Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A Concert, Stomach Flu, & Cancelled Christmas Eve

That about describes my last week. My friend Tanya came to town and held a little concert for friends and family at a local eatery that I really should name but I won't. That was the 2 days before Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Eve I woke up feeling icky. Spent the day puking and other unmentionables. We had spent the night at my parents and were planning on celebrating the night there with other family. As the day wore on and my husband starting to get sick we cancelled and decided to head home. We made the agonizing hour drive home and crashed once we got home.

Funny thing this is the second time my husband and I have gotten the stomach flu at the same time and had to take care of our 2 kiddo's at the same time. Not an easy feat but we made it through. We thank God that niether of them got it either time.

So later we find out that my sis in law who was at the concert is also puking. So then she finds out today that others also got sick that went there as well. Neat. And her 3 year old spent the night puking last night. Fun stuff.

So ... that was our Christmas Eve. Christmas day we were feeling somewhat better although super weak and we made it to Christmas dinner at my in laws. So that was good. I didn't feel 100% til yesterday.

But we're all fine now. Unfortunately I got my appetite back.

I'm outta here. Enjoy the new year!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

What's been happening??

The Three girls looking cute in pink.

Finished Product

At the Tree Farm


I decided to keep the blog aren't you all excited?!?!... (insert sounds of crickets chirping). --as if I have an audience ha ha! :)

I've just really had trouble finding things to write about. Lately my life has been sort of boring and consumed in homeschooling that there's not much to write about.

Since I changed my layout my links have disappeared. Hopefully I'll get those back soon. I say that because I had on my "links" section, links of kids who are batteling cancer. And last January we met one of those kids, little Rebekah, and today we got to see her again. We went out to her Grandpa's Christmas Tree farm today and got a Christmas tree. It was fun and good to see them. My little girl and both Rebekah and Sara all had on lady bug boots. Rebecca grabbed my little girls hand and led her out to the trees. It was quite cute. I got a pic that I'll post. They also took a pic that is posted on their blog. The farm is in a beautiful spot in Hillsboro and so it made for a nice drive. So now our tree is all decorated as you can see.

So a little background to this though. Thursday I told my kids all day that when daddy came home we were going to get a tree. Well when daddy got home he said that we have a fake one in the garage and we'll just use that. So we went to run some errands and got home late. My husband went to check in the garage and no tree. We are not sure what happened to the tree but thinking we may have gotten rid of it when we thought we were moving to Cali. So it was late and he said he'd buy one after work Friday. Well about midnight I was reading Rebekah's blog and her family invited people to come out and visit and get a tree at the same time with that money being given to Rebekah's trust fund. So I presented the idea to my husband and off we went this morning to get a tree.

So in other news since not much happens around our home so I posted a pic of my son who got to take a rockclimbing class in November. That was neat and a little something out of the ordinary. He got to somewhat conquer some fears...but he liked it and we're hoping to do more of it in the future.
Have a good weekend.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

I'ts been a year...

It's been a little over a year now since I've had this blog. It doesn't seem like it's been that long.

It's been a crazy year. Our life headed in a direction we never would've guessed. It's taken some adjusting for me to get used to. I struggle with things but that struggle helps me to rely on God. Nothing big in the whole scheme of life but a little stuggle nonetheless.

In all though I can't complain. God has it all under control and that is what keeps me sane.

In two days it'll be Thanksgiving. And this is what I'm thankful for this year...
...for a healthy family
...for God's grace
...for a loving husband
...for my two sweet kids
...for God leading us to homeschool
...for the rain
...for Jesus
...for my family and friends
...for new mercies every morning
...for humble pie
...for the bread of life
...for my stinky dog
...for God never giving up on me
...for God's love
...for a roof over my head
...for food in our fridge
...for rolls on my belly (ha ha)

Have a great Thanksgiving Blogosphere!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Until Next Time

Well peeps I think I'm going to take a break from blogging for the time being. I still I have my myspace if those of you who know that want to message me there that'll work.

Just not into blogging lately about nothing...I'm thinking of starting a new homeschool blog that'll will be about--HOMESCHOOLING. I will keep this blog and I'm sure I will post again in the future when I get back into it.

Until then peace out.

God Bless!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Give me some comfort food...

Can someone please pass the ice cream and carmel sauce... and some Lindt truffles, and some candy corn. Oh and I'll take some teeth rotting soda pop.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Finishing the work HE started

So I'm not posting much today. Life is good in general. There's been a few speed bumps in my road but what's awesome about that is being a Christian God the Father uses the bumps in my life to change my heart, reveal my heart and any wickedness in it, and set me straight. He grows me spiritually if I let Him. So having faced discouragement lately I have 1. learned compassion 2. been driven to pray and with HOPE 3. grown in love 5. been challenged and overcome 6. become even more dependant on my Lord Jesus.

There's not much new going on.... Check out this site

I have a myspace but God led me to this site using a completely different route. It is worth checking out and taking action.

~Have a good week!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Please pray for Gage!!

Little Gage and his family got some bad news this past week. Please go to his site and read about him, give his family some encouragement and pray, pray, pray.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

So this is what quiet sounds like.

So here I sit in my living room and what do I hear? NOTHING but the light snore of my "little" doggie. In fact it's quite peaceful and quiet. I just spent an hour sipping fake coffee and reading my Bible and a book. I also slept in past 10 this morning...after getting home so late from going to dinner and a movie last night.

Something is wrong here. Where are my kids??? Oh that's right they stayed at Grandma's last night... Ok now I get it. So yes...and now I'm about to get ready and head to get my hair done---very long over due. Life can be rough sometimes.... :o)

Have a good weekend all.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Happy 21st Birthday to my nephew Michael. Please ignore the "scribbles" I didn't have anything to edit this with but paint so just pay attention to the kid in the pic. :0)

In other news...

Monday night I had the pleasure of going to a "Homeschool 101" class put on by the homeschool group at our church. Which, by the way, our church has quite a group of us that homeschool. As one girl put it, it's almost as if your outside the norm if you don't homeschool--which is great support for us newbies. So anyways, the class was very good. My husband and I were sooo glad we went. The lady who taught the class is a mom of ready for this....11 kids and one on the 12 children. She has homeschooled since the beginning. She gave us great advice, information and passed on her wisdom she has gained through the years. She recommened many books to us (I've got some reading to do) and some websites. The class of 6 couples all were parents of young kids. In fact 6 years of age was the oldest child in the group. Our son and another girls son. It was a good time.

So Monday I reported what a good day I had at homeschool. So I thought I'd be fair and post that Tuesday was the opposite. In fact we didn't even do school. Our morning started out bad and I bagged it for the day. Today was a happy medium. I'll take it. My husband reminded me that it's only the 3rd week of my first year of homeschooling and I'll get the hang of it.

And that I will.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Similes, Metaphors, and Suffix's Oh my!!!

And so starts another week. Today's homeschooling adventure was one of those ideal days. You know, like the idea you have when you first start homeschooling and think, "this is going to be fun!" and the picture in you head that forms -- reading on the couch, smiling, asking questions and they are all answered correctly, mama's patient all day, kids smile and say "more!" ... ha ha

well it did go good though. It was fun...but as it goes on I wonder to myself who's really the one doing all the learning? I'm only teaching first grade to my son but I'm learning science stuff that's all about water, I'm learning all the grammar I forgot back in grade school (if I ever learned it at all) I'm reading really good books like Charlotte's Web, I'm learning about bibleless people all around the world...etc, etc..

So I look forward to learning, relearning and actually understanding the "why" of things as this year proceeds.

Today my son asked me why boats float... I said, "Good question. I don't really know but I'll look it for ya." So I did but we have yet to discuss it. I have it saved though on my computer.

Well i'm off to a homeschool 101 class!!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

For Brooke

We miss you too Brooke!!! We love you and hope to see you soon. Maybe you can come stay with us this weekend.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

A new week begins.

I don't get on the computer as much since I started homeschooling. Even now I'm staying up too late so I can post.

Another week will start tomorrow. After finishing well the first week I started to doubt over the weekend and stress. What am I doing? Can I even do this? Am I going to really mess up my kids? Ugh. But then a strange thing happened. I started to prepare for the upcoming week late tonight and in doing so it refreshed my memory of all the things I enjoyed this past week. Like the feeling of accomplishment, starting to see my son and daughter learn things that I taught them, and just being with them. By the time I was done the negative attitude was gone and I was excited to start the week again.

I was very thankful to the Lord for the reminder. Also for His grace since I had a "poor me" attitude a lot today.

