Sunday, September 19, 2010

June 29, 2008

t’s Saturday night and I’m thinking, “My peeps need an update…”  Ha ha.  Just kidding.  I’m home alone right now as Jake and the kids went on a bike ride.  Me’s no have a bike so I’m at home.  Which honestly is OK with me right now.  Soon I’ll get a bike but I’m OK without one right now.
So today Jake emptied out a yard debris container that was full of grass shavings…and maybe more I don’t know…but it hasn’t been emptied for many moons.  Jake said it plopped out like one big blob of sludge…and it STUNK really bad.  It stunk so bad that my son, who was in the back yard, (Jake was on the other side of the house, yelled, “What’s that smell???”) 
{Whoa just had a flash back of last week and the pool stinkage incident.  Which is better now by the way}…
Ok so Jake saw a family of four walking down the road nearing our pile of what was once grass shavings but is now compost and he high tailed it in the garage and hid.  Now the pile is drying out in the back yard (and stinking it up) so that he won’t be so embarrassed when he takes it to the dump.
But that’s not all folks!  Later on in the day our dog must’ve thought he died and gone to heaven because apparently he like the taste of compost.  If our dog dies soon you all know why.  We stopped him of course but who knows how much he ate.  He got into it once more and got a whippin! 
What’s with our back yard, stinkage, and rotten grass?

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