Monday, January 09, 2006

What a day...

Last night I went to bed at 10.30 and did not fall asleep until sometime after 1.30. Then I got up at 5a.m. for a stinking safety meeting that was 45 minutes away and lasted 10 whoppin minutes.

So today I'm exhausted, grumpy, and easily annoyed. :0) I'll get over it. I'm committing to early bedtime tonight.

So then on Rebekah's blog I found out that another little toddler, Oliver, his parent's have recieved news that the Cancer (leukemia) has returned. So so sad. Whoever reads this please click on Rebekah's blog to the right here and then from her website click on Oliver's. I'll get a link on my site soon. Take the time to check out all the kids on their website as well as little Rebekah. Ask God how he can use you in these lives. Pray, pray, pray for them and their mommy and daddies.

One little girl, Kennedy, her family is having insurance issues....which extremely bugs me!!!! I could just blow up on insurance sometimes. They drive me nuts. One treatment/procedure (not sure which since I'm not super familiar with the lingo and can't remember at this point in time) is going to cost 10,000 per week!!!

These precious families go through ups and downs that I could never imagine and hopefully won't ever have to. They are strong even though sometimes I'm sure they feel week. I'm encouraged that many of them rely on God to get them through and his strong arms to hold them when it's all they have just to get by moment to moment.

Many of these families are right here in Oregon. When I get a chance I'm going to link them from my blog so if you want you can stay up to date and pray for them and help them in any other way that you feel led. I think each site has ways you can help and on many you can donate money right there and it goes straight to their needs.

As I close I just want to say God bless you and take time to talk to God today.

1 comment:

Rebekah Christine said...

Thank you for your heart, your words and the way God is using you to help.

All of us need prayer more than anything. And all of us have a lot of other needs as well. We are very blessed to have received the support that we have so far - it has allowed us to continue to live together as a family through all of this. I know that the other families are the same way.

Yes, many of us are here in Oregon. I can only speak for us (and not the other families) but we welcome new friends to come visit, drop by a meal, play with the kids for a moment or two while we get a break, etc. Drop us a line and then drop in.

Just think about what things might make your daily lives easier even if just for a few hours - we all can use it ten x over!

Thanks, Scott (Rebekah's Daddy)