Earlier though before all this I reminded my son (who went to one year of Kindergarten last year at a private school) that we do school tomorrow. I asked if he was excited (doubting he would be). He said he was but wanted to make sure we're doing homeschool and not real school (as he calles the two). I was encouraged that he's still enjoying homeschool despite a few rough spots last week.

So off to bed I go because mama really needs her rest these days. Adding "teacher" to my list of to-do's really wipes me out by the end of the day.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pics From Our Trip

My daddy pointing out the jobsite from a veiw point. Probably hard to see in this pic, especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

We got snow one day!! Fun for the kids.

This was at a farm on Apple Hill. Honey Bear Ranch I think.

And this is my fave pic of my kids overlooking Donner Lake.

We arrived home safely Sunday night. I started homeschooling on Monday...and after a brief shock to my system I am back.

Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I got tagged... :o)

From my new friend Crystal. I had some time on the computer today and was checkin out her blog and got to the end of this post and saw I was tagged. Cool! Crystal Thanks!! This is my first tag. Hee hee. I'm still in Truckee CA but I found a minute to get on the computer when my dad wasn't hoggin it. I didn't think anyone spent more time on the computer than me... but I think he does. Well when he's not working.

Ok so here it goes.

1. If you could build a house anywhere, where would it be? Anywhere?? Hmm, good question. I really don't know. I'll just say anywhere as long as there was room to run for my kids and dog.

2. What's your favorite article of clothing? Ha husband told me it was this blue Nautica T-shirt that I wear all the time...which I do like but I only where it so much because I don't have many clothes and it's big but not too baggy...I'll just agree with him but I have to couple it with my jean capri's and nike flip flops.

3. Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex? My fave on my husband would be..a toss up between his arms and stomach.

4. What's the last CD that you bought? I just bought WOW worship but that was because I didn't send back the thing in time from the CD club. So the last one I bought by choice was David Crowder Band and Reliant K.

5. Where's your favorite place to be? With family and friends.

6. Where is your least favorite place to be? In front of my sink doing dishes. Ugh.

7. What's your favorite place to be massaged? My lower's always sore...

8. Strong in mind or strong in body? They both need a workout. Lately my mind gets more working out so I'll say, Mind.

9. What time do you wake up in the morning? 6:30 if my husband wakes me up or 8ish if he doesn't.

10. What is your favorite kitchen appliance? Oh I like my garlic press. I feel cool when I use it.

11. What makes you really angry? Oh my I agree with Crystal...too many things that shouldn't.

12. If you could play any instrument, what would it be? The guitar.

13. Favorite color? Red.

14. Which do you prefer...Sports car or SUV? SUV baby.

15. Do you believe in an afterlife? I believe in Heaven and Hell.

16. Favorite children's book? Don't have one right now but I'll be reading quite a few this year so we'll see. Oh wait I just remembered I do like Snuggle least it has the most sentimental value to me because my daughter loved it so much and I loved reading it to her.

17. What is your favorite season? Spring I love seeing the blue sky after months and months of gray and rain.

18. What is your least favorite household chore? Do I have to choose. Chores are annoying. But I'll say dishes. They are always taunting me.

19. If you could have one super power, what would it be? I would love to fly or be invisible.

20. If you have a tattoo, what is it? Maybe the Fish symbol or Jesus's name in Hebrew.

21. Can you juggle? For about two-three seconds at a time.

22. The one person from your past that you wish you could go back and talk to? My late friend Jangie or my old best friend Brenda.

23. What's your favorite day? Weekends.

24. What's in the trunk of your car? Toys and dirty clothes from this trip.

25. Which do you prefer, sushi or hamburger? Neither...I like both though but right now neither sounds very good. How about Carmel...I just bought some from Old Town Truckee.

Wow I'm done...and good thing my kids are near melt down. Thanks the way your latest tag about the 7 things--I'm the same as you on number 3 and my husband feels the same way as yours does...ha ha. Poor guys.

Over and Out from Truckee.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Here In Truckee

A view of Donner Lake. (We are staying right on this lake)

I wasn't going to blog while I was gone but I have some time so why not? Truckee is a nice place. I was so curious to see what my would've been future home is like. I think in some ways I would've liked it here...but I don't how I would've liked the winters. Truckee is 5000+ feet. Where my dad is working is 7000+ feet. He is getting snow today. The weather took a cold turn since we've been here.

I'll try to quickly just say what we've done since we've been here. The first day just drove through Truckee, including Old Town. We then took a narrow road up the steep and rocky mountains to a vista point that overlooked Donner Lake. That was pretty. I have pics that I'll post when I get home. Then we went to one of the 2 public beach access on the lake. It was hot this day and so that was fun. There is also a nice park there where the kids played.

The second day (yesterday) we went to Apple Hill which is about 2 hours away in Placerville. That was OK. It was a bit of a letdown...I think had we went on a weekend it would've been a lot more it was farms were closed and not much of the attractions were going. I would recommend it to people but go on a weekend. I think if we get a chanc to go again next year then it'll be fun.

Before I leave I'd like to walk Old Town and go to the Donner Memorial SP and read up on some history. This area is so rich in early American History. I'd like to come back some day and take some time to really soak it in.

So... take some time and click on the links and explore futher if you'd like. Until next time...

K in T, CA

Friday, September 08, 2006


So it's Friday night. We have 2 cousins sleeping over tonight. Cute stuff. Although I just came from comforting one who wanted his daddy and was sobbing almost uncontrollably there for a bit....I thought oh might have to call daddy but he settled down and is now asleep. Poor guy.

There are things in my mind right now that I can't post. But they are oh so bugging me. They are things I have no control over and I have to just get over. Oh but from now til then...they bug me. But I'm happy to know that I'm not alone in my feelings. That others get bugged by the same thing and so that makes me not feel so bad. Because for awhile I thought I may be the only one and that makes me wonder...maybe the problem is me? But it's not. BUT I do have power to handle it in a Godly manner and if I don't then I have the problem and the annoying issue is secondary. Get my drift?

So lately I've been putting more energy into my myspace and not my blog. I've been decorating it with my favorite things and making it purty. I won't link it since it's set to private...but trust me it's pretty cool! Hee hee :)

Ok and so I guess I should say I might not update this for awhile after tonight. I have a busy weekend and then leave to Cali for a if I seem's because I am.

I have no profound things so say. Except that a couple things have come to my mind regarding this here blog. One is that...I started this blog more as a think-out-loud type of blog...with a purpose to encourage and pass on things the Lord has been teaching me in my life. Lately it has become an update about my life blog. Second I don't want my blog to be idle chit chat I want it to have some depth. So... I think in the future I'm going to transition back to the more contemplative discussion blog with a purpse and less of an updative blog. Although I will inject a few updates and pics for family members and those who care of things that I think are noteworthy and that they'd want to know. (not really profound...but you know ... whatever)

I want to be prayerful about this blog. I've been thinking a lot about my purpose in life and that everything I do needs to have an eternal purpose to it so that it will matter for eternity in someway, shape, or least that would be my goal. I think a blog can have eternal purpose if I go about it prayerfully and follow God's lead. So I think I'm going to be praying more for things to blog about that might touch someones heart or lead people to think or pray.

Side note: "lead people to think".... many years in my life I didn't think. I didn't strive to understand or draw conclusions for myself. I was satisfied being spoon fed information. I went with the flow, I looked around to see what others were doing and I did that. In college I learned that learning could be GREAT and in the last few years God's been leading me to THINK! Think deep, analyze, draw conclusions, ask why...etc especially about my own convictions and Scripture. It's been a good journey.

Have a good weekend world.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Points of Interest.

1)Dinner turned out NUMMY... but to no surprise my light-weight hubby could barely eat any of it.

2)Can't wait to do it again...but next Tues. I will not be here but in Californ-i-a visiting my Mommy and Daddy.

3)Maybe we'll do it Monday night but not so much detail. Just cozy family dinner.

4)...My Rachael Ray 30 minute meal took me an hour. BUT...I had to defrost the chicken so that took a bit of time and cooking the chicken took along time. I will get the hang of it and one day I will conquer the 30 minute meal...

5)Tomorrow will have 2 boys spending the night. Both my boys cousin. Should make for an interesting night.

6)Procrastination is my weakness.

7)I could VENT right now but won't...instead I'll take it to God.

8)Have playdate tomorrow with new friend. Should be fun!!

9)Shop tonight for dear daughters birthday presents. (Bike is one of them)

10)I have a full weekend...but FUN...

----Friday game night
----Sat. Girlz day
----Sun. Partay!!

That is all for now.


Monday, September 04, 2006

Just Get to the Point.

