Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rumor Patrol

Well it's rumored that I'm moving to a trailer on Old Mehama Rd. That isn't true. We are meeting with a realtor Thursday night to sell our house. California or no California we are (God willing) selling our house.

The trailer rumor must've came from the fact that we thought about some property on Old Mehama Rd that does have a trailer on it but we are not at this time purchasing that property and if we did we would not live in the trailer.

I hope that clears things up. Spread the news.

That's the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

As for you all have a great night.

~Me me me me me


Anonymous said...

who started that rumor. i never heard it.


Anonymous said...

Hmm I tried posting a little bit ago it did not work. Okay so I must confess I started the trailor rumor and I'm VERY sorry. I thought someone told me that but folks remember I am turning 30 this year and have a serious case of CRS!!! I'm so serious so please pray for me.... Lots of Licks from the JADELYN Cavalier Kids!!!! Sum

Kelli said...

Too funny!!

Licks back from me!!

Anonymous said...

extra licks from Covington Jazzy Spazzy!!! who spazzed off 2 pounds at agility class this morning going totally out of control. Mom lost about 5 pounds chaising her down while jazz was licking everyone and anyone. Oh my what a day!