Sunday, September 19, 2010

June 5th, 2008

Yes we are back to beautiful, green, fresh water Oregon.  We had FUN!!  Obviously I didn’t post any pics.  Here’s why.  The second night I sat down and thought I’d be clever and post some videos on youtube and pics on Flickr.  After an hour of downloading, uploading and accidental deletions my anger level elevated to a place that is not allowed on a vacation of any kind…so I said, “No more computer for this trip!!” and so I stuck to it!
So my goal is to get a few pics up on this blog as the week goes on.  They’re on Jake’s computer right now so it’ll have to wait.  But I’ll just say a few words about it.  It was, I’ll say it again, FUN!  We found out that our kids like roller coasters but Kenna really does not scary stuff (like Pirates of the Carribean or the Haunted Mansion).  They both loved Star Tours and Space Mountain.  My seven year old went on the huge upside down roller coaster in Californiatwice.  My 5 year-old would yell “Again! Again!” after all the roller coasters she went on.   The roller coasters were FUN!
They loved the live show of Playhouse Disney.  We all loved “Soarin’ over California” which really makes you feel like you’re flying.  We loved Goofy’s Kitchen and Ariel’s Grotto.  There was also a Jedi training thing where they picked kids out of the audience to learn to fight like Jedi’s.  Caed didn’t get picked BUT we got to watch up close all the little kids fight Darth Vader and Darth Maul (sp??) and refuse to switch to the dark side.  That was FUN!
We had fun eating dinner at Ariel’s Grotto, Goofy’s Kitchen and Rainforest Cafe.  The weather was perfect in the upper seventies the whole time.  We only got mildly burned, except my scalp got a good baking–but I got a Mickey Mouse hat out of it.  :)  
We saw all the parades and the fireworks.  We met Ariel, Snow White, Princess Jasmine, Belle, Sleeping Beauty, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, Alice, The Mad Hatter (we have a hilarious video of that meeting), Buzz Lightyear, Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore, and many others.  Meeting and getting pics with the characters was FUN!
It was so fun to get away, our little family of four, and experience this time together.  We had FUN!!!
Did I mention we had FUN!

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