I cannot get words out on this blog today. Everything I write I delete. So now I'm just getting to the points.

1) Good weekend!! Great family time.
2) Enjoyed Church very much yesterday.
3) Enjoyed the coast yesterday.
4) We took our dog.... he's more of an indoor dog.
5) Mo's at Otter Rock is cool!
6) Learned lessons from the disease Leprosy at church (might have to blog about it sometime)
7) Learned lesson about humility as well. (Might blog about that sometime too)
8) Sad about Steve Irwin's passing...shocked too. Very sad for his wife and kids. :o(
9) Will post pics soon (maybe tomorrow) of beach day yesterday.
10) Have a busy week ahead of me.

Oh and guess what? I'm making a meal for my family tomorrow night from a Rachael Ray cook book.. ha ha. We're starting a new Tuesday Night Family Dinner. Since that night my husband doesn't practice we're going to have a nice family dinner. On the menu is: (can't remember the names exactly and don't have the book in front of me)

--rosemary chicken
--some kind of ravioli
--tomatoe onion salad.. (sounds weird but I think it'll be good)
--diet a&w rootbeer
--light safeway select choc. chip cookie dough icecream

The last two are not from the cook book. I'm also using T.N.F.D for experimental cooking. But I'm sure it'll be good food. I think.

More in depth postings coming soon...


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Pics of Fun

Sort of ... more like... pics of my kids while we were doing fun things.

Today we went to the zoo. Fun but quite hot. By the end of the day we were all pretty hot and tired. I really wanted to go to the beach today but the kids' votes outnumbered mine so off to the zoo we went.

Here are some picturoonies. Pics of my kids at the football game, pics of my kids at the zoo. Then one pic of my son's and my creation we made with one of our new homeschool "toys"...some geometric shapes. We were just putting them together and the finished project, we determined, looked like a fish.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fun times

Things here have been fun lately. I posted already about the coast getaway and then the pool party...

Then Thursday we went to the Beaver Football Season opener where WE won against E. Washington. Got to meet a new "friend" and chat a bit. A couple of pics of that shall soon follow, maybe tomorrow.

Then today I went and had lunch with my good friend kandjmom and had a good time catching up with her and letting the kiddo's play. We also had some friends over for dinner tonight...but I tell you what--it really seemed like we were being attacked from the Enemy. This is the first time we've had dinner with this couple. We tried to have it at a park near our house (BBQ) which in the past BBQ's at parks have never been a problem. This time bees swarmed us--would not leave us alone so much so we had to pack up mid meal and walk back to our house. In addition while that was going on wind just blew everything everywhere. Things were dropping left and right. We could not sit down and have a conversation.

So we get in the house and my husband brings the cooler in filled with ice and pop and he accidently drops it and ice and water spill all over the carpet and kitchen floor. By this time I just laughed but...inside I was a bit peeved as well. I went out in the garage for a bit and said a quick prayer.

We then put on some praise music and things started to quiet down. We finished our meal and the kids went to play and we could finally talk. It was frustrating at first but finished well. And lo and behold I find out this mom homeschools!! How cool is that?

On a different yet related note is that I'm starting to get settled here finally. I'm feeling that I'm making connections with people and see future connections happening especially with other homeschool moms and friends that I've been mostly aquaintances with until now. It's nice because all this moving has got me quite stirred up inside and feeling foggy. Longing for the past when things were simple and predictable and reliable.

When I first moved here I was so emotionally upset because of all the moving we'd done that even though all along I had wanted this move I was sad. I missed home. I just cried and prayed for the Lord to surround us with friends and trusted Him that this is where He wanted us. I felt a bit dumb for always praying to be here and then wishing I wasn't. Confessing my constant discontentment. But God's will for us being here was undeniable so I trusted that despite the pain I felt. It's starting to work out. I'm even accepting this little place we live in even if it has no yard. We're meeting neighbors and I always like that and feel more at home when I meet and talk with those living next to us.

So that's the positive note I'll end on. Have a fab weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine. Mostly just rejoice in God's goodness... Three lessons I've learned from Job this week are

1) The Lord gives and the Lord takes away ... Blessed be the name of the Lord. 1:21
2) Shall we accept good from God and not trouble? 2:10
3) Though He slay me I will hope in Him!


Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Back from the Beach!

So we're back. In addition I've got my pic groove back on so I'll post a couple cute pics of the kids.

We had a good time. Me and my SIL were probably a site to see watching after our rambunctious (sp?) kiddos but really I wasn't stressed out. There was one time acutally but really our little kiddo's had a good time and were just being kids. We took them to the outlet malls so what can we expect when you take 4 kids shopping. All in all they did fine. They had a blast on the beach and were soo cute to watch playing in the waves.

Yesterday the weather turned out really nice on the beautiful Oregon coast and we had a good time playing in the waves. My kids rode home in their underwear ha ha. These pics were not on the blue sky day. These were the day we arrived. My memory card was full so I couldn't take any on that day except on my phone.

Today I'm working on Mt. Clothesmore and Mt. Dishmore...sort of slacking right now since I'm doing some stuff on the Computer.

Monday, August 28, 2006

and another quick lil post

We are heading to the beautiful Oregon coast today. Heading off with my SIL and her fam for some RnR (with kids not sure if that's quite possible but we'll do our best)

It was an unexpected treat that I just found out about last night. They had in planned probably for a bit but graciously asked if I wanted to join them last night so I'm thankful for that.

Also yesterday we had an unexpected treat as well. Through some of Jake's fighting friends we got to go to the local aquatic center for free. They had rented the whole thing for about 3 hours and they invited us. That was a blessing because earlier that day we drove past and I was really wanting to go sometime soon.

We also had a great time at church yesterday and a some good family time.

Well duty calls I must go.

Have a good week!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Just a quick lil post...

I'm here at my mommy's spending a day with her because she leaves tomorrow. My sis(s) and I are planning a trip to see her in Sept. Well we need to go before the snowy season and with school starting and all so it'll be early. I'd like to go in the snowy season but we'll see...they will be living in the mountains.

And so not much new on the home front except last night I went to a Pampered Chef par-tay and met the lady who heads up the homeschool "network" type thingy through our that was cool. I gave her my info. and they do things like field trips etc etc, support, fun, fellowship all the above. I'm excited to be apart of that and glean some insights from those more experienced in this area. And also make some friends in my church since we're relatively new there.

Yah so I got myself a cutting board and a mix and scraper last night and one other thing that I don't know the name of and OF COURSE I'm going to host a par-tay now of my own.

Sweet Lil Me!!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Except for Monday's...

Which were never good anyways...

Seems like I've used that post title before? Hmm, maybe. this weekend was a nice little weekend. Friday My husband, I, and my kiddo's went to Papa's pizza and had a nice little family night out.

Saturday the husband worked (for my dad) and I went to my mom's house and hung out all day long. Then I proceded to stay the night there with my kids and we made brownies and hung out more.

Sunday my sis-in-law sweetly watched my kids so my mom, I, and my sisters could hang out and go shopping together one last time before she heads to Californ-i-a. Long story short my kids stayed the night at her house and I stayed the night at my moms again and enjoyed a nice quiet break where I ordered curriculum (went with Sonlight for now but def. plan to use Tapestry in the future) ate more brownies (this time with vanilla ice cream and chocolate and carmel sauce) and stayed up late and watch Seinfeld and ER reruns. Then I slept in (rolled out of bed at 9.30) and sipped coffee, didn't shower, and packed up and left to go get my kids.

I got home today and felt like I had taken a deep breath this weekend. Not sure what it was exactly but somehow my batteries got a wee bit charged. Felt nice.

Tomorrow I'm really hoping to organize a few areas of my house,get ready to organize my homeschool stuff. oh and do and fold laundry.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


That is the bill from the Legacy for a my husbands nose surgery, CT scan, anesthesia, overnite stay, etc. etc. ect...

But this is before ins. I wonder what ins. will cover. We'll get to test out our new med. ins. we have through my husband's new job.

And last night I forked over another $100 buckeroo's to the Vet. Emergency this time. Although it turned out not to be an emergency. Blackjack's incision looked like it was hugely gashed open. Then my husband wrapped it and it swelled up like a baseball...It was so stinkin huge!! So at midnight I took him in. Got home about 2am.

I told my husband unless his leg is falling off, gushing large amounts of blood, or he is noticable in pain... he's stayin home.

So his gash was OK. It was open but not exposed because a type of tisue was growing blah blah blah. The swelling was caused form my husband wrapped a tourniquet around his leg. (he felt really bad)...he didn't mean to wrap it so tight.

