Thursday, September 23, 2010

August 20th, 2008

ugust 20, 2008
So I’m at such a weird place in my Christian life.  Sometimes I feel so far out in left field that I’m just too far gone.  I must not be really saved is the lie that will creep in.  Why bother even trying…and so the ugly story goes.
Then I read this verse out of Jeremiah 18:
“Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I am fashioning calamity against you and devising a plan against you.  Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds.”  But they will say, “It’s hopeless!  For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will act according to the stubbornness of his own evil heart.
So I read that and it struck me.  If God’s warning them, in the midst of their sin and sorrow, then it’s not too late.  Had they repented they’d been okay.  But they thought they were hopeless, too far gone.
It hit me that I get caught up in that, or actually I am caught up in that.  I used to be much better at confessing sin to God and accepting and believing God’s forgivness.  But somewhere along the way I let a lie creep in, and began to believe it, or entertain it at least.  I started thinking, why bother repenting, I’ll just do it again.  Why even try?
That’s a dangerous road to find yourself on.  But this verse simply said to my heart, It’s not too late.  I’m always here calling you to repentence.  It’s NOT hopeless.  If it were you couldn’t hear my voice.  My mercy is waiting, my grace is ready to be lavished upon you.  Turn from the destructive path that hurts you and walk with me.
Through whatever sin I was dealing with or walking in I was still hearing God but not realizing how HUGE that was.  Instead I was saying something so similar to the Jews, It’s hopeless, I’m just going to follow my own plans and act according to my own stubborn heart.
With tears I thank Him.   Oh how lost I’d be without him.  Like Matt Redman sings, “Oh no You (God) never let go…”  He never lets go of me even as I stray He’s the

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