Tuesday, January 17, 2006

You make me feel, You make me feel...

Like a natural woman. That song is in my mind. Why might you ask. Might you not but I'll tell you anyways. Well hmm it all started one day while I was watching Dancing with the Stars and that song was the background music to a lovely dance performed by a sweet darling beautiful couple. So that is where I was reminded the song existed. So then today I was thinking about myself as a woman. :) But I thought to myself, I feel more like a kid than a woman. I thought, I need to grow up!! But then I thought well I turn thirty this year. Maybe that's when I'll grow up.

Yes I could grow up now but I should really wait until I'm officially "old". I'll start preparing myself now though but I'll retain my kidness until then. Besides I still have zits aren't those suppose to go away when your old??

Ok gotta jet I'm really lagging behind this morning. What is new.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

don't grow up too much. acting old is not good either. and always remeber that you are as young as you feel.