And so now we all sit here at my mom's. Hubby is working for my dad down in Cottage Grove and tomorrow we're going shopping (me, mom and sisters) since my mom is leaving this week for California. More on that later.

Pray for Sweet Little Rebekah and her family right now. Click on this link and read what's going on. Also please read up on Josh and what they are facing. Both families could use your prayers right now!!


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What next?

So...The pathology people may have messed up and Blackjack could not even have a mast cell tumor but a different kind I believe it's call histocytoma (sp?) which is most likely benign and goes away on its own...

So they may be reimbursing us some money. The Vet said they have mentioned that but I told my husband and he said they will. Ha ha. We'll see how it all plays out. Crazy stuff. I looked up this new type of tumor and it describes nearly exactly what Blacky had.

When I was at the vet I wasn't quite comprehending things because I was distracted by my HUGE coldsore wondering what people thought of it. When I got home it all clicked.

Can you imagine?? What if this was a human and they tell you that you have cancer and you undergo emergency surgery (not to mention the emotionals stress involved) only to be told... oops... we had a mix up in the lab and you don't have cancer you have a benign tumor that normally goes away on it's own. Geez louise people.

Well I'll give them a break though for now because in all fairness the actual verdict has not been delivered.

In other news...I'm getting excited about homeschool. I am considering 2 curriculums right now--Sonlight or
Tapestry of Grace. I'll hopefully be ordering one of them within the next week and setting up and getting organized for the upcoming school year which I think we're going to start in the middle of Sept. We're thinking (God willing and weather permitting) about going camping the weekend after Labor Day and then starting that next week.

I could use prayer for this new homeschool adventure...that would be appreciated.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

New Links

I added a few new links. I'll let you check them out yourself.

Three kids, Benny (he passed away in June) Victoria (a cute little cowgirl) & mav (a brave little fighter), a homeschool site (Spunky), and 2 guys with differing views on the end times ( Joel and Steve Gregg of the Narrow Path) but both sites are quite interesting to read and full of good thought provoking stuff.

No word on BlackJack but I'm going to call today.

**update** I did call on BlackJack and still no word on his tumor findings. I also wanted to clarify that I put up the links of the children with cancer because they have touched my life, to raise awareness about childhood cancer, for their support in hopes that some of you would pray, give or send encouragement their way. And I'm sure as you read their stories your life won't be the same afterwards. Also Spunky's blog is a very good thought provoking read even if you aren't a homeschooler.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Finally we rest.

After driving all over the country side today and making a gazillion stops we are home. We got home about and hour or two ago.

My sweet husband is snoring away on the chair next to me with a nose cast. And a blood rag on his chest. They did do surgery but didn't need to put plates in or anything. Just rearranged the cartilage to normal positions and set it.

My "problem child" (my dog) is also snoring away a few feet away from me. Will find out his fate tomorrow.

My babies are snoring away in their rooms precious as ever after having a fun filled day at Grandmas house.

And me... well I'm sitting in my rocking chair blogging my little heart out, checking out other blogs and my friends' myspace pages.

Until next time may God bless you!!

What a night!

Well we travelled up to St. Helens tonight to watch my man fight. Can you say stinking nervous?? Oh I didn't like being that nervous. I don't know if I can do it again...

So we went and my man did good ( I couldn't tell ya a play-by-play all I know is who wins and who loses ) but in the second round he got his nose caved in ...

and so he lost :(

Oh you should've seen it. Picture someone taking a big scoop out of the bridge of your nose. It was all concaved in...oh it was the nastiest thing I've ever seen in person. Ugh.

But can I just say that I am very proud of him. He did really well against a guy probably 20 pounds heavier then him. He's brave and courageous and giving it his all and I love and respect him for that.

So right now my husband is at Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland and tomorrow he is having surgery. By the way his nose isn't broken it more like a majory deviated septum. And also it probably would not have caved in but his septum was already messed up from an injury back in 1991 or so... so it was very week and one pop and it was through.

So the bright side is that when it's all fixed it'll be better than what it was.

In other news my dog is intently staring at the vaccum because it moved on it's own and now he's freaked out by it... kind of funny.

Yah so I left the fight in St. Helens drove clear across Portland to Boring, picked up my kids, and then clear down to where we live which is about an hour and a half away.

Then I was greated to diarrhea and a raunchy smell. At 12.30 I was finally done cleaning it up and bathing my sweet dog.

Tomorrow I take my kids and do to my mom's which is an hour away and then drive another hour or so to Portland and then back to my mom's and then hopefully back home.

But overall all is well here but I'm glad to be home right now and go crawl in bed with my babies.

Adios Peeps,

Saturday, August 12, 2006


No news on Blackjack. I think we'll know Monday. He seems to be doing fine. His incision site is still OK. He walks on like nothing ever happened which is not a good thing all the time because I'm afraid he's doing to do some damage.

There is however a "tag" of skin by his mouth that he's had since I got him that I never knew what is was. It is small and I just thought again that it was a wart or a skin tag. Didn't even cross my mind recently that it could be related to this tumor. Until the other day there was blood in his food dish. It has bled before but only when he's scooted his face all over the carpet after I clean his wrinkles and put ointment in them. So I figured this bleeding was from rug burn. But this time there was no apparent cause to the bleeding. This growth has not grown since I've had him but I'm going to mention it to the vet and see what he says.

In other news, my husband is fighting tonight in St. Helens at the fair grounds. This will be his second fight. I'm nervous and so is he actually. He's left already to weigh in at noon in Gresham at Team Quest. I was originally going to go with him and our family would take the kids. But this morning we remembered we have a dog and what are we going to do with him? And so I am going to go up later and then I can leave him here so it won't be as long.

Last night we went to my in-laws and had pizza and blizzards and watched J's first fight since they didn't make it because they were out of town. It was a good time. Hanging out with family and letting the kids play is always fun. That's what life is about.... relationships and family and friends...fellowship...and Jesus!! Hee hee. I do love Jesus...

Have a fab weekend. Enjoy the moment because noone is promised tomorrow.
~K Wo

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

He's Home

Blacky is doing fine. He's sleeping a lot but he's his normal self. He greeted this morning with his usual excitement but I made sure he stayed still as to not agrivate is incision site.

We won't know til probably next week any info about the tumor. Until then we'll wait patiently. I don't have a bad feeling about it.

J. fights this weekend. Pray for him to keep safe in the cage. We don't need any serious injuries here.


Monday, August 07, 2006

Say a Prayer for BlackJack

He goes in Tues. morning about 8.30 ish. Pray for a safe surgery, no complications. For the tumor to be completely removed and for a good and speedy recovery.

nuthin else new here

adios peeps!

Saturday, August 05, 2006


So the latest news in our household isn't good.

We found out that our dog, our little buddy, has a mast cell tumor which is cancer. I took him in last week for a bump that I've noticed for about a month now on the back of his leg. My first thoughts were not cancer. It didn't even cross my mind.

So I waited but it was getting bigger and would bleed really bad. So I got him in and they snipped some off and got it tested.

Tuesday we have him scheduled to get it removed and then from there we'll know more what we're dealing with. From what I've read it could go either way. So we're just waiting.

Today though it bled more than it ever has. I'm thinking maybe just cause they took a biopsy of it. Because before that it bled once awhile back (probably over a month ago) and then once a week or two ago. But today it wouldn't stop. We finally wrapped it because he couldn't walk around without getting blood everywhere.

It's really sad and I feel so bad for him. It doesn't seem to bother him, no pain or irritation, he doesn't even try and lick at it. But I just feel bad knowing that he has this nasty, cancerous, growth on him.

Best case scenario--they remove it all, it hasn't spread and we're in the clear. That's what we're waiting for and hoping for.

I'll update when I know.


Thursday, August 03, 2006

so yah

and today is thursday august 3rd 2006 my nephew's 3rd birthday -- happy birthday little dood. And so i just want to say hi to TAMA... you know who you are. my faithful reader. She's is mad at me at this moment for calling her that name. she no like it. i think it is funny. makes me laugh just saying it. yo tama.

anyway oh yes there is this other chick in my life and we'll call her.... what should we call her. We could call her "struts"... because of the way she struts when she she is ALL THAT and then some....but she is!!

So Tama and Struts I love you two, you two are just stinkin precious. What would life be like if you two weren't in my life to make it mis...uh...meaningful...yes meaningful and worthwhile, wonderful. Well if it weren't for you two I wouldn't know the meaning of "brownies" or "sisterly love"...

So dearest Tama and Struts I dedicate today's post to the two of you. As I write this I think of...being held down and tickled, being called "cry baby" and "brat" and "I love you but I don't like you" and all the wonderful memories I have of my two ELDEST sisters.

