Thursday, September 23, 2010


*after Cain’s offering was rejected by God, Geneses 4: 5-7**
5)So Cain became very angry and his countenance fell.
6)Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen?”
***and the next part is loaded with wisdom…if only Cain would’ve taken heed***
7)”If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”
Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!   That verse rocked my world this morning in a really good, encouraging way.  Cain did not heed God’s word.  The next thing He did was kill his brother.  I picture Cain knowing God was right but left in his anger, full of pride, mad at God for not accepting his offering.  And that attitude quickly overtook his thoughts and God’s voice was drowned out.  
I picture this in my own life.  There are times when I’ve done wrong, been selfish, whiny, or upset at God for not working things out like I had planned.  God talks to me and I know He’s right.  Sometimes it’s through advice of a loved one.  Sometimes it’s through His word, like today.  Sometimes it’s alone in prayer, through a blog, or learning from someone else’s mistake. 
Instead of God catering to Cain’s whining He gave him a tool to get through the rest of life with.  Life won’t always be fair.  Probably not what Cain wanted to hear.   You know what?  We’re not told either why God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s.  But I’m willing to bet Cain knew why.  
These verses spoke to me because no matter what–whether God rejects my offering or whether my plans aren’t turning out as I thought,
1) I must continue to do well.  If I don’t sin is crouching at my door.
2) God will give me the wisdom and correction (later in Ch. 4) I need, NOT what I want to hear.
3) If perhaps I should not do well **gasp** sin is crouching but I must master it and not let it trip me up.  If I heed not God’s warning who knows the sin that will ensue. 
4) This just came to me.  If my countenance has fallen could I ask myself this question–What am I blaming God for?  Or, Am I blaming God for something?
What do you think?

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