Thursday, September 16, 2010

april 15th, 2008

Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in [me] will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6


I described one flower bed yesterday but in reality 3 flower beds were weeded on Saturday, each one to completion. In the same way our life is more than just one flower bed. Yesterday, I described the flower bed of my past. For 19 years I was not a believer in Christ. During that time much corruption took place in my soul. Bad habits were formed, destructive thought processes ruled. As pain was inflicted upon me by others I had no truth to help me understand it. I was a blind person walking around in a dark room. Much damage was done.

It took 12 years for God to weed this garden. He’s brought truth into my life. He’s healed me of hurts. He’s brought understanding to why I did the bad that I did. He’s given me insight and clarity, victory and freedom. This bed in clean.

But there are other flower beds. And so goes the process—the life long process of transformation and healing. But once the bed is clean it’s clean. If a weed grows back I don’t have anyone to blame but myself.

To be continued…


Note—Although I truly believe in my heart that this work of healing and restoration of my past is complete God never ceases to surprise me. In my humaness I can only see in part, like looking through a straw. So it may very well be that God has more healing to do in me with regards to my past. And I welcome it. Nonetheless, I see this area of my life victorious. I confidently feel, that in Christ I can start to bloom and grow because so much of the garbage is gone. And for that I praise God!

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