At least I have that.... that no matter what I will always be younger!!

But really folks I do love my sisters. I tease them but it's all in fun. Believe me I get my fair share of teasin...and they partner up against me. So that's ok what doesn't kill us just makes us stronger right?? Or so they say.

maybe their will be a part two to this i can reveal all their secrets.. stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Winner by Tap Out!!

My man won in the second round by choking his guy out. It was pretty nerve racking to watch but it was fun.

We had some real characters sitting next to us that kept us laughing and made my husband autograph their papers writing, "to my biggest fan!" It was quite comical.

So yes he won! We were pretty excited about it.

In other news, ... hmm what other news is there?? Oh well we had our sons birthday party which was a hoot. It was good to hang out and let the kids play and have fun.

And so that is all folks. Exciting, our life is -- as Yoda might put it.

~K Lo

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!!

So... first and foremost...let me just say my husband is fighting tonight in his first ever UFC style fight. I'm excited for him, a bit nervous and just anxious for it to all play out and see what happens. I'll update how he does soon.

In other more boring news I really do want to post more on this but my computer is super annoying and has a terrible connection at our new place. Soon we'll be cancelling our service with Verizon and going with Qwest DSL. I've always been pleased with Qwest's services. And then hopefully I will post more. We might get a new computer as well...keep the laptop but have a desktop as well ... especially for the kids to have one to use.

Oh and there is one more big announcement. I have changed my decision to send my kids to private school and made the decision to HOMESCHOOL!! This is something that has been on my heart for about three years but I have avoided it. Nervous, not sure of my abilities, afraid of the responsibility but always having this feeling that God wanted me to.

So this week I made the decision finally and what did I feel? Peace, freedom, and excitement. Praise and Thank you God!! So, God willing, we'll be homeshcooling come September.

And last but not least my little baby boy, my first born son, turns a big 6 tomorrow. What a champ he is!!

Have a fab weekend peeps.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

My Poop Woes...

So I thought I'd blog about the fun little gifts my sweet innocent doggy has been giving me lately.

Let me start by saying that where we live there is no yard. Therefore we have to take him for a walk to go poop to this park near our home. They provide "little baggies" to clean up the mess. How thoughtful. I usually make my husband do this dirty deed because I do NOT like picking up the poop nor do I like doing it in public. I'm just weird like that

So BlackJack and I go for a walk at about 8.30 in the evening because sweet, dear hubby is busy and my dog needs to go. I tuff up and say, "OK I will buckle down and pick up the poop." I stroll over to the least populated spot I could find. And let him do his thing. He does. I promptly get a baggie and pick up the warm, mushy, mess (no kidding) and deposit it in the bin provided.

My dog however is not a one-time pooper. He has to go at least twice an outing. So he walks a few paces yonder and this time unloads the rest. Softer, mushier, and the pile quite bigger this time around, I say "let 'em give me a ticket I ain't pickin that up."

My dog is done but, like usual for him, has a wee bit o'poop left you-know-where. {note to self: bring wipes next time}. You see...when walking a bulldog people don't just walk on by. They have to stop and oogle and the whole time I'm thinking ... "oh just let us go there is poop all over his butt.!"

So I peer into the not-so-far distance and see a little granny and her tiny pomeranian. Blackjack sees them too, she sees us and proceeds to come over and chat for the next 15 monutes or so. All the while I'm grabbing Blacky by the scruff, keeping him close, so he doesn't break granny and her pooch. After our little conversation she leaves, I look down and admire the poop smeared all over my shin.
Now fast forward a couple days to this weekend. My hubby and I are cuddled up for bedtime on the hard living room floor to escape the heat of the upstairs. I twist and turn and finally about midnight I fall asleep. About one thirty, our dog, who is sleeping in his crate a few feet away in the kitchen won't stop moving about and it's quite noisy because his nails scratch the bottom of the crate.

I've had enough and head up to the furnace portion of our home. I get to the top and look back and notice the lights on down stairs. My husband soon appears and says, "yah I know why he was moving around so much...he pooped in his crate."

I come down and we stare for a good 5 minutes wondering what to do next. Next thing you know I'm upstais giving my dog a bath and my husband is outside cleaning the crate. At three a.m., after setting him up in a "fenced" in area of the kitchen with just a tad bit of carpet in that area, we roll into, or I mean onto, our floor and settle in for a good nights sleep.

Seven thirty a.m. our daughter comes downstairs and I go upstairs and hop in bed. I hear my husband rustling about and then head out the front door with my daughter. I go downstairs too curious to sleep now.

Well GOOD MORNING!! I'm greeted to a nice little strip of doggie hershey squirts on that one itty bitty bit of carpet that was in his fenced in area.

And I wanted a dog why?????????

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

We're in a house....

Ok so I said I am back and would update more often like I used to (and I meant it) but we just moved this past weekend and that has taken up a lot of my time. But here I am and that is what counts.

So I'm sitting here in our living room (no furniture just one rocking chair) contemplating my son's 6th birthday. As it seems not many people will not be around or will be busy that day. What's a mom to do? As it looks I'll probably have to have it a week later, but then my parents might be moved down to California. And then what if all the same people can't come even them. Who knows. I don't know but it is a bit irritating. His birthday falls on a weekend this year and everyone has plans.

So when we moved into our 5th wheel we gave a way a lot of stuff. So we have no living room furniture. We're down a bed for our son. We did just buy a new mattress for him this weekend and us one as well. Since ours is forever lodged in our 5th wheel. We'll need to buy all new bedding for all of us. We'll need lots of little things. But we'll adapt. We'll adjust. We'll start fresh. That always feels good.

So we're in our new little townhouse. It's cute and nice. It's nice to be planted somewhere. The kids are enrolled in school and I guess we'll begin to bloom. I'm excited to be a part of our fave church again. I church that I love. Those are a hard to come by and not easy to leave. I'm glad to be back.

I still miss my home town though. I wish I could mesh the two into one, have my cake and eat it too but that is not the case. It's God's will so I know He'll work it all out.

The kids and I went down to the water front today and they played in the fountains. It was nice and warm and they had a good time. They are both getting over colds and have very snotty noses but they enjoyed themselves anyway. I have not done much unpacking today because of that and because my dog needed his wrinkles, paws, and tail pocket cleaned up. But now all that is over. It's 4 and I suppose I should get to work.

Adios to all

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm thirty

Happy Birthday to me!! It was yesterday but yesterday was a very busy day for me I am today. Today is still busy but I'm getting a few minutes to post...well not really. I'm stealing a few minutes (during Barney) and will probably be interrupted every few seconds.

Today is my 3rd day of babysitting 4 kids under the age of 5 and let's just say I can't get to bed soon enough at nights. I'm up at 6 everday then I head to pick them up. Then I take 3 of them to VBS (vacation Bible school) and then come back to the apartment. Then I put the youngest to sleep at 10ish. Then I have some quiet time which is nice. Then at 11.45 I head to pick them. That is interesting. Then I watch them till daddy gets home about 5.45.

The first day I picked them up from VBS I had the baby in my arms and all three are walking on this brick wall (about 3 feet high)--which is a major attraction to the kids in our church you should see them all on Sunday anyways my dear daughter missed her step and proceeded to plunge off the side. The boys are clueless and keep going. I'm sure my daughter's got a concussion and is gushin blood from somewhere on her face. I run to her thinking oh someone will see my predicament and come help. Well someone did stop the boys, daughter screaming, baby starting to...I turn her blood on face...good. So then I look her over, baby stops crying, and she has blood on her arm from a pretty nasty scrape on her elbow and arm and a small owie on her hand then through tears and sobs says "I wanna get back up"...obviously she's ok...and we head to the car.

All the while I was holding (besides the baby and her blankie) two wet art projects that have now smeared all over me and my daughter. So we head to the car and sweat beads are forming on my head.

The rest of the day is a typical day pretty much.

The next day the 2 youngest are not liking VBS and both crying before, during, and I decided to give them a break today...but noone fell off a brick wall afterwards so that was good.

So here we are today. Things are fine. I'm really getting the hang of it...gettin in the groove...yah!! We've been using the "whiny spot" and let me tell ya that spot always stays warm (not really). I praise God because he's keeping me calm, patient, and in good spirits.

I have to admit that the first night I did have a little melt down of my own. Just got way over tired...and well I'm still saying sorry to my husband.

I must add that my 13 year old nephew had planned to stay the week with us. He came over on Sunday...and last night I took him home. He's a trooper but I think he had had enough. Poor kid.

Ok so anyways...yes I'm 30!! Very weird.


