well as I could.?? Whatever it is God expose it. "he who has ears let him hear what the spirit says to the churches..."

Off to dream once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe what was said at the retreat is coming to pass sis.

God is so much bigger than us.

love ya