Friday, September 17, 2010

May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008
Am I aiming at anything? I asked myself this question on Tuesday. From the Bible, we’re reading the book of Romans in our women’s study and as Cindy read verse 20 she asked us that question. What are we aiming at? The verse says, “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation”

Paul’s aim was to “preach the gospel”. Other versions of the Bible say phrases like, “my one ambition is…” or “I aspired to…” and ”my goal was to…” or ”so I have strived”. I was challenged on Tuesday and reminded about what my aim should be as a follower of Christ. Like Paul my aim should be to “preach the gosple.”

But what’s that look like for me? Will I hitchhike all over Europe and visit different churches and encourage the gentiles like Paul? Probably not. But even so — even if I have kids and a husband and I’m kind of tied down to one place right now I can preach the gospel right where I’m at. The opportunities are all around me.

Anyways, I was glad got my focus back in the right spot.

Romans 15:20 was one of my little nuggets (and kick in the pants) for this week.

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