Sunday, July 09, 2006

Here I Am Again On My Own...

... Going down the only Road I've ever known...
...Like a drifter I was born to walk alone...
...And I've made up my mind...
...I ain't wasting no more time...
...So here I go again...

Oh hi... sorry got caught up in the moment. Ok so. Yes. I am back!!! Oh and how it feels so good!! Not only am I back in blogland...I am back as ME!! For a few months I was out in the world of... yuckyville... and it was winter. Now it's spring and I'm in Refreshingburg!!

**breathe in****
**breathe out** oh now don't that feel good??

So let me just get everyone up to speed. And who everyone that is I do not know but anyways. OK so...I think I left off that my husband got a new job. That was a tough emotional transition for me and things are getting better there. He likes his new job and we like being back in our town.

So then we had to find a place fast because now my parents are headed to Califonia in our stead and will be using our trailer. So all month we looked and we just found a place (to rent) yesterday. It's a cute townhouse in a good neighborhood.

Spiritually God has lifted the fog and I'm am doing so so much better. Yes, a time of refreshing has begun and I'm so glad to be in this place. When it a spiritual fog one wonders if the day will ever come that it is over...we can't imagine it being so given how we feel...and then one day ... blue sky and we experience a fresh start... newly humbled, ever more grateful for His grace, His love, His goodness. Thank you Lord!!!!

So. That is it all in a nutshell. So up to the minute. Well right now my nephew is on the couch and he's spending the week with us. Tomorrow by kids hit the VBS circuit and I'm doing the babysitting thing for my sis-in-law. I'll have 5 kids (if you include my 13 year old nephew) all week long under my care from about 8-5 (give or take)... and all the while I will getting ready to move (7th time in a year and half --that's counting moving in and out of places).. getting ready to move during the evenings. I'll have a walk through on Friday and then we're outta here!!!!
Ok so we've been here since April 1...So what is that 3 months and 2 weeks. Wow that is not too bad.

So it really has not been that bad if you think about what you might think it would be like living in a 5th wheel with 2 kids and dog. The one thing I have to show for it though is rust colored hair!! I will be taking that with me for sure.

ok well i must go to be now it is getting late and i have a big day ahead of me tomorrow and hav eto get up early.

nighty night

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is ...My So Called Life...

I said that to myself tonight as I looked for my keys for the upmteenth time in my entire life. I was really annoyed. I was seriously annoyed with myself. How dumb can you be?? When are you ever going to get a clue and learn to put your keys in the same spot everytime.

But then I thought...where did I see my keys last??? husband!! That's it. He needed them last night to get some stuff out of the car. So he says he put them on the counter. But I went and checked the pants he wore yesterday...Jackpot.

Glad I didn't need them today while he was at work.

So I haven't been here in awhile. Blogland that is. Well it's mostly due to my connection. It's slow and annoying.

So lately we've been house hunting ...and finding zip. It is just so expensive. So we're at a stand still. We'll probably rent. But we're actually having a hard time finding a place to rent. So who knows. I am getting really sick of it all.

Hubby's job is going well. A bit slower paced then his last job but interesting with a lot to learn. Also my husband might start training for a fight soon (ultimate fighting style). He is having trouble deciding for sure due to the time conflice but I think he should. I will keep you posted.

I know he wants to. It's his dream and I think he would do well as long as he works on his boxing skills.

So I decided to not homeschool. Sending my kids to school. My son Kindergarten again probably and my daughter PreK 3 days a week.

well friends i'm hoping to get in the blog mood again soon but right now I'm not. Tired.

later over and out roger dodger

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Truth

Jesus said that He is the truth.

I had to remind myself of that tonight. As one roams around the internet one's mind can become overloaded with too much information. All too often information is conflicting and each side is right and has all the facts to prove it. Something one thought was true can be shattered in a moment.

It's taught me to 1) Know why I believe what I believe about anything and 2) know it for myself not be spoon fed my beliefs. It's also shown me how easy I believe something just because someone said it. How naive I've been not to question anything.

So in my quest to read about different sides I find myself confused. Who's right? Who's wrong? And if the side that the majority thinks is wrong is actually we're really in for it...we've been duped...there's more to than this world than meets the eye.

I'm not neccissarily talking spiritual beliefs here but more so just world affairs. For example, are the pharmaceutical companies really corrupt, are vaccines really causing harm to our children, was there something fishy going on behind the death of Nick Berg, is there one big huge conspiracy theory going on, population control, rockefeller monopoly... etc etc...

Seems sort of out there to even type that but you just never know what the truth is....

But I do. It's simply Jesus. Oh yah. I nearly got caught in the "web" of information lying wait for me in cyber space.

Of course there are those who don't believe that and can give you one million reasons why ... even calling Christianity the biggest conspiracy that ever was/is.

Oh well I fell for Jesus what can I say?

Monday, June 05, 2006

Like Sands Through The Hour Glass...

(all together now) are the days of our lives.

Think about life. Millions of people have lived and are dead and gone. Millions of people are living right now. What does life matter? Think about it. Our life is but a vapor. Four or five generations ago people existed that I don't know but without their life I wouldn't be here. I don't even know their names. So. Why are we here?

I find it mind boggling to think about. All the people that have existed on this earth, their lifetimes to them seeming to last a long time yet now they've been dead longer than they were ever alive. They had a spot in this world, a circle of influence, a purpose. It almost seems as if our life is meaningless, igsignificant in the whole scheme of things.

Sometimes when I get weighed down with lifes burdens, or find myself off track in my line of thinking...I remind myself. Why am I here. Our life is so short time should not be wasted. I remind myself that God has a purpose and a plan for me and I have but a short time to carry that out. I don't know completely what it is except that which is immediate. I have to kids to invest in and one husband to build up and encourage and to love. If that is all that I'm here for than that is enough but I don't think that it is.

I do think life has meaning and that our short stay here has significance. I exist for God and his purposes. I don't have to know what it is in every circumstance because I know that what I do now will impact generations--things which I'll never see this side of Heaven. But I know that as long as I'm living to glorify God than I'm sure I'll do fine and won't miss all that He has for me.

Yet there are time (too many to count) that I don't bring Him glory. I mess up. And that too can impact generations negatively. But I just have to pick up, face it, and ask Him for forgiveness and cleansing and keep on going. He knows how imperfect I am yet He includes me anyways. Because of His great love and grace I can participate with Him where He's working.

Anyways I'm just rambling.

I was thinking about that because life has been so clustered lately. Nothing black and white nothing sure (although it is getting there) yet I have to remind myself regularly to remember what matters.

Sometimes I feel if as I'm making progress in this life. Like I'm making progress spiritually, relationally, emotionally...etc...and then there are days when I think, "will I ever get it??" So far 2006 has been a "will I ever get it?" year. I screw up daily in my thoughts and my actions. The devil jumps on it with the lie, "you can't be saved if you do that or think that." And I have this inner tumoil just bubbling up inside me. Intellectually I know I'm saved but really I wonder sometimes, "wow where was the love of God in that thought??" Or "where was the power of God when you made that dumb choice again??" Where is this power of God I hear about others having?? Why do I feel like I'm striving in my own strength every day yet when I pray for His strength or His power I still fail.

Somethings that God has taught me this year about this is having pure faith and fighting against the enemy and resisting temptation to the point it hurts. So I guess those are positive. (I do tend to focus in on the negative.) He's also taught me about humility. My pride still likes to rear it's ugly head all the time but I'm more aware of myself and my limits, my humaness, my sinful nature then I was in my past. That is for sure.

Also sometimes when I start to get foggy in my belief about how God sees me or His love for me I remember how I feel about my own children and when they mess up...but also how I feel about their disobedience and such. I realize that God tends to show me mercy a bit more than I do my own kids. But remember the relationship between me and my Father in Heaven helps me to see things clearly once again.

..still rambling..

One thing God is teaching me as well is about His love through me for others. I have been painfully made aware of, since I became a Christian 10 years ago, how selfish I was before Christ, how selfish I was after Christ, and how selfish I am still 10 years later after thinking I've made progress. I have a lot to learn in this area. I'm naturally not a servant. Unlike my husband who's gift is servanthood. God has used him to teach me what serving others looks like. My husband will do anything for his family. I've also noticed with those who have the gift of service they see other's needs before they arise. I on the other hand can have a hint right in front of my face and not recognize it...except I must say that is becoming less and less true as God is teaching me. Because there was a time that I didn't even realize I wasn't recognizing it. I just thougtht I was so sweet and so nice and was the best friend anyone could ever have. Now I'm just trying to learn to act on the needs I see...I tend to hesititate due to fear...fear of uncharted territory, fear of rejection, fear of attention, as well honestly sometimes selfishness or laziness. Baby steps I suppose.

