Sunday, September 19, 2010

July 30th 2008 again

uly 30, 2008
Some of you may think I’m wacko for what I’m about to write but I’ll write it anyway. Do you think God speaks to us in different kinds of ways? Like through a license plate? Well I’m inclined to think He does after this weekend.
I went to a birthday party this weekend. I was wearing a shirt that I like but it’s not my normal T-shirt or tank top that I usually wear. It was pretty and girly and I liked it but was a little self conscious in it. I was also a little apprehensive of how others would perceive me. Besides the shirt there were a few other things I was feeling a little nervous about.
On our way there we stopped at a store. As we were walking in the parking lot I glanced over at a car and the license plate read, “Be Secure”.  It struck a chord with me.  ”You talkin’ to me??”  I thought, yah I think He is talking to me.  Sounds funny, and normally I doubt it myself, but in this case I was instantly comforted. So I went with it.  I conjured up some confidence and kept walking.
But later as my confidence waned I prayed for clarification on this “Be Secure” message. What’s it mean God? His answer to my heart was for me to be secure in His love for me. It’s enough. Carry that security though the night. No matter what anyone says or does or how I feel His love is enough. So throughout the night I carried that with me. And it helped.
So later after the festivities Jake and I get to our campground and I was nervous about cougars and rattlesnakes. I’m a bit of a scaredy cat so the signs posted about rattlesnakes and cougars just intensified my fears. And then “Be Secure” popped into my head again.  The 2 words that encouraged me earlier were encouraging me again but with a slight different meaning. Be secure, things will be fine. Just enjoy the night. OK and I went with it.  I relaxed and let peace be with me.  
But there was more.  I strongly felt it was as if this was God’s bigger meaning for the message because here we were enjoying this unexpected date night.  We had been thanking and praising God for it because we realized what a complete gift of God it was.  He wanted me to enjoy it to the full and His gift to me (us, really.)   And I did.
So like I said some may think I’m weird that I think God used a liscense plate to comfort me but that’s ok.  Every good and perfect gift is from above.

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