Sunday, September 19, 2010

July 2, 2008 again

***warning:  not for those easily grossed out or currently eating or feeling sick to their stomach***
So since it’s ten till one a.m. I have 10 minutes till bedtime so I thought, “why not blog?”
So our dog who ate the rotten, composted grass…
well this morning I let him out to potty but I couldn’t keep an eye on him but I thought…oh I’ll check on him it a bit…you know because I didn’t want him eating from the pile of compost formally known as grass shavings…
oops I forgot about him during my hustle bustle of a morning….
So about 15-20 minutes I look outside.  He’s not by the pile, rather he’s over to the side of the yard with his nose in the grass…he’s licking it I think…
well then next to where he’s licking is this ginormous pile of black mystery stuff…which I conclude is either digested, puked up or pooped up, compost-formally-known-as-grass-shavings-rotten stuff…
So then I’m thinking what is he licking???
I dont’ EVEN want to know…I yell at him to get his butt over here and get in the house you sick nasty disgusting dog you…uh…and then he comes in and i put him in his crate because I don’t want his tongue or any part of his stubby little big body coming near me…
So later I go check out the piles.  The ginormous one, well I still can’t figure out if it was pooped out or puked out, but it’s very similiar in texture and color and substance to the compost pile… the second pile was…oh what a sweet dog I have… a smaller version of the first pile.  So he was basically re-eating whatever just came out of him that was originally– pre-digestion –already rotten, decaying, nastified grass (this pile of old grass shavings is black by the way…no green grass color in sight…
That’s my boy!

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