(in case you are still reading I'm still rambling) I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks these things??

Ok well I am actually done with rambling. Prayer requests...pray we find the place to live that God wants us too. We want to be out of here by July 1st!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

What a Good Weekend!!

My husband and I spent the weekend celebrating our 9 year anniversary at this place, . It was a relaxing, fun, peaceful weekend. We have not done anything like this since we've been married. After our honeymoon we have spent one night at the coast and 2 nights at home alone (since kids). So this was over due and such a good refreshing weekend.

Cricketwood is wonderful. Very, very reasonably priced. In addition to a huge, gorgeous, romantic room you get a huge breakfast (lots of choices from big menu), a bevarage of choice delivered to your door whatever time you want in the morning, evening homemade cookies and bevarage delivered to your room, downstairs is a fridge packed with drinks (pop, water, beer, wine) as well as a freezer with ice cream--help yourself as much as you want all included--as well as snacks like popcorn and powerbars. They also have an extensive movie closet you can pick what you like and take to your room and watch. Every room has satellite TV. Also in our room we had a gigantic jet tub and large shower, a super comfy King size bed and full size couch with double recliners.

It's located just 5 minutes outside Bend. Out in the secluded countryside. It was really a great time and we will definately choose to go back there in the future. They also had a video in the room about their personal story of how the cricketwood B&B came to be. That was encouraging to me and my husband in ways that I won't go into right now. We felt that it just might not have been a coincidence that we choose this B&B to stay at. I would highly recommend this place to go for a romantic weekend getaway or even a girls weekend out.

We got there Friday and then stayed in that night since we didn't get there til right before 9pm. We were welcomed by our PB and Choc. Chip cookies and milk and hot cocoa. Then Saturday we were welcomed by our coffee at 9 and then our yummy breakfast of Baked Pancakes and Creme Brulee French Toast and fresh fruit at 10. We took a 2 mile walk around the high desert country. Then we decided to go see a movie since that is something never really get to do. We saw The Break Up. It was good yet the ending frustrated the both of us :) We then went to the Deschutes Brewery for dinner. We came back and I took my second super hot bath with jets and bubbles (i really miss my bath tub since living in this 5th wheel). We then dined on our evening cookies and watched Walk The Line (the Johnny Cash movie) which we both thought was very good.

The next morning we ate and then checked out. It was nice nice nice!! Thank you to Uncle J and Aunt B for taking care of our babies and my mom and dad and Aunt T for dogsitting Blackjack!! And Cousin Jen for offering to be our backup dogsitter. What wonderful family we have.

I missed my kids the moment I left them. The quiet and the peace and time alone with my husband is sooo nice but knowing I won't see them for 2 days and nights made me a little sad. I could tell when I left them that they looked at me with just a hint that they realized something was different, but at the same time they knew they were spending the night with their cousin which they could not wait for, they were very excited. So anyways I was missing them a little bit but reassured myself and told myself everything would be fine. So then Friday night I wake up in the middle of the night from a bad dream about my kids...that's all I needed. But I prayed and went back to sleep. After a nice quiet weekend with my husband I was very happy to see them. It's funny how being a mom can be so exhausting and the thought of some "me" time seems so nice but then the moment you leave them it's just start missing them. Or something like that it's hard to express what I'm trying to say.

--Note to self (the fire and the canyon)--

Ignore that little sentence...just something to remind myself of later.

In other son graduates from Kindergarten this week. Super cute. Can't wait to be done with driving to school everyday. That'll save us a few hundred dollars.

Next on our list is to be out of this 5th Wheel by July 1st!! Also my husband starts his new job on the 12th. This is his last week of work for my dad. :( Bittersweet.

Have a good week,

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Happy Anniversary To Me...9 Years...

so like today i have been married nine wopping years. Nine stinking wopping years. Is that how you spell wop? or is it whop?

so i called my husband like 3 times today and said happy anniversary and i love you...the last time I said bring home flowers and champagne... and he did... hee hee. Roses... you know I haven't even counted them... but it's a few. What a man. Me luv him.

So this weekend we are going to a B&B that I emailed and they said it was my lucky day that they had a room open. I'm SOOOOOO excited. Praise my Lord. I checked my email first thing this morning to see if they had a room and they did. And guess what. This B&B we are staying at was voted "BEST PLACES TO KISS IN THE NORTHWEST"... .right on...

and so anyways. Ok so my doggy is sittin next to me snoring. He did have his head on my lap but then I was messing with his wrinkles and he moved. Big Brat.

ok bye all i have got lots to do...
luv ya

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


ha ha...anyways well I'm a little excited because my sister in law offered to watch the kids all weekend so we can do something for our NINE year anniversary. OH so I thought that was way coo but finding last minute reservations is hard. I looked at a McMenamins in Bend but it was out and now i've emailed a B&B in Bend as well. I really doubt it'll be available but oh how I wish it were. sooo we'll probably end up at a Super 8 but at least we get some ALONE time... cha cha cha.

Sooo... anywho where was I ... oh yes. Ok so that is good news I tell ya, good news.

Ok so I'll fill in gaps of yesterdays post to my throng of readers...

I'm going to keep it short and sweet because it is actually a long story and I could go into details about it but I am not in the mood...

My husband got a new job and won't be working for my dad anymore and so that means we won't be moving to California. My last post described that maybe I was having some emotional issues this weekend and I was. Leaving my dad will be a million times harder than I expected. As I was grieving over it I think it must go deeper than I even know but I'm still processing it all. Just for the record my husband wasn't fired or anything like that nor did he get mad and quit. It was just an opportunity that plopped in his lap and after much prayer and no closed doors it's now my husbands new job.

So as I was saying I was sad about this and so are others. And I'm praying as time goes on it'll get better. It's hard to be super excited about it because although I accept it, how can I rejoice? I'm not sure I'm at that point yet.

It was really weird because it all didn't hit me until this weekend. I think before it was official it wasn't reality. I was a little bit excited but it wasn't in my was something to that had high probability of not happening. And then when it did happen, it hit me.

Some of you may wonder what the big deal is...well it is the emotinal ties. It is largely a family business in many ways although in ways it's not, but even the non family employees we feel close to in weird ways. There are just a few that have been there quite some time, and if some leave they seem to always return. My husband being a soninlaw (my dad has all daughters) it may have been unspoken that he might take it over some day. As well this was very unexpected by all of us. It was shocking to some. Plus it was a point of connection that is now severed. It is sort of like something is dying. Weird but true. For me anyways that's how I felt. Something is being severed and it hurts. Plus my daddy was hurt and that hurt me the most.

I know I whined a bit about life being hard last night. And this bump in the road was nothing compared to the real true trials and sufferings people everywhere are going through. So I didn't mean it as a pity party or a why me or boo hoo life is so hard. I was just lamenting about hard choices and why does it have to be that way. Why does a little thing like a job transition have to be a tuff thing? But that is just life. That is just life.

So now we have to find a house to live in. And move yet again.

Monday, May 29, 2006

What a weekend...

Although we did nothing really this weekend it was quite the weekend. On Friday I posted a post about some recent things that have been going on in our life. So maybe you were one of the lucky ones and read it before I took it off on Saturday evening. Saturday turned out to be quite an emotional day for me and after the events that took place I decided it would be best to take off Friday's post. I might repost it in the future. We'll see.

I can't really divulge any details right now. Let's just say this. This past year has taught some key lessons. Never will I assume I know God's path for me. It seems right when I think I know it my course changes completely. We plan our course but His will be done. That the best way although not the easiest.

This weekend my last 2 months of pent up emotions came overflowing out of me. In one way it felt good to get it out but mostly it was painful. Sorrow can really be physically painful. It's weird. I knew it was going to happen soon...I could fill it welling up inside me. So yes Saturday was the day that the dam well as other things related to that (the gaps to this story will be filled in later if you didn't happen to catch Friday evening's post)

Saturday evening also brought my son getting really sick...that led into Sunday morning. Then Sunday my husband came down with it...and today my daughter is getting it. Stay back you cursed sickness!!! Stay back!

So then let's see...oh yes and then today we went to my parents to bbq. my husband was still pretty sick and my son is still sick but was feeling a little bit better so we thought we go anways. We had planned to take them out to dinner on sunday but my dad wanted to bbq and sunday didn't work out...blah blah blah so here we are.

another realization i came to this weekend is that life is hard. ok so i've known that but this weekend showed me i suppose that why did i ever think that i should have it easy??? Do i deserve it? is it my right?? nope life i would have to say is mostly hard ... what would an easy life look like? Is it money and fame that bring it...i wouldn't think so considering the headlines you read of famous rich ppl (divorce, paparazzi, no privacy, etc...) they don't seem to have it made. ... so what else... i guess that an easy life isn't something to be coveted... i think a hard life is the better path in the end if you handle it in a good way. a hard life lived by trusting God, staying honest, holding to your integrity, working hard, enduring, pressing on, overcoming, appreciating the blessings and small things in life, and loving your family and friends in the midst of it all... keeping focused on what is truly important --your relationship with God and your relationships with your loved ones, serving and giving -- then life can be as hard as it wants but i'm sure you'll still have a sense of peace and joy, knowing that your life is resting in the hand of God.

This past year has been filled with choices. 3 or 4 times this year (or maybe more) i've had to just pray and pray and make the choice that seemed right according to His will...but that was very hard because both ways were good, both ways were ok, both ways were ways i loved.... what is weird now that I think about it last year i had 3 dreams about choices and in each dream i had a hard time...just now put 2 and 2 together i'll have to think about that. but anyways each choice was hard and each choice i had to let soemthing go i loved but each choice turned out to be His will.

we just faced a choice (the hardest yet) this past month or so... we made it and it was hard, it was heartbreaking, it was made with much prayer, it was not easy and we had to let go of things...and unintentionally hurt ppl in the process... we believe it was the right choice and I pray that God will confirm it in the hearts of our loved ones more and more as time goes by. I'm also facing a choice (not so dramatic) that i'll need to make withing the next couple of months or so...but i'm hoping God will put the answer in my lap or give me the courage to do the one I think i sort of want to.

i've also learned that not everything i do will make everyone happy...that is hard because i have always been one that wants to be liked...(i could do a whole blog about that) but anyways with each choice ppl have been way or the other. that's one reason i was saying life is hard...

so you sailed away into a gray sky i'm here to stay love can be so boring
it's not so bad your only the best i ever had
don't want me're only the best i ever had

i like that song..((gary allan)) it ran through my mind saturday and doesn't have much to do with things of this weekend but i still sang it. ha ha
love to all and all to love

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My precious sourmug...

Oh how I wish I could post some pics right now of him (mental note:get camera fixed ASAP) right now he's sniffin all over the place looking for his pig ear that I took from him. I let him chew on them until they get to a certain size because he'll try and swallow them whole. He finally just laid down to drift off to dreamland.

So I'm watching the ACM awards. Just tuned in a bit ago but in time to see Carrie Underwood win Best New Artist. Go Carrie I really like her. She'll be in Oregon at the Oregon Jamboree this August or September I think. I've went to that once when it was smaller and Winona Judd was there. It was fun. Might have to try and go this year. We'll see. Well that might be hard if I don't live in the state anymore. Rascall Flatts is performing on the show irght now. I really like them too. BTW they just won an award and thanked "their Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ" cool guys!!

My dog is back up sniffin again. It is way past his bedtime...poor thing. OH which reminds me our newest neighbors have 2 cool. I went and said hi and they saw little Blackjack. And they show too. I guess their boy is a champion. I was on my way out so I'm hoping to chat more with them soon and pet their doggies again.

So also I celebrate 2 birthdays this week... My daddy who is 59 now. And my little niece who is 8. Fun stuff. Next will be my mommy and daddy's 42nd anniversary on the 27th and then my wedding anniversary ... celebrating 9 years on the 31st... love you hun!!

This weekend is our annual Memorial Day weekend camping trip but I don't think that I'll be attending this year. My husband and son are but I don't know how into it I am this year. Call me anti social but really I do have reasons but they are just private. Probably stupid but that is just me sometimes.

Adios ppl.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

With No Greens!!

So this morning I told my kids they could have a piece of "candy" (it's a good for you candy but don't tell them that) if they drink some juice with greens powder in it. My son is ok with it but my daughter doesn't like it. Mostly it's just the weedy smell.. it tastes fine in juice. But it's hard for her to get past the smell to take a drink. But she did it. There was just a bit left.

So fast forward to this evening. My daughter is yelling "I want juice, I want juice, I want juice, I want a sippy cup" There was then a pause...and then she clarify's it with ....

"With NO greens!!"

I just thought it was so funny and cute. (of course I'm her mom and would think that) but it really was. It was very out of the blue and very funny.

Little does she know-more greens in the morning.... ha ha ha!!!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

give me one moment in time...

...the song that is in my head at this moment. I always have songs running through my head. At I belt them out here and there throughout the day.

I don't know how I got that song in my head today...

i think i'm going to quit blogging for awhile... I just can't do it anymore...lately getting on this thing is painful...

a Gary Allen song is in my head too.... i love his voice...

ok bye

Friday, May 12, 2006

stay with me...

la la la la ... a country song that is in my head

So i'm sitting here just chillin out on a typical Friday night. What goes on in the Whisfam household on a typical Friday night.... Nothing...except ...

well my husband is going to a store to get the black tank treatment stuff.. so that is kind of exciting.

my son is watching a brand new episode of spongebob squarepants... my kids' fave (i'm partial to it myself)

ya my husband and kids went swimming in the pool this evening as well...

tomorrow is girls day out and we're heading to portland for dinner...
my in-laws are moving this weekend as well out of their big ole house and GUESS WHAT... they are moving into a.... 5TH WHEEL... must be a new fad that's catchin on...

Oh yes and mother's day is this weekend....a day where us mothers are spoiled for being mom's...and if we're not you better get some sheets and make your bed on the couch!! Or better yet...the DOG HOUSE!!!!!!
I'm totally kidding. I'm more into my mom on mother's day than myself.

So tonight we're just hanging out at home. This place is happenin on the weekends...every spot is filled and i tell you what there are some high rollers on the weekend with these plush motor homes towing hummers and spit shined vehicles. we have a cute little trailer next to's small but very cute. looks newer and it's being towed by a very nice cadalac (not into spelling tonight)oh what are those cadillac's that are like suburbans? well anyways it has super shiny wills (as I was spell checking I found that I actually spelled wheels w-i-l-l-s and didn't even catch now I know I'm losing it) and looks very waxed... whatever

so ppl no word on when we are moving. one thing i know is that I have tood tonight and I have to keep deleting stuff because i'm get bratty and then think twice about it...

speaking of tood... **big deleted section**

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

And so it goes...

Life, that is.

Since I have nothing to blog I want to direct you all to another blog that puts life into perspective. It's on my links but I'll link it here...


Read Kennedy's mom's latest post. After doing so never forget that God has a plan for us all and it's so much bigger than much bigger than we can wrap our minds around. That is why we can not lean on our own understanding, we just can't. All we have left is to trust Him. Kennedy's mom hits it right on.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

Dang it.

Well last night I wrote a really cool post and then my laptop completely freaked out. I had to take the battery out to even shut it off. It was really annoying. Soo I can't reproduce it. It wouldn't be the same. It was just about the valley I have been in and what God is teaching me through it. Even though I didn't get to post it I learned from something from it. It was like it was all coming to me as I wrote it.

So in other news. Today was another beautiful day. Soo good. We drove all over the place like usual. Dropped off my son at school and went to my SIL's house. The girls played and we chatted. One of her little doggies is so pregnant and it was really cute to see. She should be delivering any day now.

Since we've been "camping" my kids always want to have fires...soo since daddy is busy tomorrow night I thought that we'd have a bonfire but not here. Over at grandpa's house. After school tomorrow we're going to go over there and build a fire pit. We're going to cook some dogs and have smores. I think it'll be quite fun.

**side note** just saw moolatte commercial ( i think that's what they're called ) for Dairy Queen...oh it looked so good...

So my husband is going to a fight tomorrow night. Not boxing but that Ultimate fighting type stuff. It's small scale but one of his buddies is fighting in it. Go Cory!

Can anyone say boring? I'm talking about my blog lately...geez louise... I thought living in a 5th Wheel with 2 kids and a bulldog would lead to some entertaining blogs but so far NADA...Life is normal as usual. I have enjoyed it quite a bit actually. I was thinking last night how nice it was not thinking about "oh what color will I paint this room?" and "how will I decorate this room?" and all that kind of stuff. There is no decorating going on in this place. It's been nice not having a lawn to mow, weeds to pull, or all the things owning a house bring. I'd rather have my own home if I had to choose but it's a nice break.

well i'm done torturing everyone with a *yawn* boring blog. Maybe in the coming days I'll get really contemplative, introspective, spiritual and spurt out some interesting reads.

